Monday, July 27, 2009

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...

I have an aunt who has a brain tumor.  I have a friend that is partially paralyzed.  I have friends that don't have jobs.  I've got a sister who has lost most of her hearing.  Decisions I've made have hurt those closest to me.  Sometimes it is tough to wake up in the morning with a smile and sing Mr. Rodger's song, "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..." 
But you know, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. If for no other reason then, Jesus rose again and died for my sins that I might have life abundant here on earth and life eternal in heaven.  WOW!
I was blessed to see my friend in a wheelchair at church, yesterday.  Yes.  It is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. 
Thanks for visiting with Archie and all his friends.

For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!

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