Sunday, July 19, 2009

In some things I only want to be a BIT more Christlike.

Earlier I chatted about being lost on pier at an earlier age.
Ichabod's comment was worthy of a Christ follower, although I'm not
sure if He would exactly characterize himself as one.
Personally, I want to more like Christ. But Ichabod's nonjudgemental
attitude toward my father's seemingly apparent neglect got me thinking
about being more Christlike. It seems there are boundaries to
"Exchanging" one's life for the life of Christ. Never thought of this
For example: Taking on the quality of Christ in being peaceful,
loving, kind, etc. is a good thing, but taking on Christ's right to
judge is a bad thing. Or how about it is a good thing to worship
Christ, but a bad thing to have people worship you. aka Michael
I wonder what other characteristics of Christ should not be adopted in
our lives? Think. You can do it. Think... You've got plenty of time
to read Facebook later. Think about the Christlike qualities you have
adopted. Are there any you need to reject?
I need to constantly remind myself to not judge. That doesn't mean to
ignor, just means to not judge. Prayer goes a long way.
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