Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Coons are possessed!

It's 1:18 in the morning and I am convinced racoons are satanically
possessed. They have chewed through the fireplace chimney to get in
the attic to camp out where it is cool. Now that would be bad enough
but do they have to tear up everything in the process. I am really
hacked off.
I can't get on the roof because it's dark and the roof is wet. It's
too slippery to climb. In the mean time, I am becoming sleep deprived
rapidly. Look out at work. Mr. Cranky will be there to discuss an
exorcism. Did I say I am really hacked!
Gonna pump up the pellet gun and see if I can do some damage....
http://www.1stchurch.org. You'll find 37stories there and all my friends.

For more GodSpots - 37stories Enjoy!

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