Friday, March 12, 2010

"One step away from being homeless, you and I"~priest

Met a wonderful man and his dog when my employer sent me to buy mulch.  Marian and Rusty I believe to be their names.  Marian is a veteran.  He came from California with a truck, trailor, wife and dog.  He now has a dog. 
I enjoyed chatting with Marian.  Rusty enjoyed protecting his master.  He was excited to receive a Bible and change for a cup of coffee.  He has plenty of time to read. 
It brings the thought to mind that we each are but one step away from being homeless.  A poorly thought out action here.  A poorly thought out response there.  Consider Job.  Homeless and did neither....
Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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