Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Sometimes, all one has is prayer and faith that God loves."~priest

Facebook friends and family are being stretched thin as they deal with a totally unexpected surgery.  The request for prayer follows. Please keep this family in your prayers and specifically young Andrew.  If God leads you to fast and pray tomorrow, I will be there with you in Spirit.  God bless.  archi

Laura Paniello Johnson Prayer request: my daughter's friend, Andrew Soleyn, who is 12 and in 6th grade, is going into the hospital tomorrow to have a brain tumor removed from behind his eyes. Nobody even knew he was sick until two days ago. He is a bright, funny, happy kid who is well-liked at my daughter's school. Please pray for strengt...h for him and his family, for the surgery to go without any problems, and for a speedy recovery.

My comment:

I am so sorry Andrew, his family and your family are in the midst of a potentially life changing struggle. I will pray and fast tomorrow for God's hand on Andrew. I will make my church aware of the surgery and many will pray. I will post to God Spots as I know my followers of God Spots will want to be a part of his miracle recovery. 

God is alive and well. He likes to demonstrate to the world His presence in a fashion that it is unmistakably God. Peace. God bless and be confident that God loves you. archi

Laura Paniello Johnson Thank you <sigh>.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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