Monday, November 30, 2009

"May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence,"~Andrew Murray

Murray's ministry was in the 1800's.  He wrote hundreds of books and tracts.  He passionately lived a life fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  He desired that all people do the same, but noted obstacles to participating in the life of God.

"Murray wrote to interpret the Scriptures in such a way that Christians were free to believe and experience the grace of God. He believed that God had done everything necessary for people to live rich, productive, meaningful lives that participated in the life of God. The obstacles to such lives included half-hearted surrender to God, a lack of confidence in the anointing of the Spirit, and a deep-rooted skepticism about the power of prayer."

I too, wish to live passionately and participate in the life of God.  This brings me to consider the impact of his noted obstacles on my life.  I must ask myself....
  • Am I fully surrendered? Unlikely
  • Do I lack confidence in the anointing of the Spirit? Probably.
  • Am I a skeptic about the power of prayer? Maybe
This is all a bit frustrating.  I have been a believer for 50 years and can't confidently answer I am fully surrendered, fully confident in the anointing and equally confident in prayer.  What happened?

I find myself crying out, "Father!  What must I do? Help me! Remove any obstacles in my life. Allow me to live a life fully participating in the life of God... "

What obstacles are keeping you from living a life fully devoted to God?

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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