Cora and I went grocery shopping for the holidays and I couldn't pass
up the opportunity to chat with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. They are
homeless. They have a camp up the hill a couple of miles from the
grocery store. Lee was sitting at a bench outside the grocery store
while his wife was shopping at the party store.
stories. Lee found Jesus a couple years, ago. Since that time, he
has totally kicked his drug habits and does not manufacture meth any
more. His wife is also clean, but alcohol is still a part of their
daily existence. Although life had been hard on the two of them, they were incredibly
positive. They were eager for company and offered to take me to their
camp to show me around. I declined but got their phone number in case
I changed my mind. I wish I could remember his wife's name, but sadly
can't. I asked if she had ever seen God do anything for her. She
very excitedly asked me how many times would I like to hear about? She then sang me a pretty song. It was her best "Valley Girl"
rendition of a song she had written about Adam and Eve in the garden.
She had previously sung this song to a prostitute and drug addict
while locked up at the county jail. She saw God in the song and
believed it a strong witness to her friends. It probably was. Lee
loved to hear her sing. You likely will find this statement odd, but I don't know if I have
ever met any couple as excited about God and His place in their life.
They were really pumped and it was hard for me to get away. They just
wanted to keep talking about God in their life as they shared a
bottle. The experience does make me wonder. Why did I expect less out of a
homeless person, then I'd expect in talking to any other stranger.
Why was I surprised they had a relationship with God? No matter how I
slice it, I was blessed in the opportunity to meet the Andersons. HAPPY THANKSGIVING from 37stories! Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...
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