Monday, November 30, 2009

"May not a single moment of my life be spent outside the light, love, and joy of God's presence,"~Andrew Murray

Murray's ministry was in the 1800's.  He wrote hundreds of books and tracts.  He passionately lived a life fully devoted to Jesus Christ.  He desired that all people do the same, but noted obstacles to participating in the life of God.

"Murray wrote to interpret the Scriptures in such a way that Christians were free to believe and experience the grace of God. He believed that God had done everything necessary for people to live rich, productive, meaningful lives that participated in the life of God. The obstacles to such lives included half-hearted surrender to God, a lack of confidence in the anointing of the Spirit, and a deep-rooted skepticism about the power of prayer."

I too, wish to live passionately and participate in the life of God.  This brings me to consider the impact of his noted obstacles on my life.  I must ask myself....
  • Am I fully surrendered? Unlikely
  • Do I lack confidence in the anointing of the Spirit? Probably.
  • Am I a skeptic about the power of prayer? Maybe
This is all a bit frustrating.  I have been a believer for 50 years and can't confidently answer I am fully surrendered, fully confident in the anointing and equally confident in prayer.  What happened?

I find myself crying out, "Father!  What must I do? Help me! Remove any obstacles in my life. Allow me to live a life fully participating in the life of God... "

What obstacles are keeping you from living a life fully devoted to God?

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Identify your mission. Pick your target. Nail the objective.

Peer pressure is a funny thing.  Mostly, it snares those of us who are people pleasers.  We tend to be manipulated into doing things we really don't want to do, just because we don't want to make a scene and want everyone to be happy.  

Jesus encountered peer pressure.  "Everyone is looking for you."  That is a pretty strong statement.  My natural response would be to go back and try to help those looking for me.  Notice what Jesus did?  He kept going the direction He started out and didn't let peer pressure interfere with His objectives.  

This is a good model for us.  Check with Jesus.  Pick your objective.  Don't let others deter you from the task at hand.  Now go walk with Jesus today.  He likes the company.  

"Simon and those who were with him followed after him; 

1:37 and they found him, and told him, “Everyone is looking for you.”  He said to them, “Let’s go elsewhere into the next towns, that I may preach there also, because I came out for this reason.”"~Mark Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tips on keeping fruit fresh...

Working hard for Jesus is not all it is cracked up to be.  Imagine a tree that is meant to bear fruit.  You are the tree.  Now work hard for Jesus and for everything you do, you get a fruit to stick on a branch.  Before long your tree is going to look pretty cool for a short time.  You might have an orange stuck on the end of one branch and lemon stuck on the end of another branch.  Maybe even some pomegranates, figs, grapefruits and who knows what else.  

Pretty cool, right? But you know before long, the fruit begins to rot because just working hard and sticking them on the end of the branch does not provide nourishment.  The fruit all dies pretty quick.  It turns rotten and begins to stink.   There must be a better way. 

Consider an alternative.  Consider the possibility that Jesus resides in you and desires to produce His own fruit through you.  He really doesn't need you to tell Him how to produce fruit.  He is the original fruit orchard creator.

Take a step back.  Refocus.  Keep your eyes on the creator and let Jesus produce His own fruit through you.  The fruit will ripen in its own season and Jesus will keep it fresh and nourished.  Others will want to know what makes your fruit so much better...  

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How many times will you look into the eyes of a people with fear?

So there was this guy Simon who just happened along...  

"As they led him off, they made Simon, a man from Cyrene who happened to be coming in from the countryside, carry the cross behind Jesus."~Luke

I have wondered what was Simon thinking?  He's coming in from the country and finds himself carrying the cross of Jesus.  The Word says, "they made him".  It would be human nature to want to avoid the murderous mob with expectation of not getting involved.  Yet Simon not only fails to avoid the mob, but finds himself in the middle of it.  Simon likely is thinking this is not going to be good.  You have to imagine fear is playing a major part in his mind as he picks up the cross.

As my imaginations consider Simon being forced to pick up the cross, I consider the possibility.  As he kneels down at the feet of Jesus he looks up into the master's eyes and sees a deep loving compassion that few in the world has seen.  His heart melts beneath the cross and shoulders the burden of a Christ he has just met.  As Jesus is further abused on the walk to "The Skull", Simon may have winced in pain with the sound of each lash on Jesus' back.

Somewhere in the walk, Simon likely became a changed man.  How could anyone carry the burden of a cross for Jesus and not be a changed man?  Have you looked into the eyes of Jesus?  Have you picked up His cross.  Has your fear of the crowd become insignificant in comparison to the love of Christ?  

Sadly, you may have picked up the cross of Jesus only to set it down when you looked into the eyes of the crowd.  It's not too late.  Once again, pick up the cross of Jesus and look into His eyes.  The love you find will cover all fears and you will shoulder His cross with honor amidst the pain.

"Beloved, don’t be astonished at the fiery trial which has come upon you, to test you, as though a strange thing happened to you. But because you are partakers of Christ’s sufferings, rejoice; that at the revelation of his glory you also may rejoice with exceeding joy. If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed; because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. On their part he is blasphemed, but on your part he is glorified."~Peter 

I love the thought of kneeling at the cross.  Gazing up into the eyes of Jesus for the first time and seeing incredible love amidst the blood and gore.  Picking up the cross and putting in on my shoulder as I cry out, "I'm not worthy! Father, forgive me.  Holy is thy name!  Sing praises to the King.  Sing Hosanna.  Sing!"

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Dancing with Demons... How 'bout you?

I have a Bible believing friend who recently had major surgery. He ended up in ICU for a few days while he, the doctors and God sorted things out. 

He said during the time he was in ICU, he quit caring whether he lived or died.  It was during this time the dark demons began dancing in the peripheral of his vision.  He could physically see their presence.  He said it was the darkest of moments he had ever experienced.  He said the depression that accompanied the demons, was unbelievably bad.  My friend said he never wants to experience that again.

Toward the end of the stay in ICU, a doctor walked in and asked who was a believer?  My friend said it was he.  Very quickly the not caring about life and death disappeared and he was back to caring deeply about his friends and family.  That is a God Spot!

It is a pretty incredible story.  It makes me wonder if there are other ICU experiences, other friends would like to share?  You can post anonymously if you wish.   God bless.

Also "my friend" if I got anything wrong in the account, shoot me an email and I'll fix it.  

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God will use the "other person". huh?

It is easy for us to think God will use the other person to fulfill His will and purpose.  It seems many times the other person is more qualified, has more money, is in position, has the better job or whatever.  It just makes sense God would use the "other person".  I'd suggest God has you where He wants you and is ready to use you.  

Take a look at Nehemiah.  He was nothing but the cup bearer for a king.  God used him in an incredible way and at great risk to Nehemiah.

"It happened in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king, when wine was before him, that I took up the wine, and gave it to the king. Now I had not been sad before in his presence. The king said to me, “Why is your face sad, since you are not sick? This is nothing else but sorrow of heart.”

Then I was very much afraid.  I said to the king, “Let the king live forever! Why shouldn’t my face be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers’ tombs, lies waste, and its gates have been consumed with fire?”

Then the king said to me, “For what do you make request?”

So I prayed to the God of heaven. I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, that you would send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may build it.” 

So whether you serve tables, sweep floors or are some big corporate executive, God can use you.  

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Homeless for the Holidays

Cora and I went grocery shopping for the holidays and I couldn't pass
up the opportunity to chat with Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. They are
homeless. They have a camp up the hill a couple of miles from the
grocery store. Lee was sitting at a bench outside the grocery store
while his wife was shopping at the party store.

Lee and his wife were very friendly and were eager to share their
stories. Lee found Jesus a couple years, ago. Since that time, he
has totally kicked his drug habits and does not manufacture meth any
more. His wife is also clean, but alcohol is still a part of their
daily existence.

Although life had been hard on the two of them, they were incredibly
positive. They were eager for company and offered to take me to their
camp to show me around. I declined but got their phone number in case
I changed my mind. I wish I could remember his wife's name, but sadly
can't. I asked if she had ever seen God do anything for her. She
very excitedly asked me how many times would I like to hear about?

She then sang me a pretty song. It was her best "Valley Girl"
rendition of a song she had written about Adam and Eve in the garden.
She had previously sung this song to a prostitute and drug addict
while locked up at the county jail. She saw God in the song and
believed it a strong witness to her friends. It probably was. Lee
loved to hear her sing.

You likely will find this statement odd, but I don't know if I have
ever met any couple as excited about God and His place in their life.
They were really pumped and it was hard for me to get away. They just
wanted to keep talking about God in their life as they shared a

The experience does make me wonder. Why did I expect less out of a
homeless person, then I'd expect in talking to any other stranger.
Why was I surprised they had a relationship with God? No matter how I
slice it, I was blessed in the opportunity to meet the Andersons.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING from 37stories!

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Update on my friend with cancer follows. Please pray...

On October 27th, I was diagnosed with mouth cancer; a stage 2
squamous cell carcinoma inside my right cheek. Surgery is scheduled
for Monday, November 30 at which time the surgical team will remove
the tumor, 5 teeth and a portion of my upper and lower jaw. I am
advised to allow at least two weeks before even thinking about
resuming any normal ministry activity. So, I will be out of
commission for a couple of weeks. For those of you who sent your
support check after the 15th, you will be receiving a receipt letter
as you normally would but it will not have any personal comments on
it. Please know that whether there is a note or not, I am very
grateful for your ongoing support of our ministry. It is a blessing
beyond belief.

But God, who is rich in mercy has opened some doors of ministry for me
since the diagnosis. One opportunity was with a 38 year old male,
I'll call "Z". When I visited him in the hospital, upon the request
of his sister, "Z" told me that had been diagnosed with lymphoma and
was facing a chemotherapy treatment plan. As we talked, he broke into
tears when he shared with me the possibility that he would never leave
the hospital. I grabbed his hand and words of encouragement began to
flow from my mouth. He confessed that he had not been in church in
over 20 years, that he had lived a hard life as a truck driver and
just didn't know how God could forgive him. I assured him that
forgiveness was his in Jesus and if he, by faith, would give Jesus his
old life, that Jesus would give him new life in return. A life of
supernatural hope, peace and love that he could experience despite his
serious prognosis. So, on a Monday morning, just before I went for a
CT scan, "Z" gave his life to Christ. Please pray that this
confession will take deep root and that "Z" will be drawn into a
close, personal relationship with Jesus.

I visited another gentleman in the hospital following surgery to
remove a blockage in his small intestine that had caused him a great
deal of discomfort. The surgery went well and he was looking forward
to going home to his family. He was released from the hospital but
later received a pathology report that revealed that he has a very
rare form of intestinal cancer. He is currently undergoing
chemotherapy with additional surgery on the horizon. I shared my
diagnosis with him and all of a sudden, our relationship deepened.
All of a sudden he felt I could understand better. He has always been
cordial during our interactions but now he gladly received prayer and
has sought my counsel on when and how to share this news with his
children, his co-workers and his friends. We talk on a weekly basis
for updates and to encourage each other.

So, here we have an opportunity to experience Romans 8:28 which says:
"For we know that God causes all things to work together for good so
those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." The Lord
is at work. I believe that either He is deepening my faith so I can
more effectively minister and/or He is purifying me. Perhaps there is
some dross on my heart that inhibits the fullness of the Spirit to
work or that keeps me from being an accurate reflection of Christ to
those He puts in my path. Whatever the reason, God knows the outcome.
I have told Peggy this and I may have shared it with you and, if so,
forgive me for repeating myself. "I don't know where this road leads
but I know Who paved it".

If you are prompted to pray for me, please pray for Peggy also. We
are asking that the Lord use this for His glory and for our
strengthening. I would also ask that you pray that the surgery will
be adequate and that no radiation treatment will be necessary.

Your partnership with us in ministry is a gigantic encouragement and
because of your support, I am able to share the love of Christ in the
workpalce with many who have never been to church or have been away
from it for a long time. I don't know how many people have shared
with me that, as a result of my encouragement, they are actively
visiting churches to find one that they can become involved in. You
enable that through your gifts of support. THANK YOU!!! And God
bless you.

To Know Him, To Make Him Known,

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AHHH God’s love. A topic that is fresh on my heart.

Guest post by Elisha.

There was this woman in my life that was someone I just couldn’t seem
to get away from. She drove me crazy. She was one of those people that
when she was around my true colors rose up. Sure on the outside I kept
a pretty face, but on the inside I was the biggest hypocrite as I
wished with all my might she would just go away. Everytime she was
around she would say things to cut me, to make me feel bad, or just to
be mean. It was irritating.

All the while I knew all the right answers…I knew I was to forgive
her, I knew I was to love her and I knew that there was probably some
underlying hurt in her life that caused her to say these things. And
as much as I prayed and vowed that I had forgiven her and that I would
kill her with kindness, everytime I saw her I still wanted to ring her

One day when the topic of the home group that we hold in my home came
up she stated that she was going to start coming. GREAAAAT!! Just what
I needed.(Please note the sarcasm). So she had been coming for a few
weeks and the ministry always seemed to be directed at her and that
drove me more crazy as she would sit there with a blank stare and say
she was fine and she was already doing everything she needed to.

The pharisee in me sat there despising her. The unforgiveness and
bitterness in my heart was rampant and I knew then that I could not
ever love this person. I could pretend and even say all the right
things, but in my heart there was no love. So, yesterday came and we
decided to meet and get on our faces to seek the Lord. As I lay there
on my living room floor I heard the Lord asking why I cared so much
what others thought of me when I know the King of Kings. Why I longed
for others approval when I was the bride of Christ.

Then He showed me this woman I despise who was next to me at the time
and asked if I was willing to love her. I confessed that I couldn’t.
He said to humble myself and consider her better than me. Immediately
I knew I had to drop my pride and be obedient. As I submitted to the
idea that I was the least and the worst, God cleansed my heart from
the unforgiveness and bitterness. No formula, just a change of heart.

Then, my spiritual authority said out of the blue…”I think we should
pray over (Sally).” I knew I could lay my hands on her to pray because
of what God had just done in my heart. As we prayed I just asked for
Him to show me His love for her. I knew if I could see it, then I
would be able to love her.

As she sat there she began weeping and crying out to God for all the
times she fealt alone. She said, “For the time I was alone in my
closet, for the time they beat me, for the time the called me
worthless, and for the time my parents killed themselves.”

Immediately a flood of sorrow rushed through my body. So much I could
barely stand it. I kept my hand on her and wept with her. God showed
me this was just a taste of the sorrow He fealt through all these
things that she went through and that He never left her. We wept and
wept and wept.

Then she turned to me and we embraced and on top of all the sorrow a
new emotion came…..LOVE. An overwhelming love for her that physically
my body could not contain. I began shaking and could barely speak to
tell her how much God loved her. We sat embraced for awhile as this
love took over my entire being. Love so great I couldn’t even look her
in the eyes becuase it was so overwhelming.

Again, God revealed that this was just a taste of how much He loved
her. When the emotion died down enough to be able to come together
again as a group there was something new in me. God had given me love
for her.

I looked at her with new eyes. She honestly looked different and I
swear her voice was different. We were new women. Released from the
grasp of the enemy who loves division and strife. I could not love her
with any ounce of the religiousity that is in me, but God’s love is
more than enough and so much better.


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Friend with Mouth Cancer.... How can we pray for you?

I have a friend who has a cancerous growth in his mouth. Likely, he
will be embarrassed if he reads this. He is a humble man of God and
actively seeks His pleasure. I believe if God were to heal him,
others' faith would be increased and God would be blessed.

I want God's abundance on his life. So it is not my desire to get you
and I between him and God's best. If it pleases God, pray with me in
requesting God's healing power on my friend. Pray for the doctors to
be astonished with his miraculous healing. I know my friend will
point others to God as the miracle worker.

So as you read this, pray for God's healing on my friend's mouth.
Pray the tumor will miraculously recede at the doctors' astonishment.
Pray God will be blessed and my friend will be healed.

Ask this in the name of Jesus who has already given all for us, as
believers. If He chooses, my friend will be healed.

If you have a word of encouragement or prayer post it here.

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Heart to understand the love of God and to love God...

I met a new friend yesterday who has a passion to understand the Love
of God. That one statement alone is incredible. Think on it. The
depth of God's love is far beyond human comprehension and yet we
experience it every day. How can that be?

This new friend chooses to exit from traditional church and worship in
a home church. Seems pretty radical doesn't it. It is in a home
church he chooses to live life. There seems to be a movement of
people with similar ideas of how best they can serve God.

It seems in a home church setting, there is no opportunity to hide.
Everyone is there for better or worse. There is an honest belief and
appreciation for the priesthood of the believer. Each member a unique
part making up the body of Christ.

He authenticated his belief in the believer family when he moved to
San Antonio. Living in Iowa, his wife surfed the internet and found a
home church in San Antonio. He picked up the phone and said he was
coming to town for a job interview, could he stay at their house.
After all, he was a member of the family of God. He was invited into
the stranger's home as family.

That is how the priesthood of believers is suppose to work...

In true God Spot fashion, he got the job and now enjoys the beautiful
city of San Antonio and enjoys being in the midst of God's plan.

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When you break a rule, sometimes it's best to keep your head down....

RULE BREAKER #1: Jesus said, "Get up, take your bedroll, start
walking." The man was healed on the spot.

RULE BREAKER #2: He picked up his bedroll and walked off. That day
happened to be the Sabbath.

BUSTED: The Jews stopped the healed man and said, "It's the Sabbath.
You can't carry your bedroll around. It's against the rules." But he
told them, "The man who made me well told me to. He said, 'Take your
bedroll and start walking.'" They asked, "Who gave you the order to
take it up and start walking?"

KEEP YOUR HEAD DOWN: But the healed man didn't know, for Jesus had
slipped away into the crowd.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My life group is much like a hospital. How about yours?

I attend an awesome traditional Bible believing church.  The praise and worship is wonderful and draws you into close fellowship with God.  The preaching is heartfelt and communicates a closeness to God.  The children's area is of equally high quality.  I would recommend my church to anyone with a desire to be encouraged with close fellowship of God.  But that is not where most of my spiritual growth has occurred.  

When I get right down to the meat of the matter, most of my growth occurs in the midst of struggle.  Maybe I'm just a slow learner, but in the midst of struggle is when I find myself "one on one" with God.  It is then, He many times allows a breakthrough in my relationship with Him.  I'd prefer to grow in the good times, but it seems He can best communicate with me in the midst of the bad.  It's during these times my Life Group keeps me alive.

My Life Group is a small collection of people that typically numbers from 10 - 20.  We meet in a home.  We eat together.  We pray, sing and worship God.  In the process of Life Group, we experience each other and share how God has been active in our lives throughout the week.  It is here we open our souls and let others share in our happiness, pain, joy, suffering, excitement or frustrations. 

When life gets tough and my heart is laid open, it is the Life Group that circles round and with God breathes fresh life into me.  The people of my Life Group encourage my good health and speed my recovery.  I think the scenario is similar for most of the Life Group family.  It seems the Life Group serves as a hospital for many.  We take turns being patient, doctor and visitors.  We never know who will be on life support next, but God is always faithful.

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Monday, November 23, 2009

What if this is your last big adventure?

I think all will agree there is a time when we will die.  Most are anxious to put the idea out of our head.  But what if the thought comes in the forefront of your imaginations, because you know this is the last adventure you will have in service to God?  As Paul, he had run a good race, he had fought a good fight.  But God called.
Suppose uniquely, God reveals to you that the adventure you about to embark on may be the last.  Would the knowledge change anything in your life or your perception of the adventure? 
It matters not how young or how old you are.  The current adventure you are on, may be your last.  Think about the people where the adventure of life ended abruptly.  Think about Keith Green, Janus Joplin, Michael Jackson  and list goes on....
Each person unexpectedly encountered the end of the road.  The thought comes to mind as I consider the possibility of God working through me in Fresh Connections.  What if this is my last?  Will I have run a good race?  Will I have fought a good fight?  Will God say, "Well done.  Good and faithful servant."
I hope so....

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The death of a church and the birth of a vision...

Many are saying God meant the church to be organic.  It seems reasonable to me.  God breathes life into it.  It is birthed.  It is fed.  It grows.  It is healthy if God has His way.  But the question comes to mind, can the church die?  If so, what might be the quickest way to kill a church?

I am praying that God will breath life into Fresh Connections.  At the same time, I am asking God to kill the vision if it is not from Him.  I'm trusting He will do one or the other.  Am OK if He thinks of a third choice.  I just don't want to waste time doing something that He didn't plan.  Does that make sense?

As you read this and the stats say hundreds of you will,  please pray for the birth of Fresh Connections.  Pray that God will breath life into the vision.  Pray for resources for Fresh Connections.  Pray for the people of Fresh Connections.  Pray that Fresh Connections will be a faith builder for all.  Pray about what part you might play. 

Then if God is not in Fresh Connections, pray the vision will die. 

From my friend in Sweden: Frid Broden or Peace Brother...

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

If you put the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the ring to duke it out, which one would win?

Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?  But aren't we all just a little guilty of appreciating the grandness of one over the other.  Think about it.  When you pray, "Dear God, who are you talking to?"  God the Father as creator of all things, just seems to be the BIGGEST God. Think how confident you would feel and how BOLD you would be if the creator himself chose to live within and around you.  WOW! You'd feel unstoppable. Right?  

Remember when Jesus was on the earth and He was preparing to leave?  He said something like I must leave so the Holy Spirit can come and He is even better for you.  It seems the Father, Son and Spirit are pretty evenly matched.  So think about this.  If you know Jesus and have exchanged your life for the life of Christ, you are engulfed by God, the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is every bit as BIG a gun and God the creator!

What are you waiting for?  It is time to get in the ring with a freshness found in Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit.  God the Father will cover your back! Start swinging...

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Worship at the "New Moon" I'm "ALL IN!"...

"And so I insist—and God backs me up on this—that there be no going along with the crowd, the empty-headed, mindless crowd. They've refused for so long to deal with God that they've lost touch not only with God but with reality itself. They can't think straight anymore. Feeling no pain, they let themselves go in sexual obsession, addicted to every sort of perversion.

But that's no life for you. You learned Christ! My assumption is that you have paid careful attention to him, been well instructed in the truth precisely as we have it in Jesus. Since, then, we do not have the excuse of ignorance, everything—and I do mean everything—connected with that old way of life has to go. It's rotten through and through. Get rid of it! And then take on an entirely new way of life—a God-fashioned life, a life renewed from the inside and working itself into your conduct as God accurately reproduces his character in you."~Paul

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Werewolves and "New Moon"

I really don't want this to come off as some writing of a religious zealot.  I spend very little time chasing after the devil.  I figure he can find me without my looking for him.  I do chase after God via my God Spots.  It is a healthy fulfilling endeavor.  It is my hope others' faith is encouraged by my sharing God Spots.

Let me say again, I don't consider myself a religious zealot.  I just love God.  From this vantage point, I am really hacked!  I don't care how inspired, creative or wonderful the movie "New Moon" is, it is bad.  There is absolutely nothing redeeming about a werewolf.  It is demonic.  Consider this...

 "The werewolves", writes Richard Verstegan (Restitution of Decayed Intelligence, 1628), are certayne sorcerers, who having annoynted their bodies with an ointment which they make by the instinct of the devil, and putting on a certayne inchaunted girdle, does not only unto the view of others seem as wolves, but to their own thinking have both the shape and nature of wolves, so long as they wear the said girdle. And they do dispose themselves as very wolves, in worrying and killing, and most of humane creatures.

So I don't care how sweet and kind werewolves are depicted in a movie, it is not a good thing.  It is bad!  Anything that is not of God is of satan.  That is not the religious zealot coming out.  That is truth.

We allow our children and ourselves to be desensitized to the evil of the world through seemingly harmless venues such as this.  How many children will be sucked into acting out scenes from this seemingly harmless movie.  How many children will step over the line and find themselves on the dark side.  

I'm told the creator of this movie had a dream and from this dream, the book/movie was created.  I think it highly unlikely this dream was birthed in the thoughts of Christ.

So as you pay money God has blessed you with and sit and watch a movie about satanic possession, don't forget to thank God for the pain and suffering He and His Son did while bleeding to death on the cross.  

Now go enjoy the movie.... 

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Friday, November 20, 2009

"When You're Hanging by a Thread"~Sarah

“Audrey's heavenly birthday came and went, and neither my husband nor I could make much positive out of it. Despite our confidence in Heaven, we were just plain sad. And mad. And, we didn't feel hopeful. Then, just a few days later, an ugly consequence of my husband's infidelity hit us like a ton of bricks. An extended family conflict arose that deeply injured us both and reopened wounds that had only begun to scab over. I have to tell you, I could not see God in it all for several days. I couldn't pray. And, if I could, I certainly could not hear God's voice in response or feel His presence. It was the purest pain I've felt in a long time.

The reality is that most of us reach a place in our lives when it is nearly impossible to see God at work.....” ~Sarah

Sarah is a new Facebook Friend.  You will find her blog to be transparent, inspirational and encouraging.  It is a good read and exemplifies qualities of a "God Spot".   Click here: A Confident Hope blog

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What does your earnest prayer sound like?

When I slow down and earnestly desire for God to act on my life, my prayer goes something like this...

In the name of Jesus and with the authority of my name having been written in His blood at the base of the cross, by the all encompassing power of the Holy Spirit and totally engulfed by His love, I humbly fall on my face before your throne of grace and ask that you God might (fill in request here).  

I follow up with God, I'm not smart enough to know if this fits within your design for abundance in my life.  If it is all the same to you, I'd really like for you to act on this request.  But if you have something better planned, I'm ok with that.  I anxiously wait to see you work the perfection of your will and purpose in my life.  Thank you, Jesus.

Then I wait with an expectatious spirit...

Paul said it like this: "I have one request, dear friends: Pray for me. Pray strenuously with and for me—to God the Father, through the power of our Master Jesus, through the love of the Spirit—that I will be delivered from the lions' den of unbelievers in Judea. Pray also that my relief offering to the Jerusalem believers will be accepted in the spirit in which it is given. Then, God willing, I'll be on my way to you with a light and eager heart, looking forward to being refreshed by your company. God's peace be with all of you. Oh, yes!"

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"Strength is for service, not status."~Paul

"Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, "How can I help?"~Paul

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

"...Since you are eager for manifestations of the Spirit, strive to excel in building up the church" ~Paul

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Home Church in rental home - door always open.

Ever wonder for what purpose God would allow you to own or rent a house?  Likely, your home is an incredible blessing as you watch and experience your family grow in it.  It will hold a lifetime of memories.  Yes, a home is built around memories...   

Consider the possibility that your home is meant to be much more than just a place for your biological members to enjoy.  Maybe God has something more in mind for you and your family.  Maybe your home was meant to share with others.  Maybe your home was meant to be a place to "urgently present all matters of the kingdom of God"?  I don't know.  Maybe...

"Paul lived for two years in his rented house. He welcomed everyone who came to visit. He urgently presented all matters of the kingdom of God. He explained everything about Jesus Christ. His door was always open."

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trolling for God Spots...

A local Chick-fil-let gave out free coupons for a chicken sandwich.  I went to Family Christian Bookstore and picked up a Bible regularly $14.95 and paid only $5.00.  Both were a great deal.  I then went to Chick-fil-let and had lunch at an outside table with the Bible laying out.  I was watching to see who God would send my way and wake me up to the need to give the Bible to.
I wrote inside the cover my God Spot website. and circled John 3:16.  I wrote FREE GIFT inside and the page number to John 3:16 where I again wrote FREE GIFT.  Then I waited.
What God did was surprise me.  It seemed His idea was to leave the Bible on the table and walk away.  I almost didn't.  But God insisted, so that's what I did.  I have been praying the remainder of the day that the person that picks up the Bible will find the FREE GIFT inside.  ie. Their personal salvation.  That would really be a God Spot.
Maybe the person will reply to this post and let us know how the gift worked out....

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"God is calling for a radical life-change."~Paul

"God overlooks it as long as you don't know any better—but that time is past. The unknown is now known, and he's calling for a radical life-change. He has set a day when the entire human race will be judged and everything set right. And he has already appointed the judge, confirming him before everyone by raising him from the dead." ~Paul

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"Battle of the Ants" Don't miss this episode. Click now. ~janitor

I was walking the church property, yesterday.  I came upon a big mound of dirt, looking much like an ant hill but no ants. I kicked the top off and you guessed it. I don't know how many ants, but thousands anyway.  They all began frantically scurrying around, trying to figure out what to do.  Some were carting off eggs, others were carting off dirt and some were trying to get up my pant leg.  They are very focused and determined on their objectives.  I went to get the poison... Sorry PETA, but not really.

I dumped poison on the mound and the ants.  Oddly the ants turned on each other and began fighting to the death.  The enemy was the poison, but they chose to kill each other.  It speaks oddly of us as humans.  We build our homes and satan through life kicks the top off.  Rather than do battle with the one doing the kicking, we do battle with each other.  Why is that?  Why not seek God and let Him take care of the evil that is attempting to destroy?

The battle scene is described many times in the Bible.  The Jews would faithfully show up for battle and God had already turned the enemy against itself.  I think the "Battle of the Ants" is a great reminder to seek God and let Him do the battle.  He has everything He needs for victory and is pleased we you ask Him for help.

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Forgotten God by Francis Chan

I bought "Forgotten God" by Francis Chan and expect to read it shortly.  Anyone else read it?  What is a nugget of truth you pulled from it?

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“If you think you are standing strong, be careful, for you, too, may fall into the same sin.”~Paul

My friend Rich Glenn posted this in his blog...  

"Years ago, comedian Flip Wilson played a character who used to always say, “The devil made me do it!” Of course, it drew raucous laughter from the crowd. But not only is it not funny, it’s not true. No evil can make you sin. Evil merely tempts you to sin. When I sin it’s not the devil’s fault, it’s mine. I willingly gave in to whatever that sin was. In other words, sin was presented to me, I meditated on it, and I used my free will to give in to it. My fault. Not God’s, not the devil’s, but mine and mine alone."~Truth From The Hip

I love the writings of Paul.  They are so rich and straightforward.  You don't have to spend much time figuring things out.  He just says it like it is.  You choose to believe or not.  God tells us that when we are instructed and then ignore the instruction we are even worse off.  I wonder how many times today I will ignore God's instruction through Paul.  I pray none, but as Paul says, “If you think you are standing strong, be careful, for you, too, may fall into the same sin."


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Monday, November 16, 2009

Great Expectations - God Spots!

I've been blogging since December 2007 and am getting close to publishing 1,000 posts. God willing, I will post my 1,000th blog entry about Christmas time.  Today, I broke an all time daily high for unique readers.  By midnight, I likely will have shared God Spots with about 500 readers today and maybe 60,000 from the start. 

The readership is significant for me.  I have prayed many times that God would provide a platform and voice for me to share Christ with others.  He used an incredibly dark time in my life to create a passion within me to spot His hand at work.  He helped me coin a new phrase called "God Spots".  You enjoy reading and I enjoy writing about how God has revealed himself. In looking at the spikes in readership, you especially enjoyed reading about my jail stay.  If you missed it, surf to: Maverick County Jail

Many times I hear the thought that it is not about the numbers.  That is admirable and probably true, but for me it is all about the numbers.  It is about the numbers, because I believe God wants me to maximize my impact for him.  He wants His power and grace to be revealed to the masses.  The bigger the number, the more people have heard the love of Christ.  

So today, I thank you for breaking my all time high readership in a single day.  Some time around Christmas, I will thank you for reading 1,000 posts.  I hope in the new year to convert the posts into a book of God Spots.  Thank you for adding value to the blog and my book with your comments.  God bless!

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"We humans learn best when in relationship with others who share a common practice." ~Margaret Wheatley

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Eyes raised in prayer...

Jesus said these things. Then, raising his eyes in prayer, he said: Father, it's time. 

I was reading in the book of John, today.  The prayer found in Chapter 17 is special.  It is a recording of the most intimate of conversation between Jesus and His Father, God.  I find myself incredibly privileged to read what Jesus had to say as one of the last recorded prayers before He is sacrificed on the cross.  It makes me appreciate the depth of His love for me and you.

His prayer can be found here.

On a side note: It is interesting He prayed with eyes raised to the heavens.  It seems to me praying with eyes looking toward the heavens makes more sense than head bowed looking toward hell.  It certainly makes sense to close your eyes if you are looking toward hell.  Right? Can someone explain that to me why we don't point our eyes toward heaven as Jesus did?


News Alert
12:01 PM EST Monday, November 16, 2009

Report: More Americans going hungry

The number of Americans who lack dependable access to adequate food shot up last year to 49 million, the largest number since the government has been keeping track, according to a new report released Monday.

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A great promise to start the day...

"This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he'll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!"~Jesus

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They will know we are Christians by our love

Guest Post by Elisha: So refreshing. Just yesterday the Lord placed a song on my heart we all learned a long time ago,"They Will Know we Are Christians By Our Love." I sang it over and over again for an hour. God said that the world is looking for something different because they know the world is failing them. 

So I asked God, "Why not Christianity? Why aren't they running to you Oh Lord? Why do they look for you in every false doctrine and religion?" And He said,"Because you look too much like the world. You lack power because you lack faith. Your unbelief binds you to the law. And you need an increase of love." So I'm praying....fill me Lord with your love, forgive my unbelief, and give me Your heart. 

They will know we are Christians by our love by our love
They will know we are Christians by our love.

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For a man that needs healing...

Guest Post by: Rebecca,

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand. All who rage against you will surely be ashamed and disgraced; those who oppose you will be as nothing and perish. Though you search for you enemies, you will not find them. Those who wage war against you will be as nothing at all. For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you. 
Isaiah 41:10-13 

Joey, you can beat the enemy with God in the frontline! 

If I taqged you in this note please post some words of encouragement for Joey and keep him in your prayers. He has been quite ill and is at ground zero. He has asked me for prayer. Joey is a stong believer in Christ, but he has been under attack through illness and it has taken a financial and emotional toll on him and his family. So I ask you to all pray for him please.

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

My focus may be improving...

Have you ever seen God do anything? It's not unusual for me to ask that question of friends or strangers alike.  There was a time when God through Jesus did many miraculous things.  In the Bible, John tells us, "The people realized that God was at work among them in what Jesus had just done. "  In Jesus ministry, His miracles often met people's needs.  He fed them and healed them.  I think He hoped their faith would increase, but mostly they just enjoyed the show.

I love God Spots.  I coined this phrase meaning, "A God Spot is when God periodically authenticates His presence and I get to blog about it."  In reading how Jesus performed miracles in person and the people who witnessed them just wanted more, concerns me.  They were not any closer to Jesus before the show then after the show.  I don't want to be another spectator.  I want to participate in the show.

I've recently been thinking about what it means to "focus on Jesus".  I've come to believe in part that a focus on Jesus is to see the world through His eyes.  Might it be possible God Spots have become more prevalent, because my focus on Jesus is improving? How about yours?

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

My dad was organic before there was organic...

There is much being said about the birth of organic churches.  Typically, these churches are small 10-20 member home churches.  It strikes me that my dad pastored a church in the mountains of California and on a good Sunday, there might be 15-20 people there.  This was 50 years, ago.  It seems he was pioneering an organic church before there was a need to define "organic".  I think God is smiling...

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Where were you when 13 died at Ft. Hood?

An inspirational message about you and the 13 dead at Ft. Hood.  Invest 30 minutes in listening to this message and you can be a different person...

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We are church in our neighborhoods...

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Jesus Freak? Me? Never! Well maybe....

I don't know what happened to me.  Somehow a couple years ago, I became a Jesus Freak when it is way past being fashionable.  It is not something I asked for.  It just happened.  I have always loved God, but somehow this Jesus Freak thing has taken ownership.

You say, "What's the big deal?"  It is a HUGE deal.  Everything about life is shaped differently when the focus is Jesus.  I go to bed at night wondering about what Jesus did for me.  I wake up in the morning, wondering what Jesus will do to me, with me and for me.  I am obsessed with Jesus being active in my life.

Even as I write this blog, I am considering how did God reveal His presence today?  You know what?  I think Jesus likes it that way.  I think He likes my looking for Him around every corner.  Someday, I hope to get really good at seeing His hand at work.  Some day I hope He will say, "Well done!"

"Jesus rejoiced, exuberant in the Holy Spirit. "I thank you, Father, Master of heaven and earth, that you hid these things from the know-it-alls and showed them to these innocent newcomers. Yes, Father, it pleased you to do it this way."

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Free Lemonade!

I'm thinking about opening a lemonade stand.  You know the type.  A plank laying across two boxes and a sign that says, "Free Lemonade".  It would be totally organic.  Everything perfectly natural.  Nothing artificial.  Simply, pure living water.
I've selected a lemonade stand because I don't have resources to open a mega church. I don't even have the resources to open a tiny church.  But, I do have the resources to open a lemonade stand and give free icy cold glasses of lemonade.  Christ says that is a good place to start.
Drop by sometime...  Possibly, you'd like to open a lemonade stand with me?
"This is a large work I've called you into, but don't be overwhelmed by it. It's best to start small. Give a cool cup of water to someone who is thirsty, for instance. The smallest act of giving or receiving makes you a true apprentice. You won't lose out on a thing." ~Jesus
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I was rejected the other day...

How many times have you heard a Christian brother or sister tell you that when you share your faith with someone and they reject it, they are not rejecting you.  They are rejecting Jesus.  It is reasoned out this way so you don't feel bad about yourself.  The idea that you are not rejected seems contrary to what is taught by Jesus.  It appears you, Jesus and God are being rejected.

"The one who listens to you, listens to me. The one who rejects you, rejects me. And rejecting me is the same as rejecting God, who sent me."~Jesus

So when you feel the pain of rejection, accept it.  Embrace it.  Know that Jesus and God suffer with you in the pain.  Be encouraged by it.  Know that God is real in your life and you are discovering the pain found in obedience.  God loves you and will meet you in your darkest hours.  For in the darkness, His light illuminates the world through you.

Consider your pain a badge of honor.  Wear it proudly.  God bless and "Go.  Take on the Day!"~Dr.Laura

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Do you believe in the power prayer?

EPIC is a gathering of people with a like mind to share in the things of our faith.  One of our EPIC family members needs God to bring healing to her body.  We gathered round and prayed that God will miraculously heal her.  God is the great physician.  It seems reasonable He would take notice and make a difference.  

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Zacchaeus hosted one of the 1st Organic home churches.

The light is beginning to come on ever so dimly in my search for truth and what it means to focus on Jesus.  Consider Zacchaeus...

Zacchaeus was a wee little man
And a wee little man was he
He climbed up in a sycamore tree
For the Lord he wanted to see
And as the Savior passed that way
He looked up in that tree
And He said, “Zacchaeus, you come down!
For I’m going to your house today
For I’m going to your house to stay”

See if this works for you.  Zacchaeus as a wee little man was a man of humility.  It is in his humility that Jesus draws close, acknowledging the condition of Zacchaeus heart.

Zacchaeus climbs in a tree.  He in his humility is positioned above the crowd and noise of life.  He has taken the initiative to find a vantage point to see Jesus.  He does not let obstacles obstruct his view or actions.  He wants to see Jesus and takes steps to make it happen.

Jesus in His sovereignty passes by Zacchaeus knowing he is waiting to see Him.  Jesus with a smile on His face, tells Zacchaeus to come down from his isolated perch and join Him in communion.

It is Jesus that knows the heart of Zacchaeus and announces He is going to the house of Zacchaeus with plans to stay.  Zacchaeus  may have unknowingly hosted one of the 1st organic home churches.  WOW!

In a nutshell... as best I understand it today, a focus on Jesus requires humility, a desire to see Jesus, an active positioning to see Jesus, a knowedge of what to look for in order to focus on Jesus and a willingness to take Him home.  

Jesus will be there in the process from beginning to end.  

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Would Jesus really bring undesirables home?

I've been thinking and praying a lot about home church.  I've got a really basic question.  If you meet in your home for church, life group, cell group or whatever, what do you do if an undesirable shows up?  Like what if the guy smells REALLY bad or he spits when he talks or maybe he passes gas.  What do you do with the guy?  Do you invite him back or move the meeting somewhere else so he can't find you next time?

Seriously, what do you do with someone you don't what to be church with?

Note obvious sarcasm, but it is an interesting thought. Jesus seemed to specialize in undesirables.... hmmm...

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Hey! I like your hair! huh?

I was hanging out on the Starbucks patio.  It was evening and I was waiting for Cora, as she was teaching Holy Yoga to her friends.  God always shows up on the map and she looks forward to the opportunity.  If you are in San Antonio, you need to share in the Holy Yoga with her.  Check it out at:

Anyway, so much for the spider web I just wove. This guy hollers at me from an adjacent table. He says he likes my hair. Huh? Wants to join me at my table. I'm always looking for a God Spot so I say, "Sure". He wants to smoke and wants to know if I mind. I say, "No" but I'm thinking I hate 2nd hand smoke.

He asks me what business I'm in. I think perfect. My answer will put an end to whatever expectations he might have. I say I work at a church. He says, "Oh."  

My turn. I ask him when he quit going to church. I figure that is a safe assumption. The story unfolds he was saved and baptized at 21 years of age. He was old enough to know what he was doing. He says he quit going about 6-7 years, ago. I suspect longer. He said he became disillusioned because of the hypocrisy of the church. Also, that his mother has tithed her entire life and hasn't had anyone visit her since before her husband died.

I asked if he would ever go back. He said probably not. He wasn't willing to give up his lifestyle. As I was leaving, he said maybe someday he'd try it again. He needed a Fresh Connection.

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Power of Positive Thinking

I know this blog is suppose to be about "God Spots", but sometimes you run across something you just can't pass up. 
"In 1992, Arkansas convict Ricky Ray Rector, who had brain damage from shooting himself in the head after killing a police officer, ate a final meal of steak, fried chicken, and cherry Kool-Aid, but famously said he wanted to save his pecan pie for later." ~Washington Post 
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"Everything is prone to becoming first mundane, then rote, then unimportant."~Miller

Life is full of excitement.  It is rich!  There is opportunity to choose to enjoy life with Christ to the max.  I can guarantee you, life with Christ is never boring.  If you find life boring, consider the possibility you may have let the winds of life push you the wrong direction. Adjust your attitude.  Point your face into the wind and experience life with a FRESHNESS found only in Christ.

Just this morning, a friend stumbled on me at the local bagel shop.  He bought me a bagel and we had a great time.  Life is rich with blessing if your heart is prepared and you are willing to receive.   

I pray blessings on you. May you make a Fresh Connection!

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm willing to give up my truck to go to heaven...

Hey friend,

I've been thinking about what I might be willing to give up to go to heaven.  I thought about giving up my dog, but I don't have a dog.  I thought about giving up my savings account, but I don't have one of those either.  So, I think I am willing to give up my truck for a ticket to heaven.  Mostly 'cause it has 198,000 miles on it and I figure God can afford the overhaul.  

It's interesting that the original price Jesus quoted to the rich young ruler was: he had to give it all.  He had to sell it all and give it to the poor.  The ticket price was too high for the ruler.  Then, Christ died on the cross and now we have access to eternal life at no cost to us.  Jesus prepaid for us with His life.  

Wonder if the rich young ruler heard about the new deal? Sounds crazy right?  But think about this...  

If you "exchange" your life for the life of Christ, you are saying you are willing to die that others might live.  Are you really?  It seems to me, many people make the exchange and get through the gate, but never walk the path.  It's these people that took advantage of the new deal, but never sold their goods and gave to the poor.  I don't think God will honor the new deal unless you "sell out".  

I don't think He is interested in entertaining those that hedge their bets...


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“EPIC” - Experiential, Participatory, Image-rich, Connective.

Leonard Sweet speaking on the most important features of a postmodern community of faith. “EPIC” - Experiential, Participatory, Image-rich, Connective.
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Jesus is coming again!

To some, when they hear the thought "Jesus is coming again", they think it ranks right up there with Chicken Little screaming, "The Sky is Falling!"  I suppose to someone who has not experienced the love of Jesus or chooses to deny His love, the thoughts seem about as equally ridiculous.  But to the ones who have been touched by the hand of God, it is an incredibly encouraging thought.

Just think.  There is a day when Jesus is coming again.  No more sorrow.  No more pain.  Just unlimited love and a world in service to the one true God.  I wonder what it will be like?  Whatever is waiting, it has to be good.  

Unfortunately for many when Jesus comes, it won't be so good.  If that thought scares you, drop me an email.  37stories at gmail dot com.  

‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away’ (Revelation 21:4)

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Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm thinking about joining a gang!

Seriously now.  I'm thinking about joining a gang.  I understand the gang to be family.  Each member covers each other's back.  You don't have to wonder where you stand.  You are family.  You have a problem, you take it to the family. 
A cool thing about being a gang member, is you can hang out 24/7.  You don't have to wait and get together once a week.  You get together all the time.  If you have 6-pack, you share it with the family.  What's yours is theirs.  You are happy to share.  You just wish you had more to share for the less fortunate. 
Gangs even mark their territory.  I will know where it is safe to hang out.  I'll always have friends to hang with.  A gang could really be a good thing.  A gang has colors so I can spot a family member, even if they are from "out of state".  I don't have to wonder if we are friends even though strangers.  We are family.
Oddly, this sounds a lot like the early church described in God's book.  I wonder if a gang will ever evolve into meeting on Sunday and flipping a quarter in the offering plate?
Just thinkin...

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Don't forget. Thank your angel. Huh?

I don't think I have ever thanked an angel.  Have you?  I wonder if we should.  Check this verse out.

"Watch that you don't treat a single one of these childlike believers arrogantly. You realize, don't you, that their personal angels are constantly in touch with my Father in heaven? ~Jesus

It seems people new to the faith have a personal angel which is constantly in touch with God.  The caution is given by Jesus, you best not treat them badly.  It seems likely, your personal angel might be pleased with a simple, "Thank you".  I don't know.  Just thinking...

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Focus of my Delight

If it were God's desire to gather a body of believers together in the form of a local church, where might God have the focus?  It might be good to focus on the poor.  God tells us to care for those less fortunate.  It might be good to focus on the widowed, they also are less fortunate.  It might be good to focus on deep Bible study.  God wants us to gain wisdom,  It might be good to focus on prayer.  God tells us to pray.  There are an unlimited number of good causes to focus on.  But where does God want us to focus?

"While he(Peter) was going on like this, babbling, a light-radiant cloud enveloped them, and sounding from deep in the cloud a voice: "This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of my delight. Listen to him." ~Jesus

The cool thing about a focus on Jesus is that obedience in all the other activities become a natural result.  Focus on Jesus and you will feed the poor, help the widows, read His Word, pray and more! 

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

You're outta here!

"Knowing the correct password—saying 'Master, Master,' for instance— isn't going to get you anywhere with me. 

What is required is serious obedience—doing what my Father wills. 

I can see it now—at the Final Judgment thousands strutting up to me and saying, 'Master, we preached the Message, we bashed the demons, our God-sponsored projects had everyone talking.' And do you know what I am going to say? 'You missed the boat. All you did was use me to make yourselves important. You don't impress me one bit. You're out of here.'" ~Jesus

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How do I focus on Jesus?

I asked this question on Facebook.  The thoughtfulness and depth of answers is wonderful.  Want to share with my blog readers.  Maybe you will choose to help in my search for understanding...

Archie Rhines I have a question. It is important to me. Maybe you can help. Maybe not. Here goes... What does it mean to "Focus on Jesus"? How will I know if I have succeeded?

Jennifer Rutledge
Focus On Jesus -- living in His Truth each and every moment and knowing that He is the way to success in the first place. Doing what God says, even in the difficult choices, is how you can feel a measurement of that success, I would think.

Kimberly Guerra Mauldin
PRAYER. i'm pretty simple, and i'm sure there is some great theological answer out there, but for me it is simply keeping Him in the center (sometimes not so easily done for me), how do i measure success, honestly i dont think of it as "am i successful" i just look at where i was, where i am and where i am going, and know that He is working miracles, so i must be doing something right.

Ana Graves
I don't know if we ever succeed at this, until heaven, of course. I was thinking about something similar to "focus on Jesus" last night. I read a part of Psalm 119 that talked about pondering the statutes of God...I thought, what does that look like? I'm so easily distracted from his purposes, from him. The distractions of the world tend to make my eyes towards other things. So, to "focus on Jesus," as I read the Psalms, I'm learning to ask him to help me focus on him and his purposes and his statutes. The more I ask, the more I tend to be looking his way and not towards other things. Interesting question to ponder...

Archie Rhines
I will go back and think on your responses throughout the day. I'm open to more insight from friends....
So far... Truth, Prayer, Ask and Ponder encourages a focus on Jesus. 
I'm Truthfully Asking in Prayer as I Ponder on what it means to focus on Jesus. :)
Thank you!

David L Mauldin
ill know success when i get to heaven. focus on jesus is hard sometimes self will and all. if living in salvation was easy the bible would be two pages it would say you are saved now go live your life any way you want. the end. keeping god the head of your house and life and decisons is focus for me

Darla Carter
I think Jesus will be truly the focus and in focus when we see Him in the others around us and treat the others around us as if they were Him. I think that would be the ultimate test on if we are loving the Lord our God w/ all our Heart and soul and mind and strength and loving our neighbor as ourself. Am I there and living it-no. Is it a worthy goal-yes. It would be extremely interesting to see all of us focused on Jesus in that manner--can you imaging the change that could occur. That was a very thought prevoking question for me to see-Thanks Archie

Archie Rhines
Great thoughts David and Darla. I think I'll repost on my blog. I am still trying to figure it out. FOCUS on Jesus. How do I do that? hmmm.

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Do your part.

"In prayer there is a connection between what God does and what you do. You can't get forgiveness from God, for instance, without also forgiving others. If you refuse to do your part, you cut yourself off from God's part." ~Matthew

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Simply, Pray...

I woke up yesterday with a simple word on my mind, pray.  That was all.  Just the word, pray.  
I said, "God.  For what shall I pray?" 
God said, "Pray."
So I prayed...

God says in His Word to keep your prayers simple.  Let your yes be yes and your no be no.  Pray something like this...

Our Father in heaven, 
Reveal who you are. 
Set the world right; 
Do what's best— as above, so below. 
Keep us alive with three square meals. 
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. 
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. 
You're in charge! 
You can do anything you want! 
You're ablaze in beauty! 
Yes. Yes. Yes.

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Do you ask and not receive?

Cora and I are with friends at a marriage treat.  I'm up early eating God's Word.  Here is his Word to you and I. If you are praying and not receiving, there is a reason why.  It's pretty simple.  God spells it out like this...

"And here's a second offense: You fill the place of worship with your whining and sniveling because you don't get what you want from God. Do you know why? Simple. Because God was there as a witness when you spoke your marriage vows to your young bride, and now you've broken those vows, broken the faith-bond with your vowed companion, your covenant wife. God, not you, made marriage. His Spirit inhabits even the smallest details of marriage. And what does he want from marriage? Children of God, that's what. So guard the spirit of marriage within you. Don't cheat on your spouse." ~through Malachi

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I worship the God-of-the-Angel-Armies

There is but one God worthy of our worship.  Yes.  Only one.  "That is the God-of-the-Angel-Armies".

If you could line up all the gods in the world, which one would you worship?  There are plenty to choose from, but there is only one "God-of-the-Angel-Armies".  There is only one God worthy of your worship.

I think it likely, you have already chosen your god.  It is represented by what you wake up thinking about.  Or likely when your mind drifts, it drifts toward your god.  Think about it.  When you relax and intentionally think about nothing.  Where does your mind go?  Likely, it takes residence in the temple of your god.

There is but one God.  He is the "God-of-the-Angel-Armies".  Eat His Word.  Meditate on it day and night.  Pray without ceasing and you will know truth.  You will worship the "God-of-the-Angel-Armies"

"I am honored all over the world. And there are people who know how to worship me all over the world, who honor me by bringing their best to me. They're saying it everywhere: 'God is greater, this God-of-the-Angel-Armies.'

"All except you. Instead of honoring me, you profane me. You profane me when you say, 'Worship is not important, and what we bring to worship is of no account,' and when you say, 'I'm bored—this doesn't do anything for me.' You act so superior, sticking your noses in the air—act superior to me, God-of-the-Angel-Armies! And when you do offer something to me, it's a hand-me-down, or broken, or useless. Do you think I'm going to accept it? This is God speaking to you!"

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