Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What's in the word - Mankind?

Was there a time when man deserved the descriptor, "kind"?  Is that the source of the word "mankind"?  I am the kind of guy that looks at a glass of water half full not half empty.  I tend to want to think the best of people.  Traveling by bus is challenging to find the "kind" in man.  Maybe it should be "mankindless"?
As a rule, humanity seems indifferent as a whole and down right rude at 1st blush.  Sometimes, ever so infrequent, someone steps up and does a kind act and everyone looks.  Maybe a person is helped with their luggage or boarding questions are answered.  Simple, yet so impactful are acts of kindness.
Freddy has a passion for the underdog.  He sincerely goes out of his way to help those less able to help themselves.  More times than not, it was Freddy helping an elderly with their bags or telling someone what bus to get on.  Freddy's natural inclination is to want to get in the face of anyone taking advantage of another.
Admittedly, you can't fix the world but you can influence mankind in your world as you experience it. 
Thanks Freddy.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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