Sunday, March 22, 2009

I ask God with expectations to receive but...

Yesterday, I prayed for miraculous healing for a friend. The person
went to the hospital. I prayed for a restored marriage for a few
friends. The friends separated. I prayed that my wife's terrible
headache would go away. It did. I thank God that He made short work
of the headache.
It is easy to thank God when He answers my prayers. It's not so easy
to thank God when it is not obvious He did anything, much less answer
my prayer. What is God thinking when it appears He doesn't answered
our prayers?
I'm told God answers all prayers. He will either answer yes, no or
maybe later. But it is still an answer. I suppose this may be true.
But it doesn't seem to make life any simpler or less sufferable when
He says no or maybe later.
What about my friend in the hospital? God could have wiggled His nose
or whatever He does to speak a miracle in existance. But instead, the
person is in incredible pain and likely wondering the same thing I am.
 Where is God when you ask expecting to receive and the answer is no
where close to what you expected.
It appears God many times trumps His promise. For example: He first
says, ask and you shall receive. That's true, but He also qualifies
His promise with the thought that we must pray according to His will
to expect miracles. He plays His trump. So, what is the will of the
Father that I might receive? Is it for my friend to suffer? Maybe,
but I don't think so.
Much of God's will is easy to discern. Simply, read the Bible. It is
God's will in written form. Things such as: Don't kill, don't covet,
etc., That's all God's will and should be adopted in our lives.
I wonder if I should pray according to the business start-up advice I
recently gave a friend. Pray expecting a miracle, but be prepared to
suffer calamity. It's in the suffering that God plays another trump
card. He promises to turn bad into good for those that love Him.
I guess my thought in conclusion is that the wisdom of God's
answering, yes, no or maybe later is really over simplified. God's
answer is really individually tailored to fit our specific needs such
that we have opportunity to bring glory to Him and continue to grow
into His image.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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