We say we serve a risen Savior. We say He's in the world today. Yet, periodically when He shows up we are skeptical. We wonder how an event was rigged or maybe the participants were confused or motivated to share stories to build a God they wished was real. It is all very vexing...
There was a time in my Christian life when I would quickly discount the modern day miracles of our times. It was easier to say the events shared were someone's over active imagination and that miraculous gifts were given to apostles of times past. I think there is some truth in that attitude, but not the whole truth.
I am inclined to believe miraculous events occurred in times past, because the hearts of the people were fertile for miracles. The hearts were prime for seeing God at work in very real and tangible ways. I think in America and much of the world, our hearts are not primed for the active participation of God. But, every once in a while someone comes along with a heart after God and He loves it. He chooses to actively participate in their life and those near Him.
Below is an accounting of a God Spot brilliant displayed among of people in need. You will need to choose whether you believe in a God that empowers others to raise people from the dead. It is your choice. What will you do with it?
Thank you Jim Taylor of Facebook for this link.Caleme, Teresopolis
16 Dead Bodies Confirmed Resurrected from the Dead
Sunday, January 16, 2011
CALEME, TERESOPOLIS, Brazil – People of the barrio of Caleme have witnessed Saturday 5 dead bodies raised from the dead in the street. Another 10 bodies from the morgue have been raised to life. One woman who drowned and was dead was also raised back to life. The people in Caleme reported that 5 American men went near the 5 bodies and yelled, “Rise and live in the name of Jesus.” The dead bodies started to shake and stood up and walked and are alive.
At the nearby morgue, there were 10 dead bodies in the hallway. People said that 5 foreign women went near the bodies and said, “Rise and live in the name of Jesus.” The dead bodies shook and stood up shaking and walking and were alive. People were screaming, yelling. Riot at the barrio of Caleme.
These 5 dead bodies in the street of Caleme have been dead since Wednesday January 12. The 10 dead bodies in the morgue have been left in the hallway since Wednesday. People have talked to the dead risen. They were still weak but were able to talk and they said, “I was in a dark place many people crying, shouting. Was I asleep? Now I am alive!” “I know I was dead. I was in a dark, ugly place. I do not know what happened, but I am back to life. God is alive.”
The families of these dead are celebrating and happy. There has been hope in Caleme since Saturday.
Original commentary on the life giving miracle... http://healingherald.org/2011/01/16-flood-victims-raised-from-the-dead-in-brazil/
Pictures of the tragedy... http://www.aolnews.com/tag/teresopolis/photo/
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