Thursday, August 5, 2010

"The thought comes to my mind. How shall I spend the day?"~priest

I am an entrepreneur. As a career I have been many things... Today, I
am an entrepreneur. I wish the world was blessed by "entrepreneur"
being counted as the most highly valued profession. It's not but I
wish it was. To most, being an entrepreneur just means you don't have
a real job. It is that, but so much more.

As an entrepreneur, I am dependent upon God for today's provisions.
Depending on how He chooses to work in my life and the lives of others
that impact mine, determines when and how I receive the gifts God has
planned. I am ever conscious of His desire to interact with events in
my life, such that He is highlighted as being God - sovereign and full
of grace...

So today, I have spent time in prayer and reading from God's Word. I
am on a plan to read the entire Bible during the summer months. For
some, this is an impossibility because of how busy they are. For an
entrepreneur, the time is there. I just have to choose to do it. At
breakfast, I had the thought, "How shall i spend the day?"

I will do a lot of things and impact a lot of people with the things I
do. It is my hope at the end of the day, I have faithfully shared
Christ in thought and deed such that others will fall in love with my
God. Somehow in the process, I trust God will craft my adventures
such that resources are received to bless my family with His

If you have needs of a web presence, post a comment. I'd love for you
to be the one God has selected to intersect lives with today. God
bless. Enjoy the day as an entrepreneur, using every opportunity to
be the person God designed for service.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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