Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Two thousand years later, has nothing changed in the local church?"~priest

It is Sunday and time for the world to get dressed up in their finer
clothes and go to church. There is an unseen pressure that is felt
and drives one to the place designated as God's house. For most of
the people known as christians, they have lived like hell all week and
have chosen today as the day they will put on the appearance of
christianity by attending the local church.

Church can be a beautiful thing. People gather together to sing songs
written by people who led powerful "Christ center" lives hundreds of
years, ago. Songs like Onward Christian Soldiers and Rock of Ages
resonate throughout our communities. They are songs we grew up
singing as kids and we continue to sing today. It makes me wonder why
do we sing songs of our childhood? Has nothing changed within our
faith that our songs should not change, also?

I was reading in the Book of John, this morning. Jesus challenges the
people at the temple to tear it down and in 3 days He will rebuild it.
He is talking of His upcoming death, burial and resurrection. With
that thought, He drives all the venders out of the temple and cleanses
it with His presence. It is Jesus' presence that changes a building
into a Holy Place.

With the new deal of grace found in the new testament of the Word,
Jesus abides in those that believe and those that believe abide in
Jesus. When we as believers arrive at the local church, the building
is filled with the presence of Jesus. It is a wonderful experience to
know the presence of Jesus and felt through the lives of other

But there is a problem that runs epidemic within our local churches.
Many people of the church live their lives with the appearance of
Jesus during the week and expect Jesus to show up on Sunday. They are
dependent on the songs of old, because it brings memories of a time
when their heart was young, soft and sensitive to the Spirit. Today,
they mistakenly misidentify the recognition of song with the
recognition of the Holy Spirit.

This craziness of a "one day a week feeling" of an artificial presence
of the spirit is further reinforced with a speaker behind a podium
that reminds you of your youth. The feelings are remembered of the
time long ago when you "accepted Christ" and walked the aisle to shake
the hand of the pastor. Sadly, remembering times past does nothing
for living a life of Christ in times presence.

If you find yourself going to church out of discipline to attend and
only feel the presence of God on Sunday, I suggest you don't know the
true presence of God. Whatever it is you are worshipping or feeling
on Sunday is artificial and designed to make you feel better of the
hellish life you live in the week. I am sorry for you.

Jesus cleaned the temple two thousand years, ago. Why not once again,
allow Jesus to cleanse you and enjoy His true presence 24 hours a day,
7 days a week.... There is nothing artificial about a true abiding
relationship with Jesus Christ.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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