Many of you know I chase God Spots. A God Spot is defined as a time when God chooses to authenticate His presence and I get to blog about it. These God Spots are found interwoven throughout my blog 37stories .
As explanation for the driving motivation in God Spots is there was a time in my life when life's struggle was particularly demanding and I needed God to show me He was alive and well. I needed the daily encouragement just to pick up my feet and take the next step. God came through and God Spots became a part of my life.
God Spots has become an integral part of my life and it seems sometimes that God intentionally positions me to take part in a piece of life He has orchestrated. Make sense?
So many of you know that follow God Spots, I have been having incredible headaches. I've been to the doc and had a head MRI. My wife knew they would find anything (that is my wife's joke). The doc put me on Midrin and it does a pretty good job of numbing the pain, but it is always there.
So here is the deal. No amount of praying has fixed my head. So I have been considering my options. I am an army veteran and there is a Veteran's hospital in San Antonio, so I am going to go there in search of a solution I can afford. Thank you for paying your taxes. I'll be a recipient of your graciousness. :)
The deeper thought of going to the Veterans Hospital is possibly God is creating the circumstances such that I am once again positioned in the midst of God Spots. It follows in the footsteps of being tossed in jail unexpectantly a couple of months ago and being able to share my faith from the inside. I hit an all time high in blog readership that week (several thousand readers thrilled me!).
So do me a favor if you please. I believe in the power of prayer. As you read this pray for a couple of things. Don't wait 'til later. Likely, you will forget. First, pray that the circumstances of my past are put to rest (ie jail). Second, pray that I fall in the middle of gigantic God Spots as I work my way through the Veteran's hospital. I suspect there will be plenty of opportunity to see God at work.
That's about it. The head hurts and it is time for God to authenticate His presence. ~just sayin'... the priest.
Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...
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