Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some questions seem easy... but maybe not.

This post began as a seemingly nonsensical thought as I was enjoying the sun while my wife and sister-in-law went shopping in a high class mall.  Somewhere in my mind developed the thought of placing a confessional booth in place of a kiosk.  I live in a heavily populated Catholic community. Confessional booths would be a natural thing and I like to refer to myself as a priest, so the two just naturally fit.  Or so it seemed.

What happened next was my considering what really happens in a confessional booth and would the visitor get their money's worth?  I know what happens in a traditional relationship between Catholic priest and visitor.  In that setting, the visitor may or may not get what they are paying for.  If I were the priest, I would want my visitors to get all they paid for.  So the question is what would I be marketing and would it be enough for the confessor?

I am in the habit of praying for people.  I even pray that God will forgive them of this and that.  I am now questioning how effective my requests might be?  Does forgiveness by God for other people happen sometimes and yet not others?  I don't know.

And then there is the BIGGEST question of all.  If I can pray for the forgiveness of sins for a person, why can't I pray and have him/her receive salvation?  That happens in the traditional confessional, right?  What is wrong with that line of thinking?  

This is really important before I go and franchise my new line of confessional kiosks...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, February 27, 2010

"God's love extends to the homeless. How about yours?"~priest

Sara Gwathmey Driving in to work this morning with the sunrise, stopped at a light, saw homeless woman sitting on the corner shivering. I roll my window down and ask her if she wanted my jacket and oh by the way, when was the last time you have eaten anything? Gave my jacket away and fed someone who hasn't eaten in 3 days. Humbling. Grateful for grace today.

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As I wake-up getting a hot cup of coffee and eat my Eggo waffle...

Haitian earthquake of 2010 and Chile just experienced the same.  The Bible predicts all kinds of chaos as the end comes near.  Jesus is coming again!

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, February 26, 2010

"So God spoke through a donkey. I more inclined to listen to a pelican."~priest

Port Aransas is my sweet spot for replenishment.  Lots of good memories.  Nothing bad has ever happened there for me.  I was there a while back, intently reading God's Word.  I was in the middle of speed reading the new testament.  

While sitting in the sand looking across the jetty and into the channel, a pelican flew up and landed next to me.  I mean he literally flew up and landed within 3 feet of me and sat down.  He stared at me and snuggled down into the sand with the idea of staying a while.  I contemplated with God what the purpose of this loony pelican was.  I have to imagine there are few of you that can say a pelican flew in and camped next to you.... Right?

I took it as an encouragement that God was near and kept reading.  That was about a year, ago.  A couple weeks ago, a new facebook friend and disabled veteran (Joey) told me to read about how the brain can be reprogrammed.  I thought that interesting because of the Biblical concept of taking thoughts captive.

Part of the process is to identify those things that trigger negative feelings and retrain yourself to use the things to trigger some positive thought.  I wondered what the positive thought might be.  I knew what the negative thought was.  Then, I believe God reminded me of the pelican.  I imagined that God sent the pelican to roost next to me as a sign that He was close and cared for me.  

Maybe this is true.  I don't know, but in my imaginations, I believe the uniqueness of the pelican hanging out with me was identifying God's presence.  I figure if God can speak through a donkey, He can speak through a pelican.  Now when the events occur that typically trigger negative responses, I am retraining myself to think about that pelican.  I am surprised that possibly a year ago, God sent me the pelican for such a time as this.

Might you need to do a little retraining on your own?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"The world is a mess. Without God there is no hope."~priest

Guest post by a friend of the EPIC family,
Hey y'all.
Spent my evening at my sister's house (house-sitting) watching olympics and the dirty dozen, doing laundry, hangin' with her cats. Didn't stay the night, wanted to sleep in my own bed. Left halfway through the movie around 12:25am, arriving at my apartment, there were 2 police cars. As I walked to my building, I saw my neighbor, Maria, distressed, in tears, talking to the cops at her front door. I went up to see her.
She had been beaten by her boyfriend.
There was another neighbor woman on the phone with Maria's sister, who was on her way. Maria has 2 kids. They were at her parents house. I went upstairs to see her and to offer any assistance.
Maria reeked of alchohol and her nose was black & blue, her eyes swollen from the tears, big scratches on her arms and she was just a mess.
I can't tell you how it has affected me right now.

Please pray for Maria. Pray she will get help. Pray she will stay away from this man who has abused her. Please pray for this man who is abusive. There is so much abuse around me in this aparment building! The guy next door on the phone with his girlfriend calling her all the names you don't call someone, the couple upstairs who argue throughout the night saying things to each other no one deserves to hear. People are hurting. Jesus came for them. Pray they will know the truth.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, February 25, 2010

"I have a friend in Jesus..."~priest

About 1:30 PM Thursday...
Interesting character dropped by the church today.  3 days ago he left Ohio with a backpack and $75.  Today, he rode the bus to Grace Point Church and found me.  He asked if he could see a pastor.  But first he asked if we could pray.  He is the first I've met that asked for prayer before he asked for money.  Why is that?
I have a friend in Jesus.  There are many who are praying for me.  There are a few who I would consider as point people in prayer.  Some have said I am under attack by the evil one.  If so, I find it honoring the evil one would consider me of import.
The gentleman prayed a powerful prayer.  It seemed he was comfortable talking with the Father and believed he was being heard.  He didn't pray for his needs.  He prayed for mine.  I like to believe this was a devine appointment, a God Spot.   He prayed a prayer of encouragement over me.  I don't remember all that was said, I just know when he was done, God had been petitioned to act on my behalf.
I am blown away at the graciousness of God, that He would send someone to genuinely pray for me.  He had no agenda.  His only asset was love. 
I'm thinking that if demons are chasing me, they just had a set back.  Thank you, Jesus....

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thank you God, friends and family. 100,000 lurks is significant!

When I started blogging, I was told no one would read it.  I found that bit of encouragement interesting and set about the task anyway.  God had put a dream in my heart of sharing words of encouragement with others via "God Spots".  100,000 unique daily viewers later, it is obvious God has a message of encouragement for all of us.

I thank you for investing your time reading posts and in some cases writing comments to my thoughts.  I hope more times then not it is the Holy Spirit speaking through you and I that gets posted.  I know sometimes, it is just me, but "all in all" I hope God speaks with frequency. 

So thank you very much and I look forward to both you and I experiencing God Spots as we look toward the future.Remember.  A God Spot is when God periodically authenticates His presence and I get to blog about it.  

God Bless! 

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

"Just because it sounds good, does not make it so."~priest

I have grown fond of God's Word.  From His Word comes thoughts to share on 37stories.  It would be easy to make up stories that you would enjoy hearing.  I could even contrive up healings and manifestations of the Spirit.  I think it important we test what we hear and read comparing against what the scripture has to say.  

Jeremiah says it like this...

"Don't listen to the sermons of the prophets. 
It's all hot air. Lies, lies, and more lies. They make it all up. 
Not a word they speak comes from me. They preach their 'Everything Will Turn Out Fine' sermon 
to congregations with no taste for God, Their 'Nothing Bad Will Ever Happen to You' sermon 
to people who are set in their own ways."~Jeremiah

There was a time when prophets had a bad name.  They preached and represented themselves as a mouthpiece of God, but in reality were just parrots to the people for what the masses wanted to hear.  It's likely there are modern day prophets with the same words that sound good, but have no connection to the message God desires to share.

Likely, there are false teachers today much like the days of Jeremiah.  Today with electronic media, their lies are even more easily propagated.  Be smart who you listen to.  Keep yourself embedded in the Word and God will expose the lies of false teachers.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Approaching 100,000 unique reads to my blog. God is good!"~priest

"Tithing is OK. Giving is MUCH better."~priest

Do you do Facebook?  If so, there has been quite the intellectual discussion going on at: 

There is no need to wonder if people are passionate about money. That comes without saying. I have been blessed in the dialog that for the most part, Jesus has not been neglected and authors have been tolerant of each other's beliefs. I have concluded and observed a couple things. See if you agree.

When it comes to giving whether in times before Jesus or after Jesus, the act of giving is all about the heart. God does love a cheerful giver.

The issue of tithe 10% or not is really a mute point. What real value is there in a word? Whether the word is tithe, transfer assets, write a check or give, does not matter. It is the act and the condition of your heart when you take action. If I fall short in the giving area, likely it is because some times it just becomes mechanical in nature. I give and don't think about it. Likely, God would prefer I give Him thanks for the opportunity to give.

I am a bit intrigued about the dynamics of the dialog. I think I have a rather diversified Facebook friendship of about 1500 people. Most of the dialog is created by those who believe in giving but think the concept of tithing is under the law and Jesus freed us from the law. Very few commented they believe tithing is a new testament concept.

I find it interesting in a public venue such as Facebook, tithers for the most part do not step up to the plate and defend their beliefs. This is not a judgement statement, just an observation that the debate is a bit lopsided and was not intended to be.

As to where you give and how much you give, that is between you and the Father. I know a church's business model is based on 20% of the members giving 80% of the money. So your giving or tithing is important to the success of the model. God bless you in your faithfulness.  

My suggestion for the 100% of believers is to do a heart check and determine how much and where God wants you to invest your money. Maybe it will be to your local church. Maybe it will be to feed the poor. Maybe it will be both. Giving is commanded by God. To choose otherwise is disobedience.

Thank you again for your passion.  All things work together for those that love the Lord.  That is a promise!

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

FREE Software for featuring on my blog

Hello.  I saw your offer...

A Special Offer for Publishers

Attention all bloggers, article writers, editors, creators of online video content & IT reviewers:
We will be pleased to offer you a fully functional version of Active@ Disk Image for your evaluation and review free of charge. Compare with the regular price: $49.00. 
CD editors are approved to include the trial version of software in the CDs.
Hurry up and call us at: +1(877) 477-3553; (905) 812-8434 or
Condition: We would simply request that you forward a link to an online review you have completed or send us a brief testimonial of your experience with the product.

I have pretty heavy readership.  I will roll over 100,000 unique reads this week.  I'd like to feature your software in exchange for a free fully functional copy.  Let me know what you want me to do.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Question: "What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?"

I copied this from .  The explanation seems reasonable to some....
Answer: Many Christians struggle with the issue of tithing. In some churches tithing is over-emphasized. At the same time, many Christians refuse to submit to the biblical exhortations about making offerings to the Lord. Tithing/giving is intended to be a joy and a blessing. Sadly, that is sometimes not the case in the church today.

Tithing is an Old Testament concept. The tithe was a requirement of the law in which all Israelites were to give 10 percent of everything they earned and grew to the Tabernacle/Temple (Leviticus 27:30; Numbers 18:26; Deuteronomy 14:24; 2 Chronicles 31:5). In fact, the Old Testament Law required multiple tithes which would have pushed the total to around 23.3 percent, not the 10 percent which is generally considered the tithe amount today. Some understand the Old Testament tithe as a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system. The New Testament nowhere commands, or even recommends, that Christians submit to a legalistic tithe system. Paul states that believers should set aside a portion of their income in order to support the church (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).

The New Testament nowhere designates a percentage of income a person should set aside, but only says it is to be “in keeping with income” (1 Corinthians 16:2). Some in the Christian church have taken the 10 percent figure from the Old Testament tithe and applied it as a “recommended minimum” for Christians in their giving. The New Testament talks about the importance and benefits of giving. We are to give as we are able. Sometimes that means giving more than 10 percent; sometimes that may mean giving less. It all depends on the ability of the Christian and the needs of the church. Every Christian should diligently pray and seek God’s wisdom in the matter of participating in tithing and/or how much to give (James 1:5). Above all, all tithes and offerings should be given with pure motives and an attitude of worship to God and service to the body of Christ. “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

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"I want to give it all. How much is that?"~priest

Archie Rhines is thinking about all the religions of the world. Is there one where I don't have to give money to go to a five star resort in the sky? ~just sayin' and counting my pennies. (extracted from a thread in Facebook)

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, February 22, 2010

"Do you really want to be more like Jesus"~priest

Isaiah 53

1Who believes what we've heard and seen? Who would have thought God's saving power would look like this?

2 -6The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling, 
a scrubby plant in a parched field. There was nothing attractive about him, 
nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was looked down on and passed over, 
a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at him and people turned away. 
We looked down on him, thought he was scum. But the fact is, it was our pains he carried— 
our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us. We thought he brought it on himself, 
that God was punishing him for his own failures. But it was our sins that did that to him, 
that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins! He took the punishment, and that made us whole. 
Through his bruises we get healed. We're all like sheep who've wandered off and gotten lost. 
We've all done our own thing, gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything we've done wrong, 
on him, on him.

7 -9He was beaten, he was tortured, 
but he didn't say a word. Like a lamb taken to be slaughtered 
and like a sheep being sheared, 
he took it all in silence. Justice miscarried, and he was led off— 
and did anyone really know what was happening? He died without a thought for his own welfare, 
beaten bloody for the sins of my people. They buried him with the wicked, 
threw him in a grave with a rich man, Even though he'd never hurt a soul 
or said one word that wasn't true.

10Still, it's what God had in mind all along, 
to crush him with pain. The plan was that he give himself as an offering for sin 
so that he'd see life come from it—life, life, and more life. 
And God's plan will deeply prosper through him.

11 -12Out of that terrible travail of soul, 
he'll see that it's worth it and be glad he did it. Through what he experienced, my righteous one, my servant, 
will make many "righteous ones," 
as he himself carries the burden of their sins. Therefore I'll reward him extravagantly— 
the best of everything, the highest honors— Because he looked death in the face and didn't flinch, 
because he embraced the company of the lowest. He took on his own shoulders the sin of the many, 
he took up the cause of all the black sheep.

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sea gulls, sand, surf, my bride and Jesus. It was a good day!

When Cora and I were younger than we are now, we use to load up my '69 Camaro and head for the beach for the day.  We were in our late teens and dating.  That was a short almost 40 years, ago.  Even before that, my dad and I would load up a '58 Chevy and head down for fishing.  So, Port Aransas is full of wonderful memories.  

I took last week off from work to give my head and its' related migraines a break.  Last night, I thought what better way to wrap up my time off than a trip to the beach.  It is about a 3 hour drive, but the time flies when you have good company.  Cora is the best!  We made it to the ferry boat and enjoyed the short trip over the channel in beautiful sunshine.

We had shrimp three different ways at Virginia's and headed for the beach.  It was sunny, but a little cool.  We wrapped up in towels, sat in our beach chairs and enjoyed the sound of the waves.  The sea gulls kept me amused with my camera and Cora enjoyed a good book.  It was all simple and refreshing.

It a couple hours, we packed, kissed and headed back.  It was a great day.  I think we need to do this more often and likely will.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I am not pointing at a specific church, although you may feel obligated too.~just sayin'

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Is that God I see living outside the box? Is He OK with being alone?"~priest

Have you ever considered how BIG God is?  I mean really.  God is the creator of the universe.  He is even bigger than that, because He existed before the universe did.  In your mind, imagine the biggest thing you can imagine and God is bigger.  God is not confined by dimension, time or a box.  God is the I AM.  Are you thinking BIG, yet?  Think BIGGER!

Now think about your existence.  How big is it?  Pretty small in comparison right?  Likely, pretty small period!  

I think most of your existence is small because you choose it to be.  I don't think God built the universe with expectations of keeping you and I small and caged in a box.  The correct word is caged isn't it?  No one deep down inside wants to be caged.  We all desire freedom.  It is part of our DNA to desire freedom.

Sadly we find ourselves caged in a box, like a load of chickens headed for slaughter.  Do you know why you are in your cage?  It is easy.  You have attempted to take God with you in the box.  All you know of God is what you managed to stuff in the box with you.  Remember God is the creator of the universe?  Be real.  How much of God can you stuff in your box?

Between you and the piece of God you stuffed in the box, you may never get out of the box.  As you work your hardest at escape and freedom, others in the world continue to stuff you back in the box.  They have the power to control and manipulate, because God the creator is not and will not be stuffed in a box.  What ever god you have in your box is not the I AM.

The good news, life does not have to be lived in a box.  I don't care what anyone tells you.  God the creator, wants to share life with you and the sharing is done by belief and faith outside the box.  

Consider for a moment the comfort of the box you live in.... Do you really think the God of creation would be comfortable in your box?  Might it be possible, that God wants to share life with you "outside the box".... Might God be waiting for you to take a 1st step outside the box and into His arms?

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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

A brave soul and blessed....

Colleen Holloran Foshee
Colleen Holloran Foshee 
Went to see BH with some neighbors about 15 years ago in Dallas. One of the neighbors was instantly healed of Epstein Barr Disease. Confirmed by her Doctors the next week. So thankful God uses cracked vessels to reach us and show us His love. He knew Benny's whole life and still worked through him for my friend. What a God! Not like us.
about an hour ago · 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Life in the Veterans Administration Emergency Room

You may know I have been suffering.  Whoops.  I meant I have been SUFFERING from a nonstop migraine for about 6 weeks.  I'm not a wimp, but it is getting old.

I am a Viet Nam Era Army veteran.  Applause.  Thank you very much.  I'm kidding about the applause!  The classification buys me FREE medical assistance as my income is considered in the needy range.  You know I am always in search of a fresh God Spot, so I figured the ER would be a great place to hang out and hopefully get some assistance.  The day went like this....

I dropped my wife off at work.  She is the best receptionist a church has ever had.  I headed to the hospital bright and early.  My friend Gerald, also an army vet had shown me the waiting room on a previous visit.  I arrived at 8:00 AM and was #2 in line.  I thought, "Way cool!"

Five minutes later, they ushered me to a back examination room and told me to put on a backless hospital gown.  I thought that odd. I was in for a migraine.  A nurse took my vitals and commented I looked good.  I thought that was nice.  lol

Then, the doc comes in and chats about the nonstop migraine.  He says, "Well, I think we need to calm that migraine down a bit."  I thought ok.  Sounds good.  The next thing I know is the nurse is wheeling in a crash cart with an intravenous feeding tube with bad attached and is reaching for my arm.  Now you probably don't know about me and needles.  Never the twain shall meet!

I mean I dislike them so much that when I was volunteered by my drill sergeant in army basic training to give blood,  I volunteered I had every type of sexually transmitted disease on the list just to keep the needle out of my arm.  I'm laughing now, but it wasn't funny then.  Ha!

So, I told the nurse I had a headache and it didn't require an IV.  He said, I was in an emergency room and that is how they did it.  I said, Well thank you very much, but no thank you.  I was here for a doctor and a prescription."    He said get dressed and sent me back to the waiting room.

12 hours later, I was still waiting for a doctor.  People came and went.  I just waited....

Then, it happened.  God got tired and sent someone to help.  My friend Gerard is a 100% disabled vet.  He knows the system and the system knows him.  He saw me and waved through the glass.  He came in and asked what was up.  I explained my 12 hour wait and he said that wasn't any good.  No way!  The next thing I know he is headed for the waiting room headmaster....  

I see his hands waving a bit, but can't hear anything.  He comes back and says he figures I will get called soon.  Remember this is 12 hours of wait up until Gerard shows up.  About 5 minutes later, my name is called.  huh?!  Gerard is a BIG guy and is known for being a bit explosive at times.  Did I mention 100% disabled?  He apparently told them they needed to do better in treating his friend and it wouldn't be good to "Tip him off".  

So funny!  The doctor immediately took me in.  Not even a wait in the inner sanctuary.  She chatted with me.  Found some meds she thought would work.  Connected me with an appointment at a neurologist and asked if there was anything else.  I picked up my meds at the pharmacy for FREE and made it home in time to catch an episode of MASH.  I thought that fitting for the end of the day....

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"Somehow I cheapened or devalued Grace as I became a man."~priest

As I read Mike's story of life without God and then life with God, I am impressed that believing in God and actually being saved from eternal fire and damnation is two totally different dynamics.  OK I know some are immediately turned off by the harshness of the thought of burning in hell, but I see no reason to sugar coat the outcome of believing in God and not aligning yourself with the Father.

Here's the deal.  God created the world and therefore has total and complete ownership in the world.  He doesn't owe the bank for a construction loan.  He doesn't have to ask permission of the government for a reconstruction permit.  God can do with the world, which includes you and I, anything He wants to.  Take for example your car.  If you have no debt against it, you can destroy it or you can wash and wax it.  It is your choice.

Mike's story is a beautiful story.  As a soul headed straight to hell, the story is raw and offensive.  From the perspective of possibly you or I living a sheltered "Christian" life, you might even hide your eyes and choose to not read it.  But the beauty....

The beauty of the story is the miraculous grace God has available for all he calls.  God came to Mike when he was living in his own filth.  God didn't wait for Mike to clean himself up.  God wanted him just as he was.  Then, an amazing unveiling of truth occurred and Mike was drawn to God.  This is an incredible miracle and definitely a God Spot of the brightest kind!

Thank you, Mike!

"It's urgent that you listen carefully to this: Anyone here who believes what I am saying right now and aligns himself with the Father, who has in fact put me in charge, has at this very moment the real, lasting life and is no longer condemned to be an outsider. This person has taken a giant step from the world of the dead to the world of the living.

...Don't act so surprised at all this. The time is coming when everyone dead and buried will hear his voice. Those who have lived the right way will walk out into a resurrection Life; those who have lived the wrong way, into a resurrection Judgment."~Jesus

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mike Xpietoe Pollie Transparently Shares Life - unedited real life

From: michael pollie <>
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 7:50 PM
Subject: mike xpietoe pollie

Well i was asked to give the full tilt version of my story by my friend archie so here i am. Please excuse the grammar and punctuation as when i write a though i think so quick sometimes that i just want to let the Spirit take it over and let it ride like i was just talking and when i change it then the thought never seems the same. So here i go im just gonna let it fly. I grew up in central NY in the sticks in a highly disfunctional broken home of sex drugs and alcohol. It was actually common for me to see porn with my dad and his friends when i was really young. Probably needless to say i grew up desiring sexual pleasure as not just a means to an end but actually as an end in itself. But thats just the early years. Later it turned into other things as well. But back to the sex thing. I first had my known sexual encounter at about seven when my dads friends daughter and sister would come "babysit". we would play strip poker and truth or dare (usually dare) and spin the bottle and other strange sex games. So at some point this started to just be normal. Some may say "oh well you were abused". But in all honesty i wanted it. It felt good and its all i knew i guess and i would be willing to bet that it was the same for them. I had no mom and they had no dad so we were filling eachothers needs in that group of "friends" i hung out with. Strange days those were and even stranger when i was in school and realised that all the other kids werent into what i was into (for the most part). Kids know a lot more than most adults want to admit (at least in my town they did). So this was a theme from early on in my life.
Along this journey i started experimenting with "innocent" things like cigarettes and alcohol at around the same time but didnt really get into smoking and drinking until i was about 13. By 15 i was addicted to drugs alcohol and sex like there was no tomorrow by 16 i couldnt stay out of jail. On top of the sex drugs and alcohol i couldnt seem to keep my hands off of things that werent mine. In other words i was a cleptomaniac. This didnt help the jail thing. Most of my jail time was over really petty stupid things but they were all theft drug or alcohol related.
Fast forward to 25 years old and heavy into crack/cocaine addiction. I started out by just doing a little here and doing a little there and then doing a lot here and there and eventually i stopped being an alcoholic because i was always smoking crack. By 26 i was just robbing everyone and anyone i knew. Also i started actually having sex with men for crack. This was the lowest of lows and even though i had dabbled with this man on man thing in the past it was never like this and was just because of my sex addiction not because of attraction so this was strange for me but i needed the crack so i did what i had to do to get it. There arent many stores to rob or people to bum money off of at 2 in the morning. So anyways for about 3 strong years i just did what i needed to do to get crack. When you are in deep (and i met people 20 years strong into crack addiction) you actually have to smoke crack every day and you have to smoke a lot of it or its not worth it. When its 5 in the morning and you got to work at 6 you dont care because you need a hit of crack. I didnt sleep anymore. I passed out. So after i had robbed all my family and all my dealers and all of everyone i could rob i decided that i would hitch out to the west coast. So i did. I hitched from VA to CA in 40 DAYS. I would later learn the signifigance.
I dont want to glorify or bore too much with the same info over and over again but lets just say i went throught many crazy things and finally made it to cali. When i made it there i immediately found a way to get, you guessed it, crack. So i got the hook up (and some food stamps because i was part of the problem). So there i am in cali and for about two weeks i just smoked crack in venice beach and santa monica and in what they call "ghost-town" and belive me i am blessed and spared by God alone to be alive. Not that LA is any worse than the rest of the US as i found out. Its all the same just different politics. So after two weeks of doing the same ol pimpin hookin and lyin cheatin stealin something happens that i never expected. To fully explain this i have to give a brief background on my "church-life". My church-life consisted of pretty much never going to church as a kid and when i did go to church it was when i was older and homeless. While homeless i slept in a lot of different churches through programs and missions and stuff like that. I also slept in outhouses and abandoned buildings and on the side of the highway. Not too glamorous to say the least. I really dont enjoy sex with men for money but worse than that was sleeping in outhouses because until you take a shower and change you smell like......well.......yeah. So back to the church thing. I pretty much used churches as my get dry get cleaned up and get food and money place. There were a few places in my life during this time of "church-hopping" that i actually felt bad about my sin and lifestyle but not enough to really do anything about it. So, back to the "something happens" part of my story. One night after smoking about 100 dollars of crack and not being able to get high i decide to go find somewhere to sleep. The is a mission right outside of santa monica and i went there to try to get in but they were full. I dont know where it was or how i got there but i turned around and went back into santa monica toward the beach. I saw some people coming out of a restaurant and asked if i could have the leftovers i saw them carrying (i was pretty bold,still am). So the people gave me their leftovers and i went down to the santa monica pier and ate some leftovers and curled up with an american flag i found under there (because i was the picutre of america at this point lol). Then out of the blue i woke up the next day. I say out of the blue because i woke up like i was surprised to be homeless. But right then i heard something that i have never heard and only knew it was real later. I heard God speaking to me. When i read the story of samuel as a kid hearing Gods voice i think of this moment. God was calling. "Come and get Me" is what He was saying. I didnt know why or what was going on but i know i needed to follow the voice. Some might dismiss this as me detoxing from crack but from experience with that i can say that wasnt the case. So off i go to find "the voice". In my heart i knew it was God and not only God but actually could feel that it was Christ. I started wandering around santa monica asking everyone where i could find a christian ministry because i needed to find God. I knew what i needed though i didnt really know God yet. I was kind of like samuel going back and forth to eli. I even went and knocked on a cops window which was not my regular thing to do since i tried my best to avoid them like the plague. The cop pointed me to a place called the clare foundation and that place didnt have a bed for the night. They gave me a bag lunch and a couple bus tokens (which i sold thinking i could get crack with them) and told me to go to a place called the bible tabernacle. When i realized i couldnt get any crack i went to the bible tabernacle and got a bed for the night. I got there and hung out talking about how i couldnt believe in the bible or God because of all the contradictions in it. The man who ran the house i was at (there were a bunch of houses) just sat and listened to me and understood my misunderstanding of God and His Word without denying how hard it was to reconcile the bible and just talked with me. I think thats what kept me talking with him. The next morning when i woke up we had a choice to read the bible (or just sit with it open and awake) and then go eat breakfast and get lunch or we could leave before bible reading and just get a bag lunch. I was pretty hungry and curious still as to what it was God was trying to say to me. After the bible reading and prayer and before the breakfast, the main house guy told me about a "program" that they had in a place called canyon country in northern LA county up in the hills. I was tired and needed to know what God wanted so i decided to try this route and find out if this was what God was trying to say. So i accepted and went to the ministry up in the boonies. I was there for a while and i wont talk of all the stuff in the ministry but we read the Word every morning and had to look up and write a list of memory verses to stay at the ministry. That and work daily was all we had to do. They gave us a week to relax and write the memory verses and detox as well because the majority of people that came in were drug users. After about a month and a half of being there and reading and writing the verses we had to look up i actually started understanding the bible a little and not just making up my own blind perceptions based on others interpretations and/or out of context misinterpretations. Well one day i broke down totally and just had a knock down drag out fight with God cursing Him out and just trying my hardest to fight with my brain to deny the fact that the one i was arguing with was even real. To this i now laugh just realizing how hard i fought to not believe in something i didnt believe. It now seems so hard to even imagine that i used to think i was an atheist. After this argument and many tears and sorrow for my sins and understanding that i needed Jesus and my life was feeble and i only had one thing left to do in my soul and that was to give up and give my life to Christ. Thats how it happened for me and from that day on God has not ceased to amaze me and show me that i am now His and even when i fall and fail i am still His because of what He did for me by becoming a man and taking my punishment on the cross and allowing me to take on His righteousness. Praise Glory and Honor be the the One and only True Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Well now God just leads me daily and i have so many testimonies but this is just the beginning of the best of my life =D

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

"There are seven things God hates..."~the priest suggests you heed Solomon's advice.

Here are six things God hates and one more that he loathes with a passion: 
  1. eyes that are arrogant, 
  2. a tongue that lies, 
  3. hands that murder the innocent, 
  4. a heart that hatches evil plots, 
  5. feet that race down a wicked track, 
  6. a mouth that lies under oath, 
  7. a troublemaker in the family.
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“Don’t worry about it man, my car’s cool.”

Dan Katka

Dan Katka I rear-ended a car, got out to give insurance info, driver said, “Don’t worry about it man, my car’s cool.” He got choked up and said he was going to see his daughter in the E.R.. I shared how my son’s have been there many times and asked if I could pray for him and her. Afterwards, he shook my hand and said, “Thanks for everything.” Never been thanked for hitting someone from behind before. God's cool that way :)

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Jesus did not come so you could throw your life away!"~priest

Last night I had a wonderful time gathering with some local new friends and chatting about God and such.  We all shared our salvation experience.  It is amazing how each experience is unique in its' own way.  I found it interesting that a young lady shared she could not remember ever not having a personal relationship with Christ.  I find that inspiring and amazing!  It is similar to Ruth Graham's testimony. 
This morning I happened upon a friend at the local bagel shop.  We were chatting about God things and how we both were seeking to develop a stronger relationship with our heavenly Father.  I'm guessing the guy is probably in his thirty's, but has only been a believer for a couple years.  I find this interesting.  Most of his life, he lived life on his terms and God was not a part of it.
It seems to me that there are more people coming to know God personally later in life then there use to be.  My friend said He knew God was speaking to him maybe 5 years previous, but didn't think the deal for salvation could ever be struck because of how bad a person he was. 
Then there was another story of a young man who saw no future and had considered ending his life.  We prayed that this would not be the case.  Such a tragic ending to a young man's life, if he missed the opportunity for eternal life with the Father.
I wonder if God is stepping up the pace of drawing all to Him with the expectation that Jesus is coming soon?  I wonder?
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David lived a life on the edge...

Psalm 70

A David Prayer

1 -3God! Please hurry to my rescue! God, come quickly to my side! 
Those who are out to get me— 
let them fall all over themselves. 
Those who relish my downfall— 
send them down a blind alley. 
Give them a taste of their own medicine, 
those gossips off clucking their tongues. 

4Let those on the hunt for you 
sing and celebrate. 
Let all who love your saving way 
say over and over, "God is mighty!" 

5But I've lost it. I'm wasted. 
God—quickly, quickly! 
Quick to my side, quick to my rescue! 
God, don't lose a minute.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Met a friend from India today..

I was changing letters in our church's marquee today and noticed an older gentleman walking along the sidewalk.  He was looking up at the sky and not in a particular hurry.  I had an extra Bible in the truck and wondered if I should chat with him.  He kept walking and I kept working.

Probably an hour later, I was leaving the church and guess who was walking by again.  Yep.  The same elderly man.  I figure this is too much of a coincidence and likely God is orchestrating circumstance.  I walked  out to chat.  He is 76 years old and is from India.  He has been in America for 7 months.  His accent is very thick. We chatted about things and I mentioned he looked young for 76.  

He shared with me that only God knows when He will take us home.  I commented that was true and it was very important we do all we can to enjoy each day that God gives us.  I asked if I could give him my Bible.  He graciously accepted and asked me to write my name in it.  I welcomed him to America and wished him the best.

Sometimes, it is the little things that mean the most....

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"Sing this song of encouragement with David"~priest

Psalm 30

A David Psalm

1I give you all the credit, God— you got me out of that mess, 
you didn't let my foes gloat. 

2 -3 God, my God, I yelled for help 
and you put me together. 
God, you pulled me out of the grave, 
gave me another chance at life 
when I was down-and-out. 

4 -5All you saints! Sing your hearts out to God! 
Thank him to his face! 
He gets angry once in a while, but across 
a lifetime there is only love. 
The nights of crying your eyes out 
give way to days of laughter. 

6 -7When things were going great 
I crowed, "I've got it made. 
I'm God's favorite. 
He made me king of the mountain." 
Then you looked the other way 
and I fell to pieces. 

8 -10I called out to you, God; 
I laid my case before you: 
"Can you sell me for a profit when I'm dead? 
auction me off at a cemetery yard sale? 
When I'm 'dust to dust' my songs 
and stories of you won't sell. 
So listen! and be kind! 
Help me out of this!" 

11 -12You did it: you changed wild lament 
into whirling dance; 
You ripped off my black mourning band 
and decked me with wildflowers. 
I'm about to burst with song; 
I can't keep quiet about you. 
God, my God, 
I can't thank you enough.

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God's Goodness and Faithfulness

I woke up this morning thinking "Today is the day the Lord hath made.  Rejoice and be glad in it."  I like that thought.  Then, I began reading the Psalm. 

It is amazing how open David was in his communication with God.  I think sometimes I don't want to burden God with what I am really thinking, but I see David just tells God what is on his mind.  David pleads with God and asks God to not forget him.  He asks God to forgive him and not turn His back.  

David speaks many times to God of how good God has been and asks that He continue with His goodness.  David cries out to the reality of his situation that others want him dead and if God does not intervene.  He will die.  He often ends with praise to His Father and a longing to spend life with God learning at His feet.

I think I need to be a better communicator with God.  

.... and I think God smiles at the thought.



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Monday, February 8, 2010

God's love may not get more real than this...

Daniel C. Hatch 
Background and Testimony

I was raised in The Church of Christ and we religiously attended church 3 times a week, studied the bible in Sunday school, and prayed over every meal. At the young age of 8, I sincerely accepted Jesus as my savior and was baptized, but was quickly discouraged. That night, after being baptized, the other kids came up to me and wanted to play, and the adults congratulated my parents and slapped me on the back, said well done and told me to go play, then left. I’ll never forget the thought of, “is that all there is to it?” All too soon, I learned that the “Christian life”, (as presented by the church), was lacking something and I couldn’t live out in practice very well what I thought God wanted me to. As I grew into a young man, I followed my own ways more and more, and not wanting to be a hypocrite, quit going to church.

Never finishing college, I got married, went into the military, got a broken heart because of an adulterous wife, and spiraled down to a life of rebellion and self servitude. In 1975, the spirit of The Lord brought me to my knees and I knew He was real! I could actually see into the spiritual realm and saw a spiritual battle waging war all around me and I knew I needed Jesus to save me for real! I became a true Jesus freak! In my zeal, I proclaimed how “I” found The Lord” (ha), and preached to everyone, including my old church, about how God’s spirit is alive and still working today! They were not receptive to that revelation and before long, kicked me out! 

Now I was certainly young in the Lord, and hungering for more and more knowledge of God, I listened to many, many tapes and teachings. I would read the bible, but would mostly look to the “pentecostal or charismatic” teachers. I found myself caught up in one of the charismatic churches that proclaimed some bad teachings and “doctrines”, and when I got close to the internal functions of the church (business and daily workings of the leadership), I saw a lot of the heresy that has permeated “the church” today. When that leadership fell because of sin, along with several personal struggles and failures in my life, business and family, and not being well grounded in GOD’S truth, I was crushed and spiritually wounded. I was filled with confusion, anger, inner guilt and disappointments. Again I spiraled down to a life of rebellion and eventually screwed up my second marriage. Alcohol, drugs, sex, you name it, I was into it. 

Over the next decade and a half, I was a miserable soul! Tortured by the knowledge of the reality of God and yet not fellowshipping with Him, I struggled with trying to put my life in order to the best of my ability. Disappointments and hurts, failed marriages and unfulfilled expectations that were prevalent in my life eventually gave way to a form of stability and success. I married again; Janie was a good woman with 3 children she had raised on her own; two girls and a boy and all young adults. They graciously accepted me into the family and I soon found the pleasures of being looked at as a father figure and before too long a grandfather! Life was good at last. We considered ourselves Christians, but just didn’t go to church or get too carried away with it. 

Time passed until once again, life dealt harshly with us with the loss of our business and after another horrific and tragic event that I won’t get into detail about now, I knew the emotional turmoil and devastation was far more than I could handle on my own. I cried out to God and in His grace and mercy, He answered me! I guess it took that much for me to finally surrender ALL and be still before Him. Janie, on the other hand, was embittered and even openly against God and wanted no part of anything that included Him, even me if that’s who I wanted to follow.

The next five or six years were filled with open hostility on the home front and downright persecution. I kept pleading for God to intervene on my behalf and make Janie change. Each request was answered by an instruction for ME to change and surrender another part of myself and leave Janie to Him. I can truly testify of going “through the valley”, but God was with me and my relationship with Him deepened. 

You know, the bible says that bitterness will rot your bones and I actually saw that happen to Janie. As time went on, and Janie’s health deteriorated, she rebelled so hard against the gentle prodding of God’s spirit, while the more I surrendered myself to Him, He revealed more and more of Himself to me. Prayer that typically revolved around helping me, changed to one of praying FOR her. I believe God allowed me to once again see into the spiritual realm and witness the warfare taking place, not only in Janie, but inside of me too. I saw the battle, not as a Rocky Balboa type fight where good finally or barely triumphs in the last moment, but as the truths in God’s word standing firm against all lies and efforts of the enemy to change it. The truth is the truth and it can’t be changed! What a revelation!

Janie began to show signs of listening to God’s call and one glorious day, surrendered to the love of God in Christ Jesus! Bitterness was traded for forgiveness and rebellion traded for surrender. What a transformation and what a joy! She was so energetic and eager to share with the kids and grandkids and for several months we all enjoyed going to church together. On September 24, 2008, Janie went home to be with The Lord. 

I have agonized over this writing (it’s taken me all day). The mental and emotional strain has been intense, and I have tried to condense everything to keep it reasonable in size but it’s still lengthy. I would like to conclude by letting you know I have so much more to learn and although I’m not where I want to be in the Lord, I’m not where I once was and the work that The Lord began in me (and now I pray in you), He will complete! Praise God for He IS worthy!

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sick Day

Sorry for the inconvenience, but my migraine is not getting better.  I am going to the VA hospital tomorrow morning to start the qualifying process to receive care there.  As everything turns slow with the government, I doubt I will be in on Monday.  I expect to be at work on Tuesday.
God bless,

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Saturday, February 6, 2010

"You're a bunch of pompous quacks! I wish you'd shut your mouths..."~Job

Job was innocent.  He was favored by God.  Yet satan asked permission to whip Job and God said do what you must, but don't kill him.  

When in the midst of suffering, it is sometimes tough to know what to think.  Even your friends, while being well intentioned, may be way off course in their judgement of your situation.  Truth remains in the hands of God.  It's best to go to the source of all truth.  Job voiced it like this...

"I've had it with you—I'm going directly to God. You graffiti my life with lies. You're a bunch of pompous quacks! I wish you'd shut your mouths -- silence is your only claim to wisdom."~Job  

So it seems God is well aware of the suffering we are engaged in.  He also is inclined to limit our suffering.  I'm inclined to think when satan attacks and we stand firm in our love for God, we authenticate the love He has for us.  His love was ultimately proved by His decision for Jesus to die on the cross for us.

I also think when we don't remain faithful in times of suffering, God is saddened in light of what He did for us on the cross.    It is way past time for believers to stop whining about how unfair life is and start loving God regardless of the cost.

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So God has a plan. Do you think He would allow suffering in your life in order to position you in the middle of His plan?

Facebook friends think so....

Mike Myers
Mike Myers 
I don't think He has a "plan" like most people think of it. I think life is His gift to us to invest or squander how we choose.
2 hours ago · 
John H Davison
John H Davison 
Jer 29:11 is pretty clear on the fact he has a plan and yes God allows suffering as a stupidity adjustment for human wandering.
2 hours ago · 
April Hammans Karli
April Hammans Karli 
I think God can use suffering, but I don't necessarily believe he causes it.
2 hours ago · 
LeAnne Strickland Hutchins
LeAnne Strickland Hutchins 
if we didn't suffer would we appreciate?
about an hour ago · 
Kimberly Guerra Mauldin
about an hour ago · 
Mike Suttle
Mike Suttle 
Sometimes the allowable suffering can change a person in such a way that He can us them, and in many ways that change enables that person to do things or think in ways that they were incapable of before.
about an hour ago · 
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines 
Hey John. Good to hear from you. Oddly, I think of you often. As to the stupidity, yeah that can be a cause but certainly not the only catalyst for suffering.
about an hour ago · 
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines 
Great interjection Mike!
about an hour ago · 
Rick Knock
Rick Knock 
God will both allow AND cause suffering, as He chooses, to accomplish His redemptive purposes. And yes, He has a plan, and the degree to which I must suffer in order to be guided into it is directly related to my willingness to listen & follow.
about an hour ago · 
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines 
Rick. I agree with the thought, but not sure the amount of suffering necessarily has to be tied to my willingness to follow.
30 minutes ago · 
Brandy Rivera
Brandy Rivera 
Yes I agree.I think it is what he uses to get our attention.It leaves something to reflect on after getting through it and gaining a whole new perspective.This is how we grow.
20 minutes ago · 
Lillian Ruiz
Lillian Ruiz 
ALLOW! that's an interesting word. only in respect to allowing humanity to keep living after Adam & Eve's mistake, but as far as i personally, He knew i would experience the sin of others as a child and He made sure to be with me through it all as He guided me out of that whole curse destined to harm me for life.

So I see it as He makes a way In ...See More

15 minutes ago · 
Archie Rhines
Archie Rhines 
Reverently. Thank you Lillian. Amen.
about a minute ago · 
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