Friday, January 15, 2010

Deacon Clay Simmons serves at Chick Fil A

I met Deacon Clay Simmons at Chick-Fil-A at the Medical Center in San Antonio.  Watching him from a distance, I thought him a simpleton.  He was too friendly.  He was too happy.  When he came to my table, I thought this would be interesting and l likely good blog material.  I decided I would be kind.

It turns out I am the simpleton.  Clay began sharing a genuine love of Christ.  He no agenda.  He was just excited to share what he knew about the workings of Christ.  He shared how angels sometime take on a human body and get hungry.  They eat and are blown away by the experience.

Clay shared how God loves us and many times works in the numbers of 3 and 7.  Sometimes 3 days, sometimes 3 years, but God works.  He shared how Jonah was swallowed by a whale and survived in darkness.  But 3 days later he was tossed into the light.

Clay's enthusiasm for Christ never wavered.  Eye to eye.  Heart to heart.  I was blessed by Deacon Clay Simmons.  Drop on by Chick-Fil-A at the Medical Center in San Antonio.  See what Deacon Simmons has for you.  I was a simpleton...

If I am there, say hi to me, the simpleton priest...

Surf to: for a Fresh Connection...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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