Thursday, December 30, 2010

I am encouraged. A case of Bibles!

I am encouraged.  I am encouraged by many things.  I am especially encouraged by Jesus and when the actions of others reflect a love for Jesus.  Yesterday, a friend gave me a case of Bibles.  I am encouraged. 

I wonder what I will do with a case of Bibles.  I was in jail once.  I asked for a Bible. The jailer said they didn’t have a Bible.  I could send the case of Bibles to the jail for the next person. 

A Facebook friend suggested I start a bathroom reader movement.  Funny to use the word bathroom and movement in the same sentence with a thought about Bibles.  The idea would be to place a Bible on the back of the toilet for people to pick up and read as they take care of business.  I like that idea.

I've thought of creating labels to stick on the Bible.  It might say, "The Gideons were not here, but steal the Bible anyway."

Periodically, God will place someone in my path that needs a Bible and I will give it to them.  The last time that happened, I gave my own Bible to a new friend I met at Starbucks.  I have not seen him since, but I pray for him daily.

I am goal oriented.  Maybe I should not be.  Maybe I should just go with the flow and see where each Bible lands according to God’s will and purpose.  I like that.  I don’t have to worry about failing to meet goals or expectations of myself. 

I will just obediently let each Bible land where God sets up circumstance for another to receive.  I hope, God willing, to post God Spots surrounding the Bibles as they find homes…

God bless you and yours!


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, December 27, 2010

I Keep Getting Hit in the Face..

My dog Spot.

I buy 62 cent bags of hot dogs for my dog Spot. Every night I sit and tear a hot dog in pieces and toss the chunks to my dog Spot. Every night my dog Spot gets hit in the face about ten times with hot dog chunks.

A couple nights ago, he caught his first piece of hot dog, mid flight  in the air. My dog Spot wonders why I keep throwing hot dogs at him..

I am much like my dog Spot. God keeps throwing hot dogs in my face. I keep wondering why. Every once in a while, I catch one. Mostly by accident, but God keeps trying.

I hope this next year, I will catch more hot dogs...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


It is a couple days before Christmas.  It is time to slow down and appreciate as best we can the sacrifice God the Father made when He allowed His Son to die on the cross for you and I.  Three days later He beat death and came back to life.  Likely in the previous three days, He experienced pure hell and is proof enough it is God's love and grace we desire.

Today, as I pulled up in front of my house there was a beat up car pulling out of my drive area.  It was worn out many years prior and for a moment I was a bit miffed at him hanging in front of my house.  I walked on down the drive to see what was going on and was met by an old man who was severely handicapped.  He talked poorly.  He could scarcely walk without stumbling and his hands shook badly.  I figured him a drunk.

We got to talking and he gave thanks that God had spared his life.  He had been in a tractor-trailer rig accident that left him paralyzed as a quadriplegic.  In God's grace, he had recovered enough to pull weeds and mow grass to buy food.  He had stopped at my house to ask if he could do yard work.   Needless to say, he didn't leave empty handed and we were blessed to cross paths.

As we chatted about the love God shared with us, he quickly invited me to his church.  I am always a bit amused and blessed when someone beats me to extending an invitation for anything.  I am especially blessed when someone who appears to have much less than I, is quicker to wanting to give it away.

I committed to pray for Arredondo when God brings him to my mind.  It truly is a blessed season and a Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all my friends who follow my posts.  I love you all and wish you the richest of blessings for you and yours.  


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"..behold, the kingdom of God is within you."~Jesus

There is a power beyond understanding found in the Kingdom of God. That power can be manifested in your life and in the lives of others when operating within the Kingdom of God and in the will of the Father.

"..behold, the kingdom of God is within you."~Jesus 

Even though Kingdom truth can be difficult to understand, it can be simply acquired and manifested in your life. You must first seek the Kingdom...

God bless and Merry Christmas!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Generous Cure at Grace Point Church by Pastor Jeff Harris

I am worshipping at Grace Point Church and enjoying the opportunity to blog real-time via their wifi connection.  The Pastor is speaking on the generosity of God and how His character of generosity impacts the life of a believer. Contentment in what we have, influences our ability to be generous.  As Jesus is the picture of contentment, he is also the picture of generosity.  1 Timothy 6: 11-16.

Focus is a determinant marker of giving versus generous giving.  Generous giving comes from a heart tied to unlimited resources.  God is the owner of unlimited resources.  Speaking of giving love is marginalized by our lack of resources.  God gives to those that love generously and pass it on to others.  It is in our focus on Jesus.. God gives to us generously and we are pleased to be generous to give to others...

Trust in God who provides.  1 Timothy 6:17

Timothy says....

  • Fight the good fight
  • Keep eyes focused on Christ
  • Act! Give Generously.

Andrew Murray is an encourager and early teacher of our faith.

Act on what you know... after you focus on God and trust in Him.  Unless you have consciously chosen to take steps in preparation to ACT, you will have a difficult time being generous in giving.  This is true in all areas of life.  Prepare to give in love, time, resources, self and all else.  

Then, ACT according God's will on your life.

Test your heart.  Test God.

Passage Malachi 3:8-10:

Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.  Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Pastor Jeff Harris



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Thursday, December 16, 2010

"I am not a demon chaser, but that does not make them any less real."~archie

I was pondering with a friend today about the existence of demons or not.  I don't spend much time thinking about it, but almost daily I pray protection around my family. I know my mother and father prayed protection over their children for a lifetime.  It is a matter of safety and I think God honors my prayer even if I am unsure of the workings of the evil one. 

I believe there have been times in my life when I allowed evil ones to get their claws in me.  I seem to have the scars to prove it.  I believe they were unable to possess me as I am a child of the king.  Being a child of the King does not prevent evil ones from raising hell in and about your life, they just can't have victory in the chaos unless you let them.

I know everyone has a different slant on this evil versus good thing, but I believe what I believe as much out of experience as revelation.  Evil and its manifestations are bad, even when they look good.  God always wins over evil, because He is the creator.  The truth of victory over evil is as simple as a creation or lessor being can not by definition have victory over or rule its creator.  It is pretty simple. 

As a word of advice... if you see your life going to hell in a hand basket, it is likely your fault.  That is rude, right?  But it is true.  If your life is a snowball rolling down the mountainside gaining momentum and size, it is likely you started the ball rolling and evil ones are having a ball keeping it rolling.  You might even prefer to have the company of the evil ones because then at least you are not alone.  Am i right?

One of two outcomes are inevitable.  You are either going to crash and burn or you will turn to the Father.  It is your choice.  Most prefer the crash and burn and then claim ignorance in the carnage of destruction.  You get to say... if i had only known... But you do know.  You know that Jesus is the only way, you just choose to take what seems the only reasonable way, which is your way.

So I have a word for you or rather i have The Word for you.  From the depths of the hell you are living... get a new testament copy of The Message and start reading from page one.  Only take a break to do the things you must do to exist, then begin reading again.  It will take you less than 30 days to read the inspired Word of God in the Message version.  

Somewhere in the midst of the read, you will experience life changes.. they will be small at first much like the snow ball of evil rolling down the hill once was.  Keep reading.  When you finish the book the first time, pick it up and again and start all over.  Read page one and go to page two.  You don't even have to understand.  Just read and ask God to reveal whatever He wants.  Don't you pick.  Let God pick.  He's smarter than you, remember.

So you say, "I could never do that." and I say, "I am sorry.  It is unlikely you will ever experience the God I know."  It is that simple.  Read or die.  It seems like a simple choice to me.  What will your choice be? Do you prefer being the evil ones playground.  Maybe so or maybe you will read. Maybe you will find a love for the Word. Maybe your new snowball rolling down the hill becoming larger everyday will be righteous and you will discover Jesus abiding in you.

I don't know.  It is your choice.  It is your snowball... It is your fault.

God loves you and so do i.  Read...




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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

There is a world waiting outside the Fraggle's Rock.

Traveling Matt was a Fraggle by creation and lived underground in the Rock with his many Fraggle friends.  The Fraggles were a hard working bunch.  They had a deep understanding of life within their Rock and never had a reason or occasion to travel outside the Rock.  The Rock was safe.  If was predictable.  Life in the Rock was controllable.  Life was good.  Excuse me.  Did I just describe a Fraggle's life or was that your life I just described?  

One day Traveling Matt got the wild idea to travel outside the Rock.  He wanted to explore the world in Outer Space.  The very thought of travel to Outer Space created great fear in his friends and family.  It made no sense to leave the comforts and predictability of living safe within the Rock.  Against all known reason and known sanity, Traveling Matt left to explore the far reaches of Outer Space and sends a series a postcards back home, describing his encounters.

There is much in common with Traveling Matt and us in this world known as Outer Space.  The commonality is found in consuming versus just reading the inspired Words of God.  Many of us have read the Words of God for a life time.  We have read commentaries and studied books written about the Bible and can debate Biblical issues with the best of them.  

We, like the rest of the Fraggles are quite content where we are and enjoy the safety experienced while living in the Rock.  But every once in a long while, someone peers from within the Rock and sees a world so much larger than life.  It is a world waiting to be explored. It is a world that can only be seen through hungrily consuming the very Word of God with the appetite of a lion having been locked in a cage far too long.  

I peered out from within the Rock because I knew I would die within the Rock never to experience the life God had planned for me.  Sure, I had made my run for Wall Street with an unquenchable appetite to launch an IPO.  I had accumulated millions of dollars in real estate and lost the same.  I had married good and enjoyed a wonderful family.  I had been a "Believer" for almost 50 years, but to my surprise I woke up one day to find my cup empty.  There had to be more.  

Out of a desire to survive and a belief the Word had to be key to my future, I began reading the Message version of the Word aggressively.  Every minute of free time, I read more of the Word.  I got up early and went to bed late purposed to read the Word.  I discovered my unquenchable hunger to feed on the Words of God out of a necessity to survive, developed into a voracious appetite to consume the Word out of a new found love for God.  

Eating the Word drew me back into His presence every time I broke bread with the Father.  His presence was predictable and the freshness of His Spirit poured out on my heart was undeniable.  I could not get enough.  I read the Bible multiple times in a manner of a few months.  It was one of the most awesome benchmark experiences of my life.  I became a different person.  

It is as if I was "born again" even in recognition of my childhood experience of "accepting Christ".  The challenge for me today is to somehow communicate to my friends who honestly ask themselves the question, "Is that all there is?" that there is so much more.  I missed so much for the first 50 years of my life as a Christian.  The so much more is found in the consuming of the Word.  Such a simple concept... but missed by most.  How about you?  Will you take a peek outside the Rock?  

Will you take the chance and venture out to discover what you have been missing?  I don't know, but I pray so.




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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The God Spots Keep Coming!

"With men, it is impossible; but with God, all things are possible!" 

Early this morning and after Bible reading and prayer, I posted on Facebook... "I am waiting for a phone call."  It was an impression from God.  I had no idea who the phone call would be from. I had no idea what the call would be about. I just knew I was waiting for it.  

Later in mid-afternoon, God called me to prayer again.  I went to my knees and eventually to my face and prayed.  I prayed for the craziness of God pressing it on someone's heart to stumble across me and call me.  I prayed that this might be a baseline of work for me, so my family's needs would be abundantly cared for.  In the midst of this... the phone rang.

It was a call from a gentlemen who I didn't know and he didn't know me. He had stumbled across me on the internet in the social networking world.  We talked at length about our careers and service to the Father.  We talked about God's call on his life and God's call on my life.  Our callings are a perfect match.  The meeting was God ordained.

I believe God has a plan that will be fulfilled over the next few years.  The journey began with a calling on each of our lives.  Ours paths were brought together with the thought... "I am waiting for a phone call".  

Thank you, Jesus.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, December 13, 2010

This story of Being a bit Different was given me by my Bride as an encouragement. Enjoy!

A man named Bob May, depressed and brokenhearted, stared out his drafty apartment window into the chilling December night.

His 4-year-old daughter Barbara sat on his lap quietly sobbing. Bob's wife, Evelyn, was dying of cancer Little Barbara couldn't understand why her mommy could never come home. Barbara looked up into her dad's eyes and asked, "Why isn't Mommy just like everybody else's Mommy?" Bob's jaw tightened and his eyes welled with tears. Her question brought waves of grief, but also of anger. It had been the story of Bob's life. Life always had to be different for Bob.

Small when he was a kid, Bob was often bullied by other boys. He was too little at the time to compete in sports. He was often called names he'd rather not remember. From childhood, Bob was different and never seemed to fit in. Bob did complete college, married his loving wife and was grateful to get his job as a copywriter at Montgomery Ward during the Great Depression. Then he was blessed with his little girl. But it was all short-lived. Evelyn's bout with cancer stripped them of all their savings and now Bob and his daughter were forced to live in a two-room apartment in the Chicago slums. Evelyn died just days before Christmas in 1938.

Bob struggled to give hope to his child, for whom he couldn't even afford to buy a Christmas gift. But if he couldn't buy a gift, he was determined to make one - a storybook! Bob had created an animal character in his own mind and told the animal's story to little Barbara to give her comfort and hope. Again and again Bob told the story, embellishing it more with each telling. Who was the character? What was the story all about? The story Bob May created was his own autobiography in fable form. The character he created was a misfit outcast like he was. The name of the character? A little reindeer named Rudolph, with a big shiny nose. Bob finished the book just in time to give it to his little girl on Christmas Day. But the story doesn't end there. 

The general manager of Montgomery Ward caught wind of the little storybook and offered Bob May a nominal fee to purchase the rights to print the book. Wards went on to print,_ Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer_ and distribute it to children visiting Santa Claus in their stores. By 1946 Wards had printed and distributed more than six million copies of Rudolph. That same year, a major publisher wanted to purchase the rights from Wards to print an updated version of the book.

In an unprecedented gesture of kindness, the CEO of Wards returned all rights back to Bob May. The book became a best seller. Many toy and marketing deals followed and Bob May, now remarried with a growing family, became wealthy from the story he created to comfort his grieving daughter. But the story doesn't end there either. 

Bob's brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, made a song adaptation to Rudolph. Though the song was turned down by such popular vocalists as Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore , it was recorded by the singing cowboy, Gene Autry.  "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" was released in 1949 and became a phenomenal success, selling more records than any other Christmas song, with the exception of "White Christmas." 

The gift of love that Bob May created for his daughter so long ago kept on returning back to bless him again and again. And Bob May learned the lesson, just like his dear friend Rudolph, that being different isn't so bad. In fact, being different can be a blessing.  

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"Being like Jesus might not be so tough after-all..."~archie

"The Son of man came eating and drinking and they say he is a glutton, a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners." 

Websites built.. ... Thanks! archie

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Some of the Most Courageous People in the World Live in the Hospital.

This could be your story....

I was doing pretty good for myself and the wife.  We had a good house and great pickup truck.  The kids had grown and lived their own lives.  We had money for vacations and pretty much did what we wanted.  Now I'm woke up every 4 hours at the local Mercy Hospital for the Infirmed.  Life stinks!

Yeah, I know that sounds a bit rude. But have you ever woke up with a four inch needle going a place even angels fear to tread.  I want to tell you it is not fun and neither is it fair.  I think the doctors are just part of a system that thrives on hurting others and then grin as it fills their bank accounts.  

I've got to write quick, because they just gave me another shot for who knows what and likely I'll pass out shortly.  I still don't get it.  I did so much good for the big guy and now this.  What is the deal?  What is he thinking?  Doesn't he know I'm hurting?  Doesn't he know I need help?  Big guy where are you.......? Sigh.

Just about the time I am ready to black out, this guy appears in the room.  Doesn't he know it's not visiting hours.  Just a guy in blue jeans and t-shirt with some message on it about saving the whales.  He says, 'Hello Mike'.  How does he know my name?  Must have read the chart?  "How are you doing?" he says.

I'm thinking, what an idiot!  How does it look like I'm doing?  But I say, "I'm ok."  Looking in his eyes, I see deep pain mixed with unfathomable love.  I don't understand.  How can you see pain and love both from a person's eyes.  They say the eyes are the window to the soul.  I never really cared about a person much less their eyes.  But, this guy was different.

It's as if I had a million questions to ask and yet no voice to communicate.  I stared into his deep seemingly passionate eyes with an empty grin as I drifted off to some deeply medicated place.  Did I just see a blue jeaned guy out of place in my room or was it just part of the drug induced stupor coming on?  I'll probably never know, but someday I hope to have answers....

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Which train are you about to catch?

Seen through the eyes of another, having spent way too much time in the hospital...

Have you ever eaten applesauce with a fork?  When you have been in a hospital for as long as I, you begin to appreciate the little amusements of life.  Such as, eating applesause with a fork.  Oh, I have a spoon.  But if I eat with a spoon, the meal will be done and then what will I do?  I'm not getting drugged silly as often now, so I have a lot of time to kill.  Interesting word to use in a hospital, right?  But, I've been thinking about death.

No.  I'm not thinking about killing myself, although sometimes I think it might be an easy way out.  I'm thinking about all the good I've done and hoping the big guy noticed.  You remember when I yelled at him because of this health thing going on?  I had been doing all the right things and he whacked me anyway!  

Well, I'm trying to be more understanding of him and wondering if I've done enough good to offset the bad I've done.  I'd hate it if when I find myself standing or laying at the pearly gates (depending if I'm out of the hospital yet) and the big guy looks at me and says, "Which train are you about to catch?"  I mean if he doesn't know, I could be in trouble.

It got me thinking.  How can anyone know for sure which train to catch?  I suppose it depends on what ticket you buy.  

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Beware the Clean Restroom Sign

I had been on the corner for some time and my bladder was about to burst.  I thought that would be cool because the 'heeling tint' was still in town and I knew where I could go get fixed up.  But, instead I went to the local sinagog and spotted a 'Clean Restroom' sign.

Now you know what that means.  It's like when someone says, 'Trust me' or 'To the tell the truth' translated means watch your wallet.  Anyway, I went in this 'Clean Restroom'.  It met my expectations.  What a mess. I took care of business quick and got out of there.

I respectfully took my assigned seat in the pew upfront.  I think it important for others to see me.  They might want a blessing or something.  What I couldn't figure was why everyone was laughing as I walked down the isle.  Then I spotted the tissue paper trailing behind me from my saintly sandal.  

How embarrassing.  It totally blew my persona, but certainly confirmed my idea of what a ''Clean Restroom" sign really meant.  It means just what it says.  The proprietor wants YOU to CLEAN the RESTROOM!

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Ever Smuggled a Eucharist?

"Webster Cook says he smuggled a Eucharist, a small bread wafer that to Catholics symbolic of the Body of Christ after a priest blesses it, out of mass, didn’t eat it as he was supposed to do, but instead walked with it.

Catholics worldwide became furious".   Fox Orlando

Now I'm not Catholic so it is a bit hard for me to appreciate the seriousness of the crime.  But if I stole a piece of cracker from my church, I don't think anyone would mind.  I probably better check next time.

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What Mark do you Wear?

I listened as he went on to address the executioners: "Follow him through the city and kill. Feel sorry for no one. Show no compassion. Kill old men and women, young men and women, mothers and children. But don't lay a hand on anyone with the mark. Start at my Temple." Ezekiel

The Word says that in the "end times" losers will get a mark of the beast on their forehead.  Now, I don't know about you but likely that's not a good thing.  

I was wondering what the mark of Christ might look like on your forehead.  I figure it could be a bruise or callous made from falling on your face before God.  I think I'll start checking foreheads......

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

3Toes Profits Go to Help the Needy.

I Have Much to be Thankful For. Being a Slave Rocks!

I am impressed to be a slave of Jesus Christ.  How incredible my master is that to be a slave to Jesus creates a quality of life immeasurably better than anything I could do alone.  Think about it.  Be a slave and have a better life.  It is just like God to flip things upside down on its logic head and create good out of bad.

I am sad for those that lose out on life because of their minds designed rich in logic.  Our salvation experience makes not sense viewed through the logical mind of mind and yet makes all the sense in the world when viewed through the lens of our master dying on the cross.  

Logically our master died for threatening the stability of the Roman government.  Illogically, our master kicked satan in the teeth and rose again three days later, defying death.  I am confident, satan had a really bad day back then and continues to have equally bad days as the future rolls on.  

Thank you, Jesus!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, December 10, 2010

FREE Download - Bus Ride Across America - Collecting God Spots

Hi friends.  

I have an early Christmas gift for you.  I have pulled a chapter out of my upcoming book titled God Spots.  This chapter is built around blog entries from my trip across America by Greyhound bus in search of God Spots. I know you will enjoy the adventure.  I have it available for download here or simply click on the hour glass God Spot below. 

I will ask a favor.  Please let me know what you think about the chapter and if you have interest in the book, God Spots.  

Thank you for taking the time to read a chapter from my life.  

archie rhines

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A Pharisee enjoys the smugness of seemingly being blessed.

There are some who will say they were once a Pharisee and voice it as if vinegar is on the tip of their tongue.  Immediately one searches the heart in contemplation of salvation status, considering the authenticity of the believer's prayer uttered as a child.  

There is a journey to be made and the 23rd Psalm comes to mind.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me.." 

I think it is possible to wear the robe of a Pharisee and believe in all Jesus did, while having one's salvation totally secure.  It is an illusion of Godliness that many will buy into.  The illusive role is a comfortable role.  A role where one has many friends and supporters.  There is seemingly no motivation to seek any other role.  It appears God is blessing.  It is an easy life and a life quite controllable.  

Smugness comes to mind while looking down your nose at those less deserving.

I think a collision between faith and the role of Pharisee is inevitable.  It may be that God loves you so much He is unwilling to allow you to live the lie regardless of how innocent you feel.  It is in this collision, you will find yourself in the very "valley of the shadow of death".  It is a dark place in the absence of light.  It is an ugly place.  It is a place of death.  There is but one way out.  Jesus.

The light of Jesus gives direction and meaning.  It strips off the grave clothes and wraps one with fresh white linens of purity.  As evil as the darkness is... "I will fear no evil: for thou are with me."  This is an incredible promise.  Without Jesus, you will find no hope for tomorrow. 

If you have not found yourself in the "valley of the shadow of death", beware.  Check the robe you wear.  Write David's Psalm 23 in your memory.  You will need it.  It is likely your journey will lead to the valley of the shadow of death.  

There is but one way out.  The path leads to Jesus.

God bless you in your journey.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Babies in the Faith with an Awesome Mission

And Jesus said..."..preach that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Heal the sick. Cleanse the lepers. Raise the dead. Cast out devils. Freely ye have received, freely give." That's what I'm talking about...

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"Jesus called together His twelve disciples and gave them power to cast out unclean spirits and to heal all manner of sickness and disease." It seems to me... one has all one needs if Jesus abides in you.  I am no authority.  I just know I had a killer migraine headache for over a year as a preparatory school.  One day I said... Jesus.  My head hurts.  If you abide in me, your head must hurt like hell.  Possibly, you can do something about it.  I think He grinned.  My head was healed a few days later.  Like I said, I'm no authority.  I just know what Jesus did. Amen.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

There is a Big Disconnect

The Word says as a believer... Jesus abides in me and I in Him.  "He healed every kind of sickness and disease among the people." We reserve the opportunity to heal someone for the guy/gal with "The Gift".  Did I get an impotent Jesus?  No healing for you, Archie.  Just like the soup nazi in Seinfeld? No soup for you!

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Prayers of Faith and Piloting Wide Loads

I was visiting with my mom this afternoon. We were chatting about times God has chosen to intervene in such a way as we knew beyond doubt God had stepped in. One such time was while growing up in the Sierra Nevada mountains of California. My dad was on medical rehabilitation leave and preached at a small mission.

Living in Gold Run was under the most meager of means. There may have been gold there at one time, but I can guarantee it “ran” sometime prior to us getting there. One perfectly normal day, there was no food in the house and no money to buy it. We had an out-of-town guest living with us. So my folks wondered a bit how she would deal with a lack of necessities.

As was my mom and dad's norm, they bowed to pray and asked God to provide a “wide load” piloting job to make the money required for food. Back then, the mountain pass was only a two lane road and state law required a vehicle with flags go in front of the wide load to warn on-coming traffic. As was also the norm in answer to my dad's prayer, the telephone rang and a trucker needed my dad to pilot him over the pass. Our guest was quite surprised at God's direct intervention in our lives.

Today, things have not changed much. My family still has needs. We still depend on God. He continues to provide. It is not so surprising anymore, but is just as every bit encouraging.


God Spots:

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Poor in Spirit - Rich in Faith

My wife and I are learning what it means to "poor in spirit". We have read that "Blessed are the poor in sprit for theirs is the Kingdom of God". Note: "..theirs IS.." not "theirs shall be". Our questions was, "what does it look like to be poor in spirit"?

The poor have no backup plan. Most of the time they have no options. They do not have insurance and credit and savings for a rainy day. (especially in the Majority World) The poor do not have resources. They are totally dependant. They do not have the means to help themselves.
To be 'poor in spirit' is to live totally dependant, without a backup plan, without resources, without a Plan B if Plan A fails. It is to live in the place where .. if Papa God does not help you, everything stops .. you die. 

We found that if we live poor in spirit, the Kingdom of God is ours! We can experience it now! We are learning that if we live poor in spirit .. no backup .. no Plan B .. and if we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, EVERYTHING WE NEED is ADDED to our lives!

It is risky, it is uncomfortable at times, it is challenging, it is scary. But it is also a blessed place where we see the provision of God .. miraculously. 
Do we have times of doubt and struggle? Of course. It wouldn't be real if we didn't. Do we see God's hand move? Yes we do. Have we missed Him? Yes! More than once. Yet He remains faithful.

We are still learning. There is much more to this .. but if you find yourself in that uncomfortable place with no options, no help, no supply, no way out .. you are in the place where you can learn about the blessedness of being poor in spirit. Dont give up!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When all hell breaks lose, what next?

When things go bad, what are the immediate thoughts that comes to mind? Likely at the top of list is, "Why me?" I don't deserve this.  Shortly after, there is the honest thought of, "God.  Where are you?  Don't you care?  Don't you see me? Are you blind?  Hello?!" .... and then silence.

During that moment of silence... comes that nagging thought, "God. Are you real?" It is a dark place to be when left in this desolate place.  I've been there more than once.  It is in this dark place we desperately search for answers, hoping with revelation we can exit the darkness.

When you find yourself alone and in the midst of darkness, remember: where there is light, there is no darkness.  Light dispells or breaks up the darkness.  Jesus is our source of light.  That is easy to say, but in practical terms what does it mean?  It means if you can but find Jesus you will find the way out of the darkness.  Sadly... some do, some don't.

The darkness I refer to is a spiritual lack of light.  It is a spiritual void, but it is felt physically.  One can find ones' self propelled there because of external physical circumstance.  It might be the death of someone or possibly long term illness contributes to your journey.  Sometimes the shattering of a dream or the let down felt from abandonment will lead one to a dark place in your life. 

As real as the darkness is, we must remember the reality of the light is even more brilliant.  So the trick is... how do you once again, turn on the light?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Great Goat Hunt by my friend in Africa - Jim Taylor

Twyla and I have been looking for a larger goat than what we have at Mieze.  We want one with a larger udder that would be easier to milk.  Our idea is to keep it here at the house and experiement with various feeds, seeing what affects the changes in feed have on milk production and quality.

So we have been looking ... which I mentioned to young minister who comes by here and who we know fairly well.  He said in Mieze Church there was a man who knew where large goats were and that he would be glad to show us.  We made an appointment to meet them Saturday morning for the "Great Goat Hunt'.

Saturday at 9;30 AM we meet and make plans.  The man says it is quite a ways to where the goats are ... 100 kilometers.  At this news I get a little hesitant.  I know that distance often does not mean the same to Mozambicans as to us.  As I was sorta backing away from the trip the others were saying "it's not that far" .. "we have time" etc.- all of which was true.

So we head out.

Two hours and 120k later we are getting low on fuel and talk begins about how far it is yet.  Oh .. it's a long way they tell me.  I knew it!  At Chure we find a 24 hour station and fill up. Fuel was cheap there, it only cost us about 1400 metacais to fill the tank. ($38 TO $40 U.S.)

We continue to drive until we come to a place where we are told to turn onto a dirt road.  The dirt road is like all dirt roads in Mozambique... rough.  Now we cannot go more than 30 kph and often slower.  Time drags by.  The road gets smaller and rougher.  About 1PM I ask, "How far is it yet?" and the man says, "Oh .. 5 kilometers."  At 1:30 PM we are still not there. I said, "I am sorry but we are going no further.  We must get home before dark and we have come a very long way."  The man said he understood and then volunteered the information that it was still a long ways to his village.  Great.

We turn around and head home.  By the time we get back to Pemba it is dark.  We had not taken any food with us and had not eaten all day.  We stopped at a restaurant about a half mile from home and had a great meal!  

We did find a couple nice-sized goats much closer to home .. and within 20k of home I found a huge herd of goats that we are going to check out. And we saw some really neat country... parts of which most Westerners don't see.  It was well off the 'beaten path' ... I think we beat our own path in places.

I shared the story with several missionaries here and they just laughed and said, "Oh yeah!  I have done that a lot of times."  

Personally I think the guy was just looking for a free ride to his old village.  LOL!!!

Love to all

Jim & Twyla

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mysteries of the Faith

My disclaimer: Test these thoughts against what you know in the Word.

I have a need. That is not so unusual, because it is likely everyone
has a need. Needs come with life. I was praying about my need to the
Father and wrestling with Him over the issue of serving a God of just
enough or serving a God of abundance. For many years there has been a
conflict with what I believed balanced against what I experienced. I
believed in abundance. I received just enough.

I have many times in the past stated that I serve a God of abundance.
I refuse to serve a God of just enough. I believe that the evil ones
have figured me out and step in between my receiving from a God of
plenty by providing just enough. I still believe that is the case for
me, many times.. I am impatient and when I see just enough offered, I
accept and thank God for just enough when it was not from God at all.
Does that make sense?

Tonight in prayer I once again shared with God that I refused to serve
a God of just enough. I reminded Him of His ownership in everything
as He is the creator. I said it as a blessing and not meant to get in
God's face or challenge Him in any way. I believe God gave me a
thought, I will share with you. Then, you will need to bounce it
against the Word and see if there is any truth to it.

I had the thought of a great banquet table. There was a place set for
me. The plate was over flowing with all types of savory food. A big
red juicy steak had caught my attention and I had cut off a chuck. It
was skewered on my fork and I was waving it in the air as I talked
with God,even as I had a mouth full already. I had every intention of
eating everything on the plate as it was mine and I was hungry. I
had no appreciation for the source of the food. I had no appreciation
for the fact that God had set the table. God had invited me to it.
God had encouraged me to take a seat. God allowed me to eat.

Then, truth was revealed and the mystery of serving a God of just
enough and a God of abundance was reconciled. We have received God's
Kingdom. We live in His Kingdom. We have been given keys to His
Kingdom. It is the keys that open the door to an incredible banquet.
But I believe with the keys come a responsibility.

With the keys, we have the opportunity to gorge ourselves because God
is the creator and a God of abundance. But with the keys to God's
Kingdom comes a responsibility to receive only what we need while
appreciating the fact that our plate is full to overflowing. It is
the receiving according to our needs, that God is Glorified and
honored in our attitude toward Him.

It is such a simple concept, yet took a life time to be revealed.
Maybe you will be smarter than I...

As a bonus, I think it important to note it is unlikely to be wise
waving a juicy chunk of prime steak on the end of your fork while
flippantly chatting with Jesus. .... in total deference to the
provider of the steak.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am passionate about this.... I have paid the price to speak.

I walk up to Job in the midst and say, "I am sorry for the suffering
you are going through. Oh so sorry." Job says, "Yeah. Me too. It will
get better, I believe." WRONG!

I walk up to Job and say, "How's it going?" Job says, "God is AWESOME!
You won't believe the blessing I am in the middle of! Won't you come
join me? Did I tell you? God is AWESOME! His love surpasses

I agree. God is AWESOME and I am happy for you! Be blessed. Be
faithful. Be ALL IN! I am there with you! Hand me some pottery. I'll
help you scrap.

Father. Forgive us for lack of knowledge... and poor revelation.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

God Spots are Encouraging!

Kathleen Heck Freeman of Facebook: Here's my small miracle. 1)
Boyfriend almost gets taken out by a car on his motorcycle 2) The
chiropractor he is sent to is given the choice of paying more to lease
with the doctor he'd been with for 14 yrs or having to move in 3 days
or less 3) Chiropractor moves to space within walking distance of our
home, helps boyfriend to heal and hires this little unemployed girl to
help him out and may even keep her. The LORD works in myseterious

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Is there a cross handy?"~priest

It is easy to judge the religious types of Jesus time as bad, because
they killed Him. We have the luxury of looking back and judgment
becomes easy. Jesus is the Son of God and the religious types killed
him, so they must have been bad.

But if you were living in midst of the events of the time, it might
not have been quite so easy to judge the religious as bad. After all,
it was the religious type that were attempting to keep all the law.
That made them good. Right?

I think religion has not changed much at all. I think there are a few
bold pastors who communicate truth regardless of the cost. In their
zeal to communicate truth, other men of the cloth will quickly judge
them as being a loose cannon or a threat to organized religion. If
there was a cross convenient, they might ever be crucified.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"There is a dark chasm between belief and unbelief. It is known as IF."~priest

I have believed in Jesus many years. It is likely you believe in
Jesus. There are few who do not recognize Jesus. Most of those
described will call themselves Christian. It seems believing is but a
1st step to enjoying a Christ centered life.

Many years ago, there was a man with a son who had incredibly bad
seizures from an early age. They crippled him and there were times
when the seizures drove him to wanting to kill himself. This may even
describe you today. You might just rather be dead than go through
what you are experiencing in life. You believe, but there is no

This man had unsuccessfully sought relief for his son, likely many
times in his life. Nothing seemed to help, but he continued to hope
and thought, "If only..." Upon successfully negotiating his way
through the crowds surrounding Jesus, he cried out, "If you can, then
heal my son!" Jesus said, "IF?..." The man took an incredible leap of
faith over the chasm of doubt, known as "IF" and shouted,"I believe!".

This was a miraculous event in the man's life. The healing was good,
but the miracle was in the leap the man took across the chasm of "IF".
No man comes to the Father but by Jesus. It is Jesus that enables
you to take the leap across the chasm and into the arms of the Father.
There is great healing in His arms. Miraculous healing found only
through Jesus.

Pray today for God through Jesus, to encourage you to take that
miraculous leap of faith over the dark chasm known as, "IF". Pray,
"Help me to believe." End your prayer with, "I believe".

As for the rest of the story... Begin a new life, receiving the
Kingdom of God as a child, allowing it to live in you and you in it.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, August 5, 2010

"The thought comes to my mind. How shall I spend the day?"~priest

I am an entrepreneur. As a career I have been many things... Today, I
am an entrepreneur. I wish the world was blessed by "entrepreneur"
being counted as the most highly valued profession. It's not but I
wish it was. To most, being an entrepreneur just means you don't have
a real job. It is that, but so much more.

As an entrepreneur, I am dependent upon God for today's provisions.
Depending on how He chooses to work in my life and the lives of others
that impact mine, determines when and how I receive the gifts God has
planned. I am ever conscious of His desire to interact with events in
my life, such that He is highlighted as being God - sovereign and full
of grace...

So today, I have spent time in prayer and reading from God's Word. I
am on a plan to read the entire Bible during the summer months. For
some, this is an impossibility because of how busy they are. For an
entrepreneur, the time is there. I just have to choose to do it. At
breakfast, I had the thought, "How shall i spend the day?"

I will do a lot of things and impact a lot of people with the things I
do. It is my hope at the end of the day, I have faithfully shared
Christ in thought and deed such that others will fall in love with my
God. Somehow in the process, I trust God will craft my adventures
such that resources are received to bless my family with His

If you have needs of a web presence, post a comment. I'd love for you
to be the one God has selected to intersect lives with today. God
bless. Enjoy the day as an entrepreneur, using every opportunity to
be the person God designed for service.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren't going to the same place?"~Amos

There is a path to take in each of our lives, that leads to
fulfillment and peace. It is a path made clear by God's grace and
enlightenment by His Holy Spirit. It is a path where we can
confidently walk, hand in hand with Jesus.

Most attempt to walk this path using the personal strength God has
given them. It is never enough. One is fooled into thinking
personal strength can overcome all obstacles. It is what we are

Real strength comes from being dependent on God. We are incredibly
blessed when God steps in to do the heavy lifting, according to His
will and purpose. It is on this path, the one seldom chosen, we are
never alone. It is a path where you will find Jesus.

"Do two people walk hand in hand if they aren't going to the same place?"~Amos

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Your car may be your safe haven. In its protective bubble, there is little need for God."~priest

Guest Post by: Aaron David,

   Father had me wait for a man today. He was filled with demons and
.... when he left he said he was going to the graveyard, to stay. I
don't understand what happened. I feel like I may have failed so bad
it cost someone eternity. Father is totally comforting me but it still
feels like great loss. It was a very hardcore experience and I'm
pretty confused about it. Was this a lesson? What is the lesson? I'm
glad I don't know the man. I keep thinking about what I could have
done differently.

July, 26 Ten days later....

    After I came home today, after some hours, Father told me that I
was to take my tent and go wait for a man who needed it. I thought I
knew who He meant so I went and waited for him. I found a place in the
shade and prayed silently for a couple of hours, then I saw the man I
had thought Father meant the tent for riding a bicycle towards me. I
stood up and waved to him but instead of seeing me he turned away. I
called to him but he didn't hear. I tried to follow, I wasn't far, but
I turned the corner and he had vanished.

    Tent in hand and knowing I was wrong about who it was for, I
crossed the street and sat on a bench beneath a tree. I closed my eyes
and sought a Word. After a few moments I opened my eyes and right
across the street was a figure walking slowly North with a filthy
green blanket draped over his head so that I could not see a face, I
should have been able to but there was nothing but blackest darkness
under that blanket.

    I felt the anointing wash over me, this was who Father had meant!
So I made a bee-line across the street, by grace I wasn't hit, and
called to him; "Excuse me."  The figure turned and the blanket fell
away, It was him! It was the man who said he was going off to die!

    He looked at me and, with dim recollection through tormented eyes,
asked me, "Have I talked with you? I talked with you before?" "Yes, we
have talked before.", I replied.  I held out the tent to him and he
asked what it was. I said, "It's a tent, Father told me that a man I
was to wait for needed it, that man is you."

Thank you, he answered, and then told me how badly the insects
(strange creatures, he called them) in this desert had been attacking
him at night.

    He told me that he had 42 cents and some stamps, asking if I would
take them in trade and get him a little food. I told him to wait and I
would return with some food.

    When I got home I asked Father what I should return with. I packed
some food, soap, razors, deoderant and a roll of TP in a bag and
returned. I wanted to bring him something to dring but Father said:

    The whole walk I was praying for guidance, eager to pray for this
afflicted young man. But as I sat with him and he ate Father made it
clear that any spiritual ministry was to remain silent, that I would
only frighten him and that his demons would drive him away in torment
again. So, I waited with him as he ate and gave him what small comfort
my company was able to as I prayed for him in my heart.

     Then the young man stated that he was very thirsty, that he
needed water. Since Father had said not to carry water in the first
place I told him that Alsup's would give him water. As he just
appeared confused at that and other local suggestions I realized that
I was to return home and get him water. I didn't understand, but I
obeyed. As I was returning home a Sister, Carie B. pulled in front of
me and said ; "Hop in!"

    I told her what was happening and she drove me home to get the
water. As I was walking out to her car with the water I began to feel
a holy prayer well up in my spirit and as I sat down in the car I
received understanding. "Where two or more are gathered, there am I."

    Father knew what He was doing, He wanted two of His children to
pray for that man in one accord with His Holy Spirit. Daddy don't

    God guided us in wonderful and prophetic prayer that this young
man will not only be saved, but will be used mightily by Father God.
Father also anointed that water to begin a healing work in him.

     As we pulled up to the bench he was on we saw that he had
shrouded himself in that blanket down to his toes. Carie remarked at
the obviousness of his demonic torment. It was an awful picture but we
had peace in Christ, knowing this man was being saved. No one apart
from Christ would ever be capable of any hope at all, let alone the
sure hope that my sister and I now share for that young man.

    The lesson I learned is this; hope and faith are perfectly
reasonable in every situation because God is in control. Thank You
Father God for being our Holy Father God! Thank You for saving us from
such darkness!

I hope this blesses you as much or more as it has me with even more
ridiculous faith in God Almighty to redeem. And I know He will because
Father would never be cruel to my heart, or anyone's. God is no
sadist, no matter what the scorners may say. God is Love.


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, July 31, 2010

"God responded in the birth of God Spots."~priest

Signature Ministries


I have wondered what my ministry purpose in life is.  What is it about the calling on my life that is any different or unique from all our callings, to share Christ in a hurting and dieing world. 


God began laying the bricks of foundation in Signature Ministries as I struggled in a collapse of body, soul and spirit.  I was trashed.  It was in this broken state, I fell back in love with Jesus, the Word and all things God.  Desperately seeking to know if God was real, I asked God to show me His presence.  Without it, I was unsure if I would make it through the day.  God responded in the birth of God Spots.


Over the next couple years, God continued to authenticate His presence.  It was unusual if I did not specifically see His hand at work every day.  In the evening, I would lie in bed and take inventory of the day.  I would ponder.... “Did God reveal Himself today”.  Seldom was I disappointed.  In was in this daily realization of God in my life, I began to heal in my soul.


In October 2009, God spoke very directly to me.  The thought communicated was...


“Go in front of the Emerging Church”~God


The sum of my life's experiences was in preparation for this directive of God.  I did not choose this calling if that is what it is.  I didn't manufacture it from the recesses of my mind.  It was said to me when I did not even know there was an Emerging Church. 


Today, it is with God's directive in the forefront of my mind, I choose to live life.  Life has never been more eventful.  God Spots have never been more brilliant.  God's grace has never been more comforting and my love of Jesus has never been stronger. 


I am only now beginning to live life as God planned.  My life is living fully dependent upon Him.  Dead to self and ALIVE in His presence.  There is no turning back.  

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The message is simple: "God is love. Salvation is free."~priest

I woke up this morning thinking of God’s love.  I am encouraged to know my mind in it’s physical sleep, rests in a never ending awareness of God’s love.  As I woke up, I was endeavored to adequately  share a picture of God’s love.  It was a story to tell.

There was time eternal when God existed and the world did not.  The thought of God without the world is an amazing thought in it’s own right.  This God eternal had a component called love.  He was bursting at the seams with love and desired ever so much to share it.  The angels likely appreciated it, but couldn’t quite grasp it.

God pondered how best to share this incredibly magnificent thing called love.  After a time, he developed a plan including the creation of a world inhabited by a creature made in His image.  It was an awesome plan, with an incredible price to be paid.  It was the cost of the plan, that created a great struggle in the heart of God.  In the end love won.

God created the world and man in His image.  God’s plan began to unfold.  It was a beautiful plan, even as the corruption of sin took place.  There would never be a plan as beautiful as this.  It required the sacrifice of God’s only Son as the redemption of man’s soul.  There was no better or more beautiful way for God to express His love than His Son give His life that others might live.

Man now chooses to accept or reject God’s love.  There is still no more beautiful story to be told than the story of God’s love.  It is message ringing true eternal.  It is a message I desire you to receive.

For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.  There is but one way, through Jesus to accept God’s love.  The message is simple.  God is love and salvation is free.  Embrace it today…

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When is the last time you looked into the eyes of a dead soul and said, "God loves you. I will pray."

I have a friend Darrel who is passionate to care for those less fortunate.  God has positioned him in one of the poorest areas of Fort Worth, Texas.  He is pastor to those who have no pastor.  I find it interesting that most men of the cloth feel called to the affluent areas, not so much to the dirt and filth of the inner cities of America.  I think when God finds a man willing to get dirty, He smiles in a really big way.  

I'm not saying the rich don't need Jesus or that a clergy's call to preach in affluent America is not legitimate.  I am saying, I find it interesting that it is as tough as hell to get a rich person to heaven.  Maybe that is why the clergy spend so much time trying to save the rich (sarcasm intended).  The poor and hurt are ready and willing to listen to the beautiful message of Jesus dieing on the cross, but I think  few clergy are talking their direction.

Darrel is different by every stretch of the imagination.  This week, I spent a couple days with him.   I wish I could describe the love that passed between Darrel and God's people.  It is a love that feeds life to the heart of a broken people.  The seed of hope is planted.  Time and love will produce wonderful fruit pleasing and acceptable to God.  That is time and love will produce hope for some.... the rest are dieing...

Who in their right mind would listen to God as He called you to minister to people who have nothing to give materially.  It totally blows the business plan..  Who would listen to a call that put you and your family in harm's way?  Would you listen to a God that had you invest time, energy, love and resources into someone that would ultimately die?  None of this ministry calling makes any sense and yet it makes all the sense in the world of God's love.

After having picked on the clergy of the world with no denomination in mind, it is only fair to ask the question of you.... "When is the last time you looked into the eyes of a dead soul and said,'God loves you.  I will pray.' "

If you'd like to help Darrel from a distance or up close and dirty, Facebook message me.  Archie Rhines...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, July 22, 2010

"...almost 100% of the people they prayed for instantly healed."~Jim@Joburg

Hi everyone .. we are in Johannesburg South Africa for a few days.  As you know, we have been working with Immigration in Moz for the last 3 months trying to get our paperwork approved so we can begin the process of getting permanent residence.  Just this last week our paperwork finally came back approved.  What we must do now is go to the embassy here in South Africa and submit the paperwork along with payment.  Then we are supposed to get our passports stamped so that we can stay in Moz until everything is finalized.  

Nothing happens quickly here .. but that is OK.  Papa has it in control.

I think we have a little more freedom to talk about things via email though I am not completely sure of we are not quoting any dates or names or places .. but awhile back we had an interesting time in the bush.  We were in a village quite some distance from the base .. a long ways in fact ... and saw the Lord do many miracles there.  Twyla's team that went out in the early part of the day saw almost 100% of the people they prayed for instantly healed.  

Late that afternoon I received a phone call .. which was miraculous because our cell phones were not working well .. we were a long ways from the roads where the cell towers are ... but anyhow we received a   phone call that evil was intended and we must pack up the camp and move immediately.  (The call came from our founder)  I gathered the teams together ... the mozambican pastors and workers with us gathered the camp and in about 15 minutes we had loaded 35+ people ..tents ... gear .. food etc. and were on our way to another village.

We drove for some time to another place and pitched camp in the yard of one of the local pastors. 

We found out later that things got ugly that night where we had been and that 2 people were killed.  

We do not talk about or write about these things much ... but please know .. YOUR PRAYERS ARE HELPING!  Because of you all praying and working together with us in the Holy Spirit .. we have been supplied with what we need when the need arose.

We do not send "fund raisers" or "appeal" letters.  We look to our Father .. Papa God ... Who said He would take care of us if we trust Him.  All we ask is your continued and sustained prayers. Because of your prayers we have avoided traps set by the enemy .. whether literal or spiritual.  It is easy to get discouraged or worried here because of economics and poverty and ignorance ... but because of the Spirit of God and your praying with us and for us we have been spared depression, discouragement and worry.  And we know we shall continue to be spared as long as we continue to seek Him.

I would ask that if you ask about or comment on 'troubles' here in return emails, please use guarded language.  It is best not to speak too directly of such things.

Thank you so much for standing with us.

Much love from
Jim & Twyla
God Spots:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Clouds in the East, yet rain in the West. Who am I to ask "Why?"~Mr. Davis

Today is one of those days when God showed up with a Word. He shared
it with me through a gentleman named Mr. Davis at Starbucks.

I was working on a website and Mr. Davis sat down across from me. We
were listening to some jazz from yesteryear. I commented on the music
and we instantly connected. I asked about the "dog tags" he wore
around his neck. They were medical dog tags from the army. He had
served 21 years and now had diabetes. To live, he shoots insulin and
uses breathing machines at home. He says he lives with a variety of
time bombs in his body. He is quite ok with the medical disabilities
and uncertainty of the future.

He changed subjects on me and began telling me what was on his heart.
It had nothing to do with the small talk I had started. I knew it was
time to listen. He said it clouds up in the west and yet it rains in
the east. God does that. Who are we to ask, "Why?" or understand how
it happens? We are not God. Somethings are not meant to be
understood. We are to believe in God and live life the best way we

Mr. Davis said he had 12 brothers and 3 sisters. He did not grow up
with a dad. His momma did the best she could. He didn't fault his
dad. It is just the way it was. He said his heavenly Father was
enough. He always had his needs met. He had no wants. He didn't
need to ask for stuff. If it was a need, it always showed up.

I think his Word was pointed at my questions, about healing and my
headaches. Why does one get healed and another not? It is like the
clouds in the east and rain in the west. Some things are not meant to
be understood. It just happens...

I started to type in a note about the clouds and he immediately got up
and left. It was as if he had delivered his message. Isn't God good!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'll lift high the cup of salvation--a toast to God!

What can I give back to God
for the blessings he's poured out on me?
I'll lift high the cup of salvation—a toast to God!
I'll pray in the name of God;
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it together with his people.
When they arrive at the gates of death,
God welcomes those who love him.
Oh, God, here I am, your servant,
your faithful servant: set me free for your service!
I'm ready to offer the thanksgiving sacrifice
and pray in the name of God.
I'll complete what I promised God I'd do,
and I'll do it in company with his people,
In the place of worship, in God's house,
in Jerusalem, God's city.
God Spots:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Torch This!

I have a lot of favorite stories in the Word. One of them is about
the time Elijah took on the 400 prophets of baal. A contest was setup
between baal and God. Altars were built to God and baal. Wood was
piled up on the baal altar. The sacrificed animals were place atop
the wood pile. The prophets proceeded to pray and yell out to baal to
consume the sacrifice with fire. They cut themselves until there was
blood all over. But baal never showed.

THEN! Elijah built his altar with 12 stones representing the tribes of
Israel. He told the prophets to pile up some wood and pour water on
it. They get pouring. I imagine Elijah kept laughing... They put
the sacrificed animal on top and Elijah prayed. The Word says,
"Immediately the fire of Godfell and burned up the offering, the wood,
the stones, the dirt, and even the water in the trench."

WAHOO! Can you imagine?! This was no campfire. This was a fire so
intense it burned up everything it touched, including the stones and
dirt! Man that was some intense fire. Don't you know Elijah had to
dancing at this spectacle. Likely, BIGGER and BETTER than he could
imagine. Don't you know the prophets of Baal got a really sick
feeling in their stomachs...

The story finishes with...

"All the people saw it happen and fell on their faces in awed worship,
exclaiming, " Godis the true God! Godis the true God!" Elijah told
them, "Grab the Baal prophets! Don't let one get away!" They grabbed
them. Elijah had them taken down to the Brook Kishon and they
massacred the lot."

There is a price to pay when going up against an angry God. I am
convinced even with the new deal of grace, this is still a price to

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, June 25, 2010

The thumbprint of Jesus....

Paula Chambers

Archie, many years ago my daughter was driving pass my brother's
house. She noticed he was in his yard doing yard work. (he lives at
the beginning of a curve) So she took her mind off driving and looking
toward him she waved. When she turned her mind back to her driving,
she ran off the road. She jerked the wheel...and from there all hell
broke loose before my brother's eyes.

He dropped his weed eater...and could only yell..."Oh God, Oh God!" as
he watched her truck flip over and over again. It slid in the center
of the road side ways gas was pouring out of the tank. He ran to her
but couldn't get her out.

A woman from the church upon hearing this in the ER rebuked him but as
for this mother...I cried and thanked him. I assured him, God
understood and filled in the blanks. Do you know people asked Who died
in the truck because it was completely totaled. As for my
daughter...she had one bruise on her looked like a
thumbprint. Praise Jesus!!!!!!!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"I prayed the believer's prayer at 6 years of age, but then what?"~priest

In today's world there is a cure for everything or at least most
things. When I was six years of age, I realized I needed Christ in my
life and I prayed asking Jesus into my heart. Over the years, I have
never forgotten the day and time I was once lost and then found. Yet
even in the consciousness of what Jesus had done for me, it was not
always what influenced my life the most. Sadly, there were times as I
grew old where there was little conscious awareness of Christ's
involvement in my life.

From a believer's perspective, I have pondered the meanings of
parables in the Word. The parable of seed falling on different types
of soil with weeds, rocks, etc. has always confused me a bit relative
to my belief that when one is saved, one is always saved. The problem
was apparent as I heard an individual pray the believer's prayer and
then live like hell. This created a major conflict for me. I still
don't have all the answers and if you think you do, you are probably
wrong. That is just the way it is, believing in a God without
limitations (although some will even argue that point).

Something I have come to believe is that when one prays the believer's
prayer, it sets the stage for an important thing to happen. Although
the stage is set, the outcome is not guaranteed as it is predicated on
the condition of the heart. The knowledge of knowing who Jesus is,
understanding what He did on the cross and rising again, then
believing by faith must be empowered by the Holy Spirit for the head
knowledge to become heart knowledge. If the knowledge and belief
never makes it to your heart, I don't think you can count on spending
eternity with Jesus Christ.

I know the thought of praying the believer's prayer and not being
saved will really stick in some people's throat who are much smarter
in theology than I. The thought of people living a life with fire
insurance and expectations of going to heaven happens to really stick
in my throat. In the letters of John, He says there are those that
profess belief but don't live the life of Christ. He calls these
people liars. He emphasizes that one must believe and live a life in
the likeness of Christ or they are not believers.

Furthermore, in James we are told that believer's are identified by
the fruit they produce. The fruit produced will be of similar variety
of the fruit produced by Christ in His lifetime. Once again, it is
not just praying a prayer, but the prayer is authenticated by the
fruit we produce which is in living a life in the image of Christ.
It is in fact evidenced by our exchanging our life for the life of

If you have read this far and still disagree, let me try an
explanation with a simple illustration. When you son hits your
daughter, you tell him to say he is sorry to his sister. Right. When
your son says he is sorry, he may be rebelliously thinking.....

"I may be saying I am sorry on the outside, but on the inside I am
ready to smack that silly grin off your face."~little johnny

It seems, just saying the believer's prayer is not enough.... If you
prayed the believer's prayer and your life does not reflect the life
of Christ, I'd seriously consider how confident you really are in your
eternal relationship with Christ.

~just sayin' and prayin'

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"David passionately loved God and he prospered in God's blessings. So might we."~priest

King David lived his life dressed for battle. It was a life to kill
or be killed. It was as if God had called him uniquely to bloody his
hands in combat such that God's chosen people would prosper. The idea
that God would bless David by the killing of others, is hard to
reconcile against the backdrop of God's incredible love.

I think the difficulty in understanding the God of the Old Testament,
is we take OT actions and apply them to a New Testament world. We
don't live in the Old Testament. Our life is given to us in the grace
of God's love found in the New Testament. The God of the OT must be
understood in light of the times He operated in. It was a time before
Jesus was sacrificed and God brought judgement and justice in real
time. "Real time" judgement is a scary thought. Fear of God was

Times have changed. I much prefer living life under God's plan of
grace and mercy. Judgement for my sin was made and placed on Jesus at
the cross. It sorrows me that my sin put Jesus there to pay the
ultimate price. But through the sorrow can be found joy, that I am
allowed to live my life without fear of "real time" judgement.
Judgement has been made. The price has been paid. I am blessed to
prosper today with a full awareness of the love God the Father has for
His children.

That is not to say I will not suffer, because the evil ones are active
in this world. But it is to say in the midst of good times and bad,
God will continue to bless His children. God will continue to be God
and I will continue to be one of His children. I am confident God is
pleased to bless His children.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, June 14, 2010

Truly Choco is a Man's Best Friend

Sometimes it is easier than other times to know you are exactly in the
center of God's will. It is one of those times today.

I met a friend who has been in a wheelchair for over 50 years. His
wife passed in the recent past and he needed a little help. I had
time and volunteered to be his personal assistant. I said I would be
his legs. It is to my honor to serve in such a fashion.

My friend is in the hospital getting some care and was anxious about
his dog, Choco. His pet is being boarded elsewhere. Choco is a brown
labrador retriever and truly is my friend's best friend. His love is
obvious and strong. I stopped by Choco's boarding house and took him
out for a walk. He was constantly looking about. I am confident he
was looking for his best friend.

I took this picture and loaded it for my friend to view from his
hospital bed. He was quite pleased to see Choco and could have easily
cried for his friend's company. I was honored to be a part of such an
expression of love between a man and his best friend.

And so a new adventure begins in my life as the legs for my friend.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

First Week in Guatemala

Guest Post by Jennifer Hoines

The rain has subsided and I hear the gentle chirping of a bird outside my window.  The sudden peacefulness turns to questioning.  What is it like for those in the villages just miles from my home, living in adobe huts with dirt floors?    Three weeks ago, Guatemala was struck with three natural disasters in almost the same number of days.  Two small earthquakes preceded the eruption of the volcano Pacaya, spewing six inches of soot in a 100 mile radius closing all flights in and out of Guatemala City for almost a week.  If that we’re not enough, two days later, the first hurricane of the season dropped twenty to thirty inches of rain over the nation.  At last count 139 people are dead, many are still missing, and many more have lost their homes and crops.  A local said, “Guatemala has seen better days.”  More life loss is possible, with rainy season just starting.  Please pray for the people of Guatemala and wisdom as we serve during this time. 

Just this past week we had a team in from Michigan.  They spent two days working along side the locals, clearing large sections of mud out of their homes and school.  The impact and appreciation of the community was unlike any seen in the past.  In fact, the community worked and helped one another regardless of religious differences.  We hope this is just the beginning of things to come as more teams come in over the next weeks and months. 

While the team was in the village, I was settling into my new role here.  I opened up a bank account and started working in the clinic.  I called the nineteen students from the first training in January and invited them to our second training beginning June 21st.   Many, if not all, will be coming back.  I can’t wait to see what God does.  God is continuing to work in and through our therapy program.  

Just this week I was working with a man that severed his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed in both legs.  I had come in while the family was moving him from the wheelchair to the mat and was horrified to see them simply lifting him by the seat of his pants.  I started talking to them, and showing them, how he could learn to move himself from the chair to the mat by using his arms.  The man was horrified!  

Over the next couple of weeks, as we work together, I think both our fears will be removed as he learns how to do these transfers safely and with less help from his family.  I’ll let you know how it goes. 

Tomorrow we’ll be heading out to another village with another team.  Part of the team will be helping in repairing damaged houses and the rest of will be holding a medical clinic.  It’ll be my first experience out in the villages as part of such a team.  I can’t wait!

It’s only been a week, but I’m so grateful to be in Guatemala and living what feels like a dream.  I couldn’t do it without you!  Thank you for giving sacrificially to financially and prayerfully be part of the work God is doing in Guatemala. 



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