Saturday, April 11, 2009

Freedom to party with Michael Bong Phelps

If it's not a sin to drink wine as long as I don't beat my wife.  If it's ok to smoke a rich Cuban cigar as long as I don't inhale.  So, does that mean it's ok to party with Michael Phelps?  The Bible doesn't say anything about smoking dope.  It must be ok?
Here's the deal.   I believe sin is when your action makes you "miss the mark" (as sin is translated).  Sin may or may not be defined just by the action.  Even the ten commandments have exceptions.   Such as: Don't murder, but fight for your country.
Sin can be determined by whether you "missed the mark" because of your action or did you make someone else "miss the mark".  In both cases, it is sin.  To test this idea... If I drink a glass a wine, will it prevent me from hitting my mark.  Probably not.  If I am predisposed toward alcoholism, will drinking a glass of wine prevent me from hitting my mark.  Probably.
Test this idea of qualifying an action as sin in your life.  Try this.  Does eating a slice of pizza loaded with cheese and peperoni prevent me from hitting my mark?  If I exercise frequently and keep the rest of my diet in check probably not.  If I am overweight and a borderline diabetic and I eat a slice of pizza, did I miss my mark?  Likely.  This idea of sin being an action that makes us "miss our mark" is an intriguing idea.
If you will accept this idea of missing the mark as sin, then all we have to do is define what "missing the mark" is...
Any thoughts?


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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