Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Walking Worried - The term chosen to describe those frightened by The Flying Pig disease. Oh sorry. I meant to say, "swine flu".

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Believers are WIMPS or so the world thinks..

David said, "Before God I and my kingdom are totally innocent of this
murder of Abner son of Ner. Joab and his entire family will always be
under the curse of this bloodguilt. May they forever be victims of
crippling diseases, violence, and famine."
Doesn't sound like a wimp. I wonder if David meets the world's
expectation of a believer. David doesn't quite fit the believer
Are you guilty of stereotyping yourself or other believers as wimps?
There is nothing wimping about a full faced relationship with God.
There is only boldness with a willingness to pay whatever price for
the honor of faithfulness.
Be bold! Take on the day! Night is coming...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I prayed and nothing happened. We prayed and the world changed.

Prayer is an interesting adventure. It seems prayer is like strands
in a rope. One strand is your strand. 3 other strands belong to God
the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The remaining
strands belong to people who have come alongside you in prayer.
Here's the key.
Pray a prayer where all the strands are woven together and you are
guaranteed results. Pray a prayer where you are the only strand and
it is likely you have wasted your time.
What's your rope made of?
Read more God Spots at:

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Damned if you do, damned if you don't...

Sometimes even with the best of intentions, it tough to know what to
do. What do you do in times like these? Consider this...
Saul fell on his sword, but didn't die. BUMMER! (This was an account
of a soldier desiring to be in David's favor.) Come here," Saul
said, "and put me out of my misery. I'm nearly dead already, but my
life hangs on."
"So I did what he asked—I killed him. I knew he wouldn't last much
longer anyway. I removed his royal headband and bracelet, and have
brought them to my master. Here they are."
In lament, David ripped his clothes to ribbons. (Likely at this point,
the young soldier realized he stepped into something really smelly).
All the men with him did the same. They wept and fasted the rest of
the day, grieving the death of Saul and his son Jonathan, and also the
army of God and the nation Israel, victims in a failed battle.
Then David spoke to the young soldier who had brought the report: "Who
are you, anyway?" The soldier said, "I'm from an immigrant family—an
"Do you mean to say," said David, "that you weren't afraid to up and
kill God's anointed king?" Right then he ordered one of his soldiers,
"Strike him dead!" The soldier struck him, and he died.
Sometimes you do something for what seems all the right reasons, but
it just turns out bad. Why is that? It seems to me, when we make
decisions based on what we see with our eyes as opposed to seeing
what's in the heart, we are prone to make bad choices. The choice
seems right at the time, but death waits...
Survival Tip: Truth comes from God. Guaranteed! Circumstance can be
manipulated by the evil ones...
For more "God Spots",

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Friday, April 24, 2009

The fool sobered up, had a heart attack, fell in a coma and died in ten days!

Forgive my presumption! But God is at work in you, developing a rule solid and dependable. You fights God's battles! As long as you live no evil will stick to you. 

    If anyone stands in your way,
      if anyone tries to get you out of the way,
   Know this: Your God-honored life is tightly bound
      in the bundle of God-protected life;
   But the lives of your enemies will be hurled aside
      as a stone is thrown from a sling.
When God completes all the goodness he has promised and sets you up,... remember me. The rest of the story...
For more God Spots to ponder.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

He ripped off his clothes and lay naked, rambling gibberish.

Some things just don't make sense!   As Saul headed out for Naioth in Ramah, the Spirit of God was on him, too. All the way to Naioth he was caught up in a babbling trance! He ripped off his clothes and lay there rambling gibberish before Samuel for a day and a night, stretched out naked. People are still talking about it: "Saul among the prophets! Who would have guessed?"  For the rest of the story...
See more God Spots at

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Whatever Saul gave David to do, he did it—and did it well.


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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Prepare for battle. Then, run at it with God of the Angel Armies at your side!

David said, "I've been a shepherd, tending sheep for my father. Whenever a lion or bear came and took a lamb from the flock, I'd go after it, knock it down, and rescue the lamb. If it turned on me, I'd grab it by the throat, wring its neck, and kill it... "

A giant nearly ten feet tall stepped out from the Philistine line into the open, Goliath from Gath. As the Philistine paced back and forth, his shield bearer in front of him, he noticed David. He took one look down on him and sneered—a mere youngster, apple-cheeked and peach-fuzzed.

You come at me with sword and spear and battle-ax. I come at you in the name of God-of-the-Angel-Armies,

David took off from the front line, running toward the Philistine. David reached into his pocket for a stone, slung it, and hit the Philistine hard in the forehead, embedding the stone deeply. The Philistine crashed, facedown in the dirt. Read this amazing story from Samuel

It is said, David had 5 stones.  1 for Goliath and 4 for Goliath's brothers.  David was prepared.

See more God Spots at

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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

"You can't be depressed with your arms wide open." yogini

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Destined for a street corner...

"If God clipped an angels wings, would he drive a Toyota truck?" So my wife says that's not funny and she doesn't get it (i love you honey).  I think it is halarious.  It makes me wonder what humor is?  What makes us laugh?
I think it is funny for lots of reasons.  1st I think it funny because it seems humorous to consider God clipping an angel's wings.  It is something that is likely impossible to do and yet God might do it because He can.  2nd I think it funny because it seems humorous thinking about an angel trying to try a truck.  The Toyota has nothing to do with anything other than the angel is use to flying but can't now, so wants the best truck he can buy.  Now that is even funny.  Do angels have money and what about a drivers license?  Will the angel sin if he drives without a driver license?  It is all so funny.  It is "ROLL OVER LAUGHING" funny.
This brings me back to "Destined for a street corner..."  If nobody finds humor in this, but street people tend to stand on street corner grinning, talking to themselves and laughing.  Am I destined for a street corner?

Read more "God Spots" at

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God empowers the obedient...

"Samuel took his flask of oil and anointed him, with his brothers standing around watching. The Spirit of God entered David like a rush of wind, God vitally empowering him for the rest of his life." Samuel
You can be and do a lot of things in life, but without obedience to God you are wasting something very precious.  Life can not be reclaimed.  Your time is limited.  God will hold you accountable here on earth and in eternity for your obedience. 
What is it God wants you to do that makes little sense?  What is it you have been told to do and can not do?  Many times in my life, obedience goes "hand in hand" with the impossible.  Wait on God, then take that 1st step.  He will order the remaining steps for an abundant life.
Read more God Spots at

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Monday, April 20, 2009

If God clipped an angel's wings, would he drive a Toyota pickup?


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Just suppose you are 1 step away from victory...

Wait on God.  Wait on no man. You may be 1 step away from victory!
"Jonathan said to his armor bearer, "Come on now, let's go across to these uncircumcised pagans. Maybe God will work for us. There's no rule that says God can only deliver by using a big army. No one can stop God from saving when he sets his mind to it...
When the Philistines came running up to them, he knocked them flat, his armor bearer right behind finishing them off, bashing their heads in with stones. In this first bloody encounter, Jonathan and his armor bearer killed about twenty men. "
The rest of the story can be found here. The entire nation of Israel is saved because one man, takes one step forward to obvious death.  God sees.  God respects that step of faith and the nation is saved.
What step does God require of you today?
Read more God Spots at
God bless you!


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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Work has blessed me with an impossible task.

I absolutely love the impossible.  I really do!  Work has blessed me with an impossible task.  I am more pumped and excited about work than I have been in months.  Work that is accomplishable is boring.  Really! 
I've got this job to do and a deadline to meet that is impossible.  Isn't that awesome!  In a couple weeks, I could totally fail at something and I am excited.  You will have to read the next couple blog entries to appreciate God showing up at His appointed time. 

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Tie a knot on the end of your rope and hang on!

God will show up at His appointed time.  God is never late.  God is never early.  God is always on His time.

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That was a FOOL thing to do!

Samuel thought so...
archiephrased - There was a time when Israel's enemy rallied their forces to fight with so many infantry they looked like sand on the seashore. When the Israelites saw that they were way outnumbered and in deep trouble, they ran for cover, hiding in caves and pits, ravines and brambles and cisterns—wherever. But the king, Saul held his ground, his soldiers still with him but scared to death.
King Saul waited seven days (God's appointed time). Samuel failed to show up, and his soldiers were deserting.  So Saul took charge:  He sacrificed the burnt offering without Samuel. No sooner had he done it than Samuel showed up (God's appointed time)! Samuel said, "What on earth are you doing?"
Saul answered, "My army was deserting and you hadn't come when you said you would,  So I took things into my own hands, and sacrificed the burnt offering.  I needed to ask for God's help."  That was a fool thing to do," Samuel said to Saul.
"If you had kept the appointment that your God commanded, by now God would have set a firm and lasting foundation under your kingly rule over Israel. As it is, your kingly rule is already falling to pieces. God is out looking for your replacement right now. This time he'll do the choosing. When he finds him, he'll appoint him leader of his people. And all because you didn't keep your appointment with God!"
In my walk with God, I've noticed a very important and interesting dynamic.  It is unlikely for God to show up early, but most of the time I want him to.  If God would show up before the suffering begins, I wouldn't have to suffer.  Or if God would show up at the first signs of my becoming anxious, I wouldn't have to become impatient.  You see if God would just show up when I ask Him to, I could be a much better person.  Life would seemingly be so much better...
But here's the deal.  God hasn't worked that way in my life.  Most of the time, God does not show up at MY appointed time.  God does show up at HIS appointed time.  Unfortunately, I many times act impatiently and take matters in my own hands.  Then, God shows up and points out, "That was a fool thing to do".
Seriously, how many blessings have you missed because of your impatientness.  It is impossible to know, but I bet you have missed more blessings than received.  So the answer to enjoying God's pleasure in your life is simple.  WAIT.  When you are totally besieged and you are obviously going to lose the battle, WAIT.  God will not show up at YOUR appointed time.  God will show up at HIS appointed time.  Then, He will kick butt!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God Spots come in many shapes and sizes.

"When these confirming signs are accomplished, you'll know that you're ready: Whatever job you're given to do, do it. God is with you! ... Saul turned and left Samuel. At that very moment God transformed him—made him a new person! And all the confirming signs took place the same day". 1 Samuel 10
God Spots come in many shapes and sizes.  Many times when God authenticates His presence it defies all logic.  Saul was a nobody.  He came from an insignificant tribe.  The Hebrew people were hollaring for a King.  God in His humor picked a guy that had no obvious merit other than His good looks and confirmed him as King. 
It would seem there was at least one thing about Saul God liked.  Saul was inclined to do what he was told.  Saul was instructed to do whatever job he was given to do with a guarantee that God was with him.  In Saul's obedient character, God transformed him into a new person. 
This is POWERFUL!  "God transformed him into a new person".  Doesn't that speak to your heart?  God knows little old insignificant you.  He sees your obedience.  He gives you a job to do and will transform you into a new person to accomplish it.  Anyone see God Spots in that? Any transformed people out there with new jobs?  I bet so!


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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

What! You telling me BObama is NOT PROLIFE and the economy is in the toilet?

"The Vatican has rejected at least three possible candidates proposed by Barack Obama to serve as US ambassador to the Holy See, say reliable sources in Rome. None of the three candidates informally proposed by the Obama administration so far is acceptable to the Pope because of their support for abortion rights.

One of the potential nominees vetoed by the Vatican is Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the former US president. Conservative Catholics in the US had already criticised her candidacy. They say her outspoken pro-choice views on abortion made her an unsuitable choice.

The Vatican is unhappy about President Obama's support of abortion rights and his lifting of a previous ban on embryonic stem cell research in the US." BBC

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Monday, April 13, 2009

There is life after death...

“The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me lie down in
green pastures. He leadeth me beside still waters. He restoreth my
soul. Yea tho I walk through the valley of the shadow death, I fear
no evil. Thy rod and thy staff comfort me. My cup runneth over.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and
I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”
For the rest of the story:
God bless,

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Happy Monday!

"Samuel grew up. God was with him, and Samuel's prophetic record was flawless. Everyone in Israel, from Dan in the north to Beersheba in the south, recognized that Samuel was the real thing—a true prophet of God. God continued to show up at Shiloh, revealed through his word to Samuel at Shiloh." 1 Samuel 4

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

All things considered...

...or at least I've considered as much as I know and as much as has been contributed via comments.
Hundreds of people from many walks of life, many races, many belief systems have read this series of posts on a simple question, "Is drinking wine a sin?"  I've never had more comments posted on any other topic.  I wonder why people are so passionate about the consumption of alcohol? I don't know.  But I have drawn a conclusion from the many hours I have thought about the issue.
First, I want to say thank you to the couple of clergy that stepped up to the plate with a desire to share truth.  Mostly, clergy keep their head down because we sheep tend to bite. Although funny, it's not a joke.  Sigh...
But the journey has brought me to this place in my walk with Christ.  I have concluded the issue of drinking wine is but an easy topic which drove me to deeper truth.  The deeper truth was an even simpler question.  "What is sin?"  If you don't know what sin is, how can you determine if drinking wine is sinful?
My conclusive thought defining sin is this Archism (see note): Sin is anything that hinders God's ability to perfect His will and purpose in your life.  This statement is meant to be all encompassing with no exceptions.  Now the ball has been launched and is on it way by a Hail Mary pass to the end zone.  Will it be intercepted or will it score?  The crowd goes wild....
Note: my terminology for something I claim original because I'm to simple minded to know who already said it.
Surf to: to follow the dialog.

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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Freedom to party with Michael Bong Phelps

If it's not a sin to drink wine as long as I don't beat my wife.  If it's ok to smoke a rich Cuban cigar as long as I don't inhale.  So, does that mean it's ok to party with Michael Phelps?  The Bible doesn't say anything about smoking dope.  It must be ok?
Here's the deal.   I believe sin is when your action makes you "miss the mark" (as sin is translated).  Sin may or may not be defined just by the action.  Even the ten commandments have exceptions.   Such as: Don't murder, but fight for your country.
Sin can be determined by whether you "missed the mark" because of your action or did you make someone else "miss the mark".  In both cases, it is sin.  To test this idea... If I drink a glass a wine, will it prevent me from hitting my mark.  Probably not.  If I am predisposed toward alcoholism, will drinking a glass of wine prevent me from hitting my mark.  Probably.
Test this idea of qualifying an action as sin in your life.  Try this.  Does eating a slice of pizza loaded with cheese and peperoni prevent me from hitting my mark?  If I exercise frequently and keep the rest of my diet in check probably not.  If I am overweight and a borderline diabetic and I eat a slice of pizza, did I miss my mark?  Likely.  This idea of sin being an action that makes us "miss our mark" is an intriguing idea.
If you will accept this idea of missing the mark as sin, then all we have to do is define what "missing the mark" is...
Any thoughts?


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Adam said to Eve, "Honey. How about ..."

How about passing me my box of stogies.  You know I always like a big fat Cuban cigar after polishing off a bottle of wine.  Hurry up now. 
Is smoking a nice rich Cuban cigar after enjoying a bottle of wine a sin?  Help me out.  I'm trying to identify sin in my life.

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Friday, April 10, 2009

So Adam and Eve sat down to share a bottle of wine..

Things went really well up until they thought fruit would go good with
the wine. Not just any fruit would do. This was a special vintage
bottle. The forbidden fruit would be best...
There really is a point in this series of posts concerning wine. I
want a list of things I shouldn't do. I did ok with "My Ten Choices"
but it didn't cover everything. So I thought I'd try to creat a more
comprehensive list. After-all we are not limited to carving on slabs
of stone. We have computers for editing and sharing.
So tell me. Do you sin when you drink wine? When you can answer that
question we will go on to the next question. Sigh. This list may
take a while...
Weigh in with your opinion at

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Is Medicimal Wine a Sin?

Drunk monk's streaking gets him disrobed

Deutsche Presse-Agentur

Phnom Penh, Cambodia -- A Cambodian Buddhist monk who stripped naked and raced through suburban streets after a heavy night of drinking rice wine laced with toads has been asked to leave the monkhood, a religious official said Saturday.

Sim Soktriya, chief monk of Russei Keo district on the outskirts of the capital, said a woman discovered the naked monk Friday passed out on her doorstep.

Soktriya said Dem Yonly, 30, had been drinking toad wine, excusing the forbidden behaviour for Buddhist monks by saying he was drinking it as medicine to treat an unspecified illness.

Cambodians widely believe that poison in the toads helps kill illnesses.

Yonly stripped and streaked, then fell asleep near his pagoda, scaring a woman who walked outside to find the naked monk lying in her garden covered in mud, police said. Officers turned him over to the pagoda.

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NBA champion Dennis Rodman's drinking problem

So it appears Dennis Rodman has a drinking problem according to The Poker New Daily.  Sounds like a creditable source.  If you asked Rodman, he'd probably replay the same way Chevy Chase replied when asked if he had a drug problem in his earlier days.  Chase said no way!  He didn't have a drug problem.  He could get all he wanted.
Referencing "My Ten Choices", I'm still trying to nail down sin. The question is: Is it a sin to drink.  My guess is that drinking water is ok, but not in excess.  Too much water will kill you.  Does this logic apply to alcohol?  Is drinking alcolhol ok, but too much will kill you the truth.  Let's keep the question simple.
Is drinking wine a sin?

Anyone gutzy enough to take this question on?


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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Report: Foreign Cyberspies Attack Electrical Grid

How long since you did anything that satan or one of your personal
demons cared about? America is constantly targeted by the bad guys
because we have what the world wants. satan is not omnipresent. He
can't be more than one place at a time so he picks the important
places and people to work on.
Same thing for the fallen angels or satan demons. One place at a
time. They too must pick what is important. How long since you did
anything to become a target?
I'm not one to chase demons, but my brother-in-law accepts a job in
full time youth ministry and within hours is doubled over in pain and
finds himself in the emergency room with an unexplained excruciating
Coincidence? Pray for Charles....

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"We Do Not Consider Ourselves A Christian Nation"

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Personal Easter Invitation to President Obama

Easter is a special time of year.  As believers, we reflect on the generousity of God sending His Son to die on the cross for each of us.  The church is a group of believers that congregate in a building which has become known as the church.  Easter is a highlight of the church.  I'd like to take this opportunity to personally invite President Obama to the church of my choice. 
Grace Point Church in San Antonio has 3 Sunday services.  President Obama, you may pick the one that best meets your needs.  Services start at 9:30, 11:00 and 12:30.  I've included a picture in this post for easy reference.  If you'll give me a little advance notice, I'll make sure we have a section roped off for you and your security detail.  I know you will enjoy the experience and your children will fall in love with our children's pastors.
For the rest of you, stop on by this Easter Sunday.  If President Obama drops by, you will not want to miss the opportunity to extend a very warm south Texas welcome.  See you Sunday!

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My Ten Choices

I've been thinking about the "Ten Commandments".  I can't even remember them all.  I figure that's ok because I'm a pretty good person anyway.  So if I can't remember them, I thought maybe I'd create my own version that I can remember.  I think I'll call them "My Ten Choices".  The title seems to be a bit more appropriate and sensitive to the times.  My Ten Choices will be:
  1. "You shall have no other gods before Me..." except those things that increases the quality of life such as: cars, money, fine food or whatever.

  2. "Do not make an image or any likeness of what is in the heavens above..."  except maybe a cross, fish or something that everyone can relate to.

  3. "Do not swear falsely by the name of the LORD..." except when I smash my thumb or if someone cuts me off in traffic.

  4. "Remember [zachor] the Sabbath day and keep it holy" except for the times there is work to do for the common good or possibly eating at Luby's

  5. "Honor your father and your mother..." except when I can obviously see they are wrong and I deserve better.

  6. "Do not murder" unless I am being threatened or the other guy is bad.

  7. "Do not commit adultery." except when I know I won't get caught and my mate is unfaithful anyway.

  8. "Do not steal." unless I am really hungry or want something my employer has. I'm not paid enough anyway. 

  9. "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor" except in times of gossip, then anything goes and he deserves it.

  10. "Do not covet your neighbor's wife" This is covered under #7 so there are really on "My Nine Choices" to keep in mind.

I feel better about myself now.  I think the world will feel better, also.  Maybe instead of "My Ten Choices" it could be "My Ten Exceptions".  What do you think?

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

They say, "Sin is all the same". But "HORRIBLE" sin?

The Word speaks for itself.  Not a jot or a tiddle...
"Before they had even burned the fat to God, the priest's servant would interrupt whoever was sacrificing and say, "Hand over some of that meat for the priest to roast. He doesn't like boiled meat; he likes his rare." If the man objected, "First let the fat be burned—God's portion!—then take all you want," the servant would demand, "No, I want it now. If you won't give it, I'll take it." It was a horrible sin these young servants were committing—and right in the presence of God!—desecrating the holy offerings to God."

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Monday, April 6, 2009

Sometimes Being Christian Just Isn't Easy!

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Jesus goes viral 2000 yrs ago. Missional is launched!

And the world thinks viral is a new concept. Not! Jesus went viral a
couple thousand years ago and didn't even have a computer or sound
system. The message was that strong. It couldn't be contained!
There was God and the Word from which Jesus became flesh and hung out
for about 30 years while John prepared the way. Then, the missional
was launched! John's message was drafted by God and communicated to a
people anxious for the stories of old to be fulfilled. His message
went like this...
"The One who authorized me to baptize with water told me, 'The One on
whom you see the Spirit come down and stay, this One will baptize with
the Holy Spirit.' That's exactly what I saw happen, and I'm telling
you, there's no question about it: This is the Son of God." John
It went viral! "Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, was one of the two who
heard John's witness and followed Jesus. The first thing he did after
finding where Jesus lived was find his own brother, Simon..."
Family, friends and then the world!
Two thousand years later, the Word is still being shared. Some
believe. Some reject. The impact of the message is no less powerful
today, then when John said He is coming!

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Flutter: The New Twitter

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Mike - Homeless and Knows God | Bus Across America (iSrv)

Is your testamony as real as this homeless guys? No prep. Just this is what God means to me...

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Sin Free drinking, smoking, cussing, chewing, dancing, gamblin', Baptist

I'm Baptist. How did you just react to that statement? I grew up
Baptist. Somewhere along the way, I developed a love for those things
that were of Jesus and some things that were not. It seems to me
times are changing.
When I was a young Baptist, you couldn't drink, dance, smoke, gamble
or hangout with those that did. At least if you did, you did it where
people wouldn't know you were Baptist. Today, it seems many Baptist
people are ok with doing any or all of the previously considered sins.
 There is little bashfulness about what they do. Many times, I've
asked myself why?
So when I was growing up, it was a sin to drink alcohol in any form.
There was even consideration for not cooking with it. Today, it's
seems acceptable for a little for the cake and a little for the cook.
Why is that? Did God change His mind? I'm not judging on the
consumption of alcohol. I just want to know if it was a sin 50 yrs,
ago and not now?
This leads me to my final thoughts. If it wasn't a sin 50 yrs ago but
Baptist labled it as sinful, what other activities are considered
sinful today that really are perfectly fine with God? On the flip
side. If it were a sin 50 yrs ago and now it is considered ok, what
other activities are we taking part in that is grieving God?
If you are a "sin free" drinking, smoking, gamblin', dancing and
hanging out with those that do, Baptist. I like to hear from you.
The Methodist may have an opening on their board. :)

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Federico is a Jesus Freak. Does that make you uncomfortable?

A gun to your head, you have an instant to answer the question, "Do
you believe in God?" The trigger is pulled at Columbine.
"Stephen, brimming with God's grace and energy, was doing wonderful
things among the people, unmistakable signs that God was among
them.... So in secret they bribed men to lie: "We heard him cursing
Moses and God.
That stirred up the people, the religious leaders, and religion
scholars. They grabbed Stephen and took him before the High Council.
...they found they couldn't take their eyes off him—his face was like
the face of an angel!
Stephen rebukes leadership: Your ancestors killed anyone who dared
talk about the coming of the Just One. And you've kept up the family
tradition—traitors and murderers, all of you....At that point they
went wild, ...Yelling and hissing, the mob drowned him out. Now in
full stampede, they dragged him out of town and pelted him with rocks.
As the rocks rained down, Stephen prayed, "Master Jesus, take my
life." Then he knelt down, praying loud enough for everyone to hear,
"Master, don't blame them for this sin"—his last words. Then he died.
Saul was right there, congratulating the killers".

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Friday, April 3, 2009

I have seen the world and it has nothing good. My only peace is Jesus. by Anila - martyr

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Your beliefs conflict with the Word, because you suffer? Please reTWEET. Thx.

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"After several days of visiting, a prophet from Judea by the name of
Agabus came down to see us. He went right up to Paul, took Paul's
belt, and, in a dramatic gesture, tied himself up, hands and feet. He
said, "This is what the Holy Spirit says: The Jews in Jerusalem are
going to tie up the man who owns this belt just like this and hand him
over to godless unbelievers."
When we heard that, we and everyone there that day begged Paul not to
be stubborn and persist in going to Jerusalem. But Paul wouldn't
budge: "Why all this hysteria? Why do you insist on making a scene and
making it even harder for me? You're looking at this backward. The
issue in Jerusalem is not what they do to me, whether arrest or
murder, but what the Master Jesus does through my obedience. Can't you
see that?" Acts 21

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Motorized Bar Stool

Sorry. If you are looking for something Spiritually significant, you
probably won't get it here. I just couldn't pass up this current
event. A drunk wrecked his bar stool cart after consuming 15 or so
beers. He called 911 for assistance and got ticketed for DUI instead.
 I wonder if GM is considering this as their next economy car?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream


Posted via SMS from Archie's Life Stream

Is God just a memory?

Maybe. Surf to:

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bro. Lawence shares wisdom and dies...

God knows best what we need. All that He does is for our good. If we
knew how much He loves us, we would always be ready to receive both
the bitter and the sweet from His Hand. It would make no difference.
All that came from Him would be pleasing.
The worst afflictions only appear intolerable if we see them in the
wrong light. When we see them as coming from the hand of God, and know
that it is our loving Father who humbles and distresses us, our
sufferings lose their bitterness and can even become a source of
Let all our efforts be to know God. The more one knows Him, the
greater one desires to know Him. Knowledge is commonly the measure of
love. The deeper and more extensive our knowledge, the greater is our
love. If our love of God were great we would love Him equally in pain
and pleasure.
We only deceive ourselves by seeking or loving God for any favors
which He has or may grant us. Such favors, no matter how great, can
never bring us as near to God as can one simple act of faith. Let us
seek Him often by faith. He is within us. Seek Him not elsewhere.
Are we not rude and deserve blame if we leave Him alone to busy
ourselves with trifles which do not please Him and perhaps even offend
Him? These trifles may one day cost us dearly. Let us begin earnestly
to be devoted to Him. Let us cast everything else out of our heart. He
wants to possess the heart alone. Beg this favor of Him. If we do all
we can, we will soon see that change wrought in us which we so greatly
I cannot thank Him enough for the relief He has given you. I hope to
see Him within a few days. Let us pray for one another.
  Brother Lawrence died within days of this last letter.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream


Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Felt the presence of God?

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful,
than that of a continual conversation with God. Those only can
comprehend it who practice and experience it." ... Brother

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

IF Willie Nelson were here...

He might say the Bible is boring. Others might say it a fairy tale.
Still others would say, "Holy Moly! Look at that!" The Holy Moly
person is likely from Indiana. They talk that way. :)
I'd say, "God's Word is exciting, captivating, interesting and
downright inspirational". Read this...
"Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did what God commanded. Aaron
threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his servants, and it
turned into a snake.
Pharaoh called in his wise men and sorcerers. The magicians of Egypt
did the same thing by their incantations: each man threw down his
staff and they all turned into snakes. But then Aaron's staff
swallowed their staffs".
Just imagine. Moses stutters like a boy asking a girl for a first
date. God gets angry at him and gives him the power to turn his staff
into a snake. Then the evil one steps up and does the same thing,
directly in the face of God. Not to be out done by the joker,
batman's snake totally consumes the other snakes!
Batman? Just checking to see if you were actually reading this. Ha!
The point is, you can't make this stuff up and the Bible is full of
God Spots!
What's your biggest memory of a God Spot from the Word?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream