Sunday, February 22, 2009

The man behind the curtain...

I blog for lots of reasons. For one, I look forward to creating
dialog with people I don't know. Something I've discovered is how
wrong I can be about people based on first encounters. It is easy to
forget, behind every blog is a person with likes, dislikes, is
friendly or mean, feels pain, may be healthy and maybe not.
I never really spent much time wondering about the person at the other
end of the sterile dialog. It seems judging another from a brief
encounter is easy, but may not be very fruitful. It's only after
dialog is created, one begins to appreciate the life being lived
"behind the curtain".
Since my blogging adventure began, I've made friends with a believer
in Barbados with a ministry of deliverance, a religious thinker with a
blog name meaning the spirit is gone, a friend who struggles daily
with pain and may have a terminal illness, an atheist who finds me
offensive, a school teacher who is encouraged, a counselor who moved
to Florida and the list goes on and on....
I've become impressed with the responsibility one has to others in
this world as information is exchanged. Although it is easier to pick
a fight than to be gracious at unkind words, I think the latter is
preferred. When hurt is revealed, it is easier to just to say,
"sorry" and move on. But with knowledge comes responsibility.
I added a fellow blogger to my prayer list today. The person has
suffered for many years. Who could have guessed from the excellent
blog written? It is insightful, witty, knowledgable and contains
great wisdom. Yet, the person is in great pain. I commited to pray
for body, soul and spirit.
My church has launched an awareness prayer program titled 60/60. We
have set our watches to beep every 60 minutes for 60 days. When it
beeps, we pray. I have added one more person to my list. I trust God
for "God Spots" in the way of miracles for my friends. We shall
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Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

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