Thursday, October 27, 2011

"I said hey, is this my problem? Is this my fault?"~Paul Simon

For the most part... life in America is pretty grand. Our needs are
met and most of the time in excess. We have multiple cars and eat in
nice restaurants. Mostly, we are blessed with far more than we ask.
It is in this comfortable state, we can easily lose track of who the
provider really is.

Then something happens totally unplanned or maybe even a long series
of things. The car breaks down. We develop a pain and the doc says
it is incurable. Our spouse declares their love for another. Our
children are busted for drugs and skipping school. The list goes on.
I wonder why the list even exists. I didn't do anything to cause any
of these catastrophes.

It's true... you and i may not have done anything to cause these
catastrophes, but the struggles of life are predictable. It is from
these struggles, Jesus fulfills His promise "all things work together
for the good of those that love the Lord." The good comes about from
the truth spoken by Jesus... ",,,from your side, you must give your
confirming evidence".

When we are wounded in our side by life's struggles, we are to give
evidence to the world of God's power and sovereignty. Will the
evidence for the world come from living a defeated life or living a
victorious life in love with Jesus? What evidence will the world see
in your life today?

“When the Friend I plan to send you from the Father comes—the Spirit
of Truth issuing from the Father—he will confirm everything about me.
You, too, from your side must give your confirming evidence, since you
are in this with me from the start.”~Jesus

Paul Simon sums it up nicely, this way...

was having this discussion
In a taxi heading downtown
Rearranging my position
On this friend of mine who had
A little bit of a breakdown
I said breakdowns come
And breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it
That's what I'd like to know
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could

It was in the early morning hours
When I fell into a phone call
Believing I had supernatural powers
I slammed into a brick wall
I said hey, is this my problem?
Is this my fault?
If that's the way it's going to be
I'm going to call the whole thing to a halt

You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could

I was walking down the street
When I thought I heard this voice say
Say, ain't we walking down the same street together
On the very same day
I said hey Senorita that's astute
I said why don't we get together
And call ourselves an institute

You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Saturday, October 22, 2011

"...sometimes it seems darkness is all that is left." ~archie



Imagine if you will, a place of total darkness... Now strike a match!
The light of the world is revealed.  How long will you carry the match
and never strike it?

In the beginning there was darkness. The earth was void. God brought
light to dispel the darkness. God created man and placed him in a
world that is naturally dark. Light was created to dispel this

Sometimes.... darkness seems to overtake the light... it is again in
this darkness that God created the light of the world in a man name
Jesus. Today... Jesus is the light that dispels the darkness, but we
have a responsibility to call on the light of Jesus. Too often we in
arrogant boldness try to create the light...

It is in this darkness we become trapped....

There is but one creator.  He has created light, but we must choose
the light.  Without the light, there is only darkness.  Nothing good
will come of the darkness.  Ultimately, the darkness will bring death.

For some the death will come early.

The truth is that God created light to dispel darkness.  There is but
one way out of the darkness.  His name is Jesus.

Choose to strike the match!



Black water traces its way on the ground, pools and swirls until
darkness surrounds but cry out.  Come save me now....

Lonely sorrow in the dusty mind, the traveler on the road, pick up
those 6 strings and play.  Come find the weary heart today... Carry
the sorrow,  Make a stand, Lend a shoulder, to understand, there is a
way....there is a way

Pick up your feet on this dusty road of lifes troubled
consequences...rule the dusk and dawn of all things in life. You will
make ammends.  Lay down the gun,  needles, suicide, depression and the
like.  It's going to be a long journey through the black water

Carry me!  Through the dark water of life..  Carry me!  No more
dragging in the strife.. Carry me home tonight...I'm tired of this
pain... Fuck it all or forget it well, I'm living through this tonight

Shadows come through misty gray mornings so dark, down to the old pool
I start but damn that water....Its so cold inside my heart.  Lend me a
boat alright, let me rule that water and sing.  Carry me over the dark
water moat.  Don't let that poison touch me again.  I don't give a
damn what you say I can't do.  I'm crossing this today.

You don't have to  carry me!  No, I'm walking now.  Don't carry me!  I
am learning how.  Don't carry me!  I have found the way to walk on
that black water and leave it all today!  Blessid soul, dark no more,
not weary or afraid.  Blessid heart and mind of God is where I am to
stay.  Holy one am I my friends and no one can hold me down. I'll rise
up on that black water and soar above the clouds.

BY Jacob Heynen

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jesus Attends a Medical Marijuana Gathering... huh?!

Guest post by a friend of mine:

I have an update on ministry in the medical marijuana direction...I've been going to a Patient Grower Network lodge, and just looking for those GodSpot opportunities...they come along here and there with each othering, but that was not the cake God has in store...this lodge is probably about the most legitimate example of how the medical marijuana program SHOULD is a social network, and they do a lot for real patients, who are in real pain and suffering...they function very much like a church SHOULD function...interestingly, this lodge used to be an Eagles hall prior, and was originally built as a church...:), I've been getting to know the people that are connected to this place, and God showed me that to chew on for a while...(very relevant flashback) my dad was a music teacher, and a regular teacher towards the end, but he laways loved was always something he influenced on me...of course, my parents (most likely just my mom) wanted me to be in the band in school, and reluctantly I did that...when I was in youth group as a teen, my friends and I were in the church band...I played bass because I hadn't started hearing music at this age, and I labeled my self "the whole-note bandit"...well, that was a long time ago, and music dropped as an interest or routine in my life...

...slowly, I started, not just listening, hearing music...knowing it more and more so to speak...I didn't play any instruments over the years, but I seem to enjoy making structure with finger rhythms...back to now here, there's a guy who volunteers to help run the lodge, and me and him are around the same age so we got along well...he also had his guitar, bass, and drum kit at the lodge...he liked to play, and one day asked me if I wanted to jam with I ignored my social anxiety and self analysis for once and played the song my heart heard...then he says to me, "ok, you're in the band too"...what?...apparently, they had been looking for people to be in the band, this guy has lots of musical talent, and I just happened to be that guy to add too...long story shorter, we now have four members, and THIS IS GOD'S HOOK/LINE/SINKER: 3 of us started in youth group bands...WORD...:)

...added bonus, this last weekend I was able to share a big chunk of Truth with one of the lodge members...this lady had so many legal/institutional thoughts stumbling her vision, that I knew as it was happening that was just a taste of what He can do...very Filling

...anyways, I'm pressing on, as a member of the lodge band, and there might be the potential for other venues (we've been asked to come play a few places now, but we're not quite comfortable as a group yet)

...just wanted to let you in on where He is working me these days...I definitely would have to say Word on this one Arch, later...

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, October 16, 2011

"Hungry homeless people should disclose their religious affiliation."~huh?!


i am protestant.  i gave my money to a catholic.  it makes me wonder if i should ask about one's beliefs prior to feeding?~sarcasm

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, October 14, 2011

It seems most of the time, God reveals and provides opportunity without warning...


I was in Starbucks minding my own business, when a lady shows up with a couple large empty covered plastic containers.  A Starbucks employee proceeds to give her all the dated pastries for her containers and she hangs around at a table in front me sorting things out.

After a while, i get up to leave and go to work.  I stop in front of her and make comment that i bet she is going to make some people happy. She explains she is from the Saint Assisi or something catholic church and these pastries will go to feed the homeless.  As we are chatting about the local homeless shelter, i am doing a heart check and i think God is saying give her money.  You have to understand there was a time when giving from my excess was not challenging at all.  Today, i give from what i don't have and i am very aware to give without God's direction is stupid. 

So as she is talking, i am thinking, "God.  Do you want me to give? i am not sure and i want to be responsible with the little i have."  i am confident this thought was from God.  "Whether you give or not, you will know my will when you walk out the door."  It reminded me of the times, i heard God and chose to ignore the opportunity to be used by Him.  I get that really sick feeling in my stomach that i just blew it.

Today, i was not going to blow it.  i reached in my pocket and pulled out the exact amount God had impressed on me (without counting).  I handed it to the lady and without a word, began walking out.  She yelled, "What's your name?"  I wish i had said, "Jesus."  

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I have a confession and hope the "Big Gulp" will suffice at communion.


Some weeks go better than others in my estimation of walking daily with Christ.  I've noticed it is mostly is the other guy that is sinning and the little juice cup and cracker is sufficient at communion. Sometimes, it seems i recognize my own sin and realize i could really use a "Big Gulp" portion of grape juice to cover it all. i am grateful Jesus covered it all on the cross and i can leave the "Big Gulp" for those that think they need it.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I stopped and chatted with the bearded lady...


How far out of the way will you walk to avoid the person that obviously does not fit in?  

There is a bearded lady that frequents the coffee shop that i hang out at. She doesn't seem particularly lonely as she is always talking to imaginary people as she smokes a tiparillo.   Nobody talks to her or him (i am unsure which she may be), but i stopped and asked how she was doing.  I didn't know if she would answer as i was obviously interrupting her conversation, but she found time.

The bearded lady, said she was doing fine but was a little strapped for cash.  She opened her purse and pulled out her coin purse to show me.  It had a dollar and a few coins.  I didn't have any money, so i apologized and said i'd have some money for her the next time.  She was ok with that and continued her conversation.

I have frequently avoided this lady as she is dirty, smells bad and is different.  It occurs to me, possibly the ones needing the most help are those we try to avoid the most.  

Daily i am reminded Jesus abides in me.  i wonder if Jesus is pleased to avoid the dirty, the smelly and the different?

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

I was blind from birth. Jesus made note. Now i see.

As the story goes...

"Walking down the street, Jesus saw a man blind from birth." This man could have just as easily been you or i.  We are all born blind.  We have eyes yet we do not see.

"His disciples asked, “Rabbi, who sinned: this man or his parents, causing him to be born blind?” Jesus said, “You’re asking the wrong question. You’re looking for someone to blame. There is no such cause-effect here." How quickly we are able to pick the defects out of other people, judge them for their failures, sadly shake our heads and move on.  We certainly don't want any of their dirt to rub off on us.

"Look instead for what God can do. We need to be energetically at work for the One who sent me here, working while the sun shines. When night falls, the workday is over. For as long as I am in the world, there is plenty of light. I am the world’s Light.” As a believer, Jesus abides in you and i.  We are to see people through Jesus eyes.  It is through Jesus we have sight and see others illuminated by His light.  It is in His light we are to work energetically.  

"He said this and then spit in the dust, made a clay paste with the saliva, rubbed the paste on the blind man’s eyes, and said, “Go, wash at the Pool of Siloam” (Siloam means “Sent”). It is Jesus desire that we see.  If it is your desire, He will open your eyes and give sight.  He will give sight according you His terms, not yours.  If He choses mud in your eye, to create sight.  Be blessed.  Get muddy!

"The man went and washed—and saw." If is in obedience and humility that we go where Jesus sends us.  With belief, we are cleansed and sight restored.   

Soon the town was buzzing. His relatives and those who year after year had seen him as a blind man begging were saying, “Why, isn’t this the man we knew, who sat here and begged?” Others said, “It’s him all right!” But others objected, “It’s not the same man at all. It just looks like him.” He said, “It’s me, the very one.” Miracles happen.  People are drawn to them.  As one who has miraculously received sight, i am blessed.  In the presence of Jesus, i am to testify to the miracle in my life.  i was blind, now i see.

They said, “How did your eyes get opened?”  “A man named Jesus made a paste and rubbed it on my eyes and told me, ‘Go to Siloam and wash.’ I did what he said. When I washed, I saw.”  Sharing the results of Jesus love in your life, does not require a theology degree.  Your story is simple and sweet.  You listened.  You obeyed. You were healed. Now tell.

“So where is he?” A very simple question sums up the story.... so where is He?  Where is this man called Jesus?

Quotes by Peterson, Eugene H. (2006). The Message Remix 2.0: The Bible In contemporary Language (p. 1910). NAVP9. Kindle Edition. 

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

At the call center: "mumble... mumble.... mumble..."~caller

I've taken a job at a call center. I have opportunity to communicate with hundreds of people weekly.  Most of my experiences are good ones.  We share life in a few minutes and mostly we both enjoy the experience.  They have needs and i do the very best i can to find a solution for their need.  But sometimes... the caller is a challenge and i let my warp humor get the best of me.

"mumble... mumble.... mumble..."~caller 
"Thank you for calling, Mrs. Smith"~me
"My name is not Smith and I am a man!"~caller
"Snicker.... "~me

Of course this does nothing for my performance review... chuckling.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Low expectations, produce low achievers...

I am convinced the quality of success is predetermined by expectations established early on. Seldom will one with low expectations ever achieve stellar success.  Those individuals who achieve much ... started with high expectations. ~archie

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream