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Sunday, November 27, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
When Things Don't Work... Jesus Has a Plan!
Guest Post by Luis Rey
I had a desire to preach about Jesus, and I always said that ifwhatever I wanted to be didn’t work out, then I would be an
evangelist. I never wanted to be a “pastor” in a church, even though
many people thought I would be one. After pursuing a career in music for a few years and having some
success, I felt the “call” to full-time ministry (more on this below).
Through the years, I constantly struggled with my consistency in my
walk with God, and at times, felt the pressure of “being better” being
in a position of authority in the organized church. What I didn’t
understand was that I was walking in ignorance. You see, I had asked Jesus to come into my life when I was a child,
but I never understood what it meant to receive the life of Christ in
exchange for my life. I walked in great zealousness for God, trying to
either earn my relationship with Him, or working to prove I was worthy
of His blessings. My friends, I lived a life much like a Pharisee,
trying to please God by following all the rules, because that’s what I
thought a good Christian does. I had a mental assent that Jesus would
forgive me, but to me that included feeling a lot of remorse, tireless
confession, depression and even desperation. There were things in my
life that were destroying me and I found myself without the strength
to conquer them, and instead of trusting in the Spirit, I thought it
best for me to try even harder. My faith wasn’t in Jesus, it was on my
ability to make things right with God. But God in His great mercy and patience had other plans for me. You
would think after serving in some powerful churches, several
mega-churches in fact, and serving as a pastor and student pastor that
I would walk in understanding, right? I tell you that just because a
man has a position or title does not mean he walks in truth. In the
quietness of my heart and through a desire to overcome my frustration
with my life that had a form of Godliness yet without power, I heard
the true message of Jesus. This message filled my soul as I truly
heard of what Christ has done for us, according to the great grace and
love of God. I began to hear the gospel of God’s work reconciling the
world unto Himself, which included me, without any help of myself. The
power of the Spirit revealed to me that I was no longer a slave to my
sin, that in fact, my old-self HAS been crucified with Christ, and if
I am like Christ in His death, then…get this…I am assuredly like Him
in His resurrection… in THIS life! The New Covenant of the loving
Father began to wash over me, in which He says, “AND THEIR SINS AND
Jesus in me, as I began to walk as a new creation, not because I had
tried to become one, but because in Jesus, I am one! The true Good News, the Gospel, of Jesus Christ invaded my life, my
heart, my soul, and my mind. I truly had to come to repentance,
changing my mind about where my righteousness was found, and I now
place my faith in the grace of Christ Jesus alone. I discovered that
in being transferred from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of
the Son, that I am no longer working as a slave to please God, but I
am resting in the truth that I am a son, and if a son, a co-heir! And
though I “serve” God today, I serve Him as a son, prayerfully doing
whatever it is He asks of me. Out of this great awakening from my slumber, I realized that there is
no such thing as “full-time” ministry, that ALL who are in Christ
Jesus have been given the ministry of reconciliation. Through this,
Father began to open my eyes to His Kingdom beyond the four walls of
the modern-day expression of the church. As part of that awakening, my
wife Ashley and I gave up the assurance of a full-time paying job at a
church and began a journey being led of the Spirit to preach and teach
the Gospel wherever doors open. There is so much more to our journey with our beautiful children, and
we are hungry to preach this beautiful and powerful Gospel of Jesus to
as many people as possible. We also want to encourage you in your
ministry of reconciliation and we ask that you join us in furthering
the Gospel throughout the United States and the rest of the world.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Miracles Authenticate the Holy Presence of Jesus
people that were healed in the last couple weeks! Exciting stuff!
One was a Muslim Cleric ... his eyes were totally white. During
prayer his eyes turned a beautiful brown and he began seeing. He is
now following Jesus and the whole village is coming with him! We also heard the story from Zimbabwe of a young christian who set out
to do what Jesus did. Someone told him that the things Jesus did, he
could do. So he took his Zimbabwe BMW (a bicycle) and started going
door to door, asking if anyone was dead in that house. After knocking
on several doors and receiving a negative answer he knocked on a door
only to find that the young daughter there had just died. He went and began to pray for her and in his words "She got more dead." So he read the Scripture about Jairus's daughter and saw that everyone
was put out of the room so he ordered everyone out. Then he read that
Jesus spoke to the young girl and told her to get up. So he did that.
Several times. And she got up! Then, like Jesus, he told her family
to give her something to eat. He said it was not because of great faith and that mostly it was a
mistake. He didn't know what to do and was just trying whatever came
to mind. The victories here are great. Great victories come from great
battles. We do not speak of the battles very much, but they do
happen! We choose not to focus on the battles but on our King Who IS
Victor! Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Much Love Jim & Twyla
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"I said hey, is this my problem? Is this my fault?"~Paul Simon
met and most of the time in excess. We have multiple cars and eat in
nice restaurants. Mostly, we are blessed with far more than we ask.
It is in this comfortable state, we can easily lose track of who the
provider really is. Then something happens totally unplanned or maybe even a long series
of things. The car breaks down. We develop a pain and the doc says
it is incurable. Our spouse declares their love for another. Our
children are busted for drugs and skipping school. The list goes on.
I wonder why the list even exists. I didn't do anything to cause any
of these catastrophes. It's true... you and i may not have done anything to cause these
catastrophes, but the struggles of life are predictable. It is from
these struggles, Jesus fulfills His promise "all things work together
for the good of those that love the Lord." The good comes about from
the truth spoken by Jesus... ",,,from your side, you must give your
confirming evidence". When we are wounded in our side by life's struggles, we are to give
evidence to the world of God's power and sovereignty. Will the
evidence for the world come from living a defeated life or living a
victorious life in love with Jesus? What evidence will the world see
in your life today? “When the Friend I plan to send you from the Father comes—the Spirit
of Truth issuing from the Father—he will confirm everything about me.
You, too, from your side must give your confirming evidence, since you
are in this with me from the start.”~Jesus Paul Simon sums it up nicely, this way... was having this discussion
In a taxi heading downtown
Rearranging my position
On this friend of mine who had
A little bit of a breakdown
I said breakdowns come
And breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it
That's what I'd like to know
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could It was in the early morning hours
When I fell into a phone call
Believing I had supernatural powers
I slammed into a brick wall
I said hey, is this my problem?
Is this my fault?
If that's the way it's going to be
I'm going to call the whole thing to a halt You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could I was walking down the street
When I thought I heard this voice say
Say, ain't we walking down the same street together
On the very same day
I said hey Senorita that's astute
I said why don't we get together
And call ourselves an institute You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
You don't feel you could love me
But I feel you could
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
"...sometimes it seems darkness is all that is left." ~archie
Imagine if you will, a place of total darkness... Now strike a match!The light of the world is revealed. How long will you carry the match
and never strike it? In the beginning there was darkness. The earth was void. God brought
light to dispel the darkness. God created man and placed him in a
world that is naturally dark. Light was created to dispel this
darkness. Sometimes.... darkness seems to overtake the light... it is again in
this darkness that God created the light of the world in a man name
Jesus. Today... Jesus is the light that dispels the darkness, but we
have a responsibility to call on the light of Jesus. Too often we in
arrogant boldness try to create the light... It is in this darkness we become trapped.... There is but one creator. He has created light, but we must choose
the light. Without the light, there is only darkness. Nothing good
will come of the darkness. Ultimately, the darkness will bring death. For some the death will come early. The truth is that God created light to dispel darkness. There is but
one way out of the darkness. His name is Jesus. Choose to strike the match! archi =====================================
IN TRIBUTE TO A FACEBOOK FRIEND WHOSE LIFE ENDED EARLY IN DARKNESS Black water traces its way on the ground, pools and swirls until
darkness surrounds but cry out. Come save me now.... Lonely sorrow in the dusty mind, the traveler on the road, pick up
those 6 strings and play. Come find the weary heart today... Carry
the sorrow, Make a stand, Lend a shoulder, to understand, there is a
way....there is a way Pick up your feet on this dusty road of lifes troubled
consequences...rule the dusk and dawn of all things in life. You will
make ammends. Lay down the gun, needles, suicide, depression and the
like. It's going to be a long journey through the black water
tonight. Carry me! Through the dark water of life.. Carry me! No more
dragging in the strife.. Carry me home tonight...I'm tired of this
pain... Fuck it all or forget it well, I'm living through this tonight Shadows come through misty gray mornings so dark, down to the old pool
I start but damn that water....Its so cold inside my heart. Lend me a
boat alright, let me rule that water and sing. Carry me over the dark
water moat. Don't let that poison touch me again. I don't give a
damn what you say I can't do. I'm crossing this today. You don't have to carry me! No, I'm walking now. Don't carry me! I
am learning how. Don't carry me! I have found the way to walk on
that black water and leave it all today! Blessid soul, dark no more,
not weary or afraid. Blessid heart and mind of God is where I am to
stay. Holy one am I my friends and no one can hold me down. I'll rise
up on that black water and soar above the clouds. BY Jacob Heynen
Friday, October 21, 2011
Jesus Attends a Medical Marijuana Gathering... huh?!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
"Hungry homeless people should disclose their religious affiliation."~huh?!
i am protestant. i gave my money to a catholic. it makes me wonder if i should ask about one's beliefs prior to feeding?~sarcasm
Friday, October 14, 2011
It seems most of the time, God reveals and provides opportunity without warning...
I was in Starbucks minding my own business, when a lady shows up with a couple large empty covered plastic containers. A Starbucks employee proceeds to give her all the dated pastries for her containers and she hangs around at a table in front me sorting things out.
I have a confession and hope the "Big Gulp" will suffice at communion.
Some weeks go better than others in my estimation of walking daily with Christ. I've noticed it is mostly is the other guy that is sinning and the little juice cup and cracker is sufficient at communion. Sometimes, it seems i recognize my own sin and realize i could really use a "Big Gulp" portion of grape juice to cover it all. i am grateful Jesus covered it all on the cross and i can leave the "Big Gulp" for those that think they need it.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I stopped and chatted with the bearded lady...
How far out of the way will you walk to avoid the person that obviously does not fit in?
I was blind from birth. Jesus made note. Now i see.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
At the call center: "mumble... mumble.... mumble..."~caller
Low expectations, produce low achievers...
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Sometimes a "non-event" can change your life. Be Blessed!
God Spots:
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I look forward to the day when I am not amazed by miracles.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Shall i pick and choose what law to follow or shall i pick love spiced grace?
- To know that G-d exists (Ex. 20:2; Deut. 5:6) (CCA1). See What Do Jews Believe?.
- Not to entertain the idea that there is any god but the Eternal (Ex. 20:3) (CCN8). See What Do Jews Believe?.
- Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16) (negative).
- To hallow G-d's name (Lev. 22:32) (CCA5). See The Name of G-d.
- Not to profane G-d's name (Lev. 22:32) (CCN155). See The Name of G-d.
- To know that G-d is One, a complete Unity (Deut. 6:4) (CCA2). See What Do Jews Believe?.
- To love G-d (Deut. 6:5) (CCA3). See What Do Jews Believe?.
- To fear Him reverently (Deut. 6:13; 10:20) (CCA4).
- Not to put the word of G-d to the test (Deut. 6:16) (negative).
- To imitate His good and upright ways (Deut. 28:9) (CCA6).
- To honor the old and the wise (Lev. 19:32) (CCA17).
- To learn Torah and to teach it (Deut. 6:7) (CCA14). See Torah.
- To cleave to those who know Him (Deut. 10:20) (the Talmud states that cleaving to scholars is equivalent to cleaving to Him) (CCA16).
- Not to add to the commandments of the Torah, whether in the Written Law or in its interpretation received by tradition (Deut. 13:1) (CCN159). See Torah.
- Not to take away from the commandments of the Torah (Deut. 13:1) (CCN160). See Torah.
- That every person shall write a scroll of the Torah for himself (Deut. 31:19) (CCA15). See Torah.
Signs and Symbols
- To circumcise the male offspring (Gen. 17:12; Lev. 12:3) (CCA47) See Brit Milah: Circumcision.
- To put tzitzit on the corners of clothing (Num. 15:38) (CCA10). See Tzitzit and Tallit.
- To bind tefillin on the head (Deut. 6:8) (CCA9). See Tefillin.
- To bind tefillin on the arm (Deut. 6:8) (CCA8). See Tefillin.
- To affix the mezuzah to the doorposts and gates of your house (Deut. 6:9) (CCA12). See Mezuzah.
Prayer and Blessings
- To pray to G-d (Ex. 23:25; Deut. 6:13) (according to the Talmud, the word "serve" in these verses refers to prayer) (CCA7). SeePrayers and Blessings; Jewish Liturgy.
- To read the Shema in the morning and at night (Deut. 6:7) (CCA11). See Jewish Liturgy.
- To recite grace after meals (Deut. 8:10) (CCA13). See Birkat Ha-Mazon: Grace After Meals
- Not to lay down a stone for worship (Lev. 26:1) (CCN161).
Love and Brotherhood
- To love all human beings who are of the covenant (Lev. 19:18) (CCA60). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to stand by idly when a human life is in danger (Lev. 19:16) (CCN82). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to wrong any one in speech (Lev. 25:17) (CCN48). See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
- Not to carry tales (Lev. 19:16) (CCN77). See Speech and Lashon Ha-Ra.
- Not to cherish hatred in one's heart (Lev. 19:17) (CCN78). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to take revenge (Lev. 19:18) (CCN80).
- Not to bear a grudge (Lev. 19:18) (CCN81).
- Not to put any Jew to shame (Lev. 19:17) (CCN79).
- Not to curse any other Israelite (Lev. 19:14) (by implication: if you may not curse those who cannot hear, you certainly may not curse those who can) (CCN45).
- Not to give occasion to the simple-minded to stumble on the road (Lev. 19:14) (this includes doing anything that will cause another to sin) (CCN76).
- To rebuke the sinner (Lev. 19:17) (CCA72).
- To relieve a neighbor of his burden and help to unload his beast (Ex. 23:5) (CCA70). See Love and Brotherhood.
- To assist in replacing the load upon a neighbor's beast (Deut. 22:4) (CCA71). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to leave a beast, that has fallen down beneath its burden, unaided (Deut. 22:4) (CCN183). See Love and Brotherhood.
The Poor and Unfortunate
- Not to afflict an orphan or a widow (Ex. 22:21) (CCN51).
- Not to reap the entire field (Lev. 19:9; Lev. 23:22) (negative) (CCI6).
- To leave the unreaped corner of the field or orchard for the poor (Lev. 19:9) (affirmative) (CCI1).
- Not to gather gleanings (the ears that have fallen to the ground while reaping) (Lev. 19:9) (negative) (CCI7).
- To leave the gleanings for the poor (Lev. 19:9) (affirmative) (CCI2).
- Not to gather ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard (Lev. 19:10) (negative) (CCI8).
- To leave ol'loth (the imperfect clusters) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10; Deut. 24:21) (affirmative) (CCI3).
- Not to gather the peret (grapes) that have fallen to the ground (Lev. 19:10) (negative) (CCI9).
- To leave peret (the single grapes) of the vineyard for the poor (Lev. 19:10) (affirmative) (CCI4).
- Not to return to take a forgotten sheaf (Deut. 24:19) This applies to all fruit trees (Deut. 24:20) (negative) (CC10).
- To leave the forgotten sheaves for the poor (Deut. 24:19-20) (affirmative) (CCI5).
- Not to refrain from maintaining a poor man and giving him what he needs (Deut. 15:7) (CCN62). See Tzedakah: Charity.
- To give charity according to one's means (Deut. 15:11) (CCA38). See Tzedakah: Charity.
Treatment of Gentiles
- To love the stranger (Deut. 10:19) (CCA61). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to wrong the stranger in speech (Ex. 22:20) (CCN49).
- Not to wrong the stranger in buying or selling (Ex. 22:20) (CCN50).
- Not to intermarry with gentiles (Deut. 7:3) (CCN19). See Interfaith Marriages.
- To exact the debt of an alien (Deut. 15:3) (affirmative).
- To lend to an alien at interest (Deut. 23:21) According to tradition, this is mandatory (affirmative).
Marriage, Divorce and Family
- To honor father and mother (Ex. 20:12) (CCA41).
- Not to smite a father or a mother (Ex. 21:15) (CCN44).
- Not to curse a father or mother (Ex. 21:17) (CCN46).
- To reverently fear father and mother (Lev. 19:3) (CCA42).
- To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28) (CCA43).
- That a eunuch shall not marry a daughter of Israel (Deut. 23:2) (CCN136).
- That a mamzer shall not marry the daughter of a Jew (Deut. 23:3) (CCN137). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- That an Ammonite or Moabite shall never marry the daughter of an Israelite (Deut. 23:4) (negative).
- Not to exclude a descendant of Esau from the community of Israel for three generations (Deut. 23:8-9) (negative).
- Not to exclude an Egyptian from the community of Israel for three generations (Deut. 23:8-9) (negative).
- That there shall be no harlot (in Israel); that is, that there shall be no intercourse with a woman, without previous marriage with a deed of marriage and formal declaration of marriage (Deut. 23:18) (CCN133). See Marriage.
- To take a wife by kiddushin, the sacrament of marriage (Deut. 24:1) (CCA44). See The Process of Marriage: Kiddushin and Nisuin.
- That the newly married husband shall (be free) for one year to rejoice with his wife (Deut. 24:5) (affirmative).
- That a bridegroom shall be exempt for a whole year from taking part in any public labor, such as military service, guarding the wall and similar duties (Deut. 24:5) (negative).
- Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10) (CCN42). See The Marital Relationship.
- That the woman suspected of adultery shall be dealt with as prescribed in the Torah (Num. 5:30) (affirmative).
- That one who defames his wife's honor (by falsely accusing her of unchastity before marriage) must live with her all his lifetime (Deut. 22:19) (affirmative).
- That a man may not divorce his wife concerning whom he has published an evil report (about her unchastity before marriage) (Deut. 22:19) (negative).
- To divorce by a formal written document (Deut. 24:1) (affirmative). See The Process of Obtaining a Divorce.
- That one who divorced his wife shall not remarry her, if after the divorce she had been married to another man (Deut. 24:4) (CCN134). SeeDivorce.
- That a widow whose husband died childless must not be married to anyone but her deceased husband's brother (Deut. 25:5) (CCN135) (this is only in effect insofar as it requires the procedure of release below).
- To marry the widow of a brother who has died childless (Deut. 25:5) (this is only in effect insofar as it requires the procedure of release below ) (CCA45).
- That the widow formally release the brother-in-law (if he refuses to marry her) (Deut. 25:7-9) (CCA46).
Forbidden Sexual Relations
- Not to indulge in familiarities with relatives, such as kissing, embracing, winking, skipping, which may lead to incest (Lev. 18:6) (CCN110).
- Not to commit incest with one's mother (Lev. 18:7) (CCN112). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit sodomy with one's father (Lev. 18:7) (CCN111).
- Not to commit incest with one's father's wife (Lev. 18:8) (CCN113). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's sister (Lev. 18:9) (CCN127). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's father's wife's daughter (Lev. 18:11) (CCN128). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's son's daughter (Lev. 18:10) (CCN119) (Note: CC treats this and the next as one commandment; however, Rambam treats them as two). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's daughter's daughter (Lev. 18:10) (CCN119) (Note: CC treats this and the previous as one commandment; however, Rambam treats them as two). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's daughter (this is not explicitly in the Torah but is inferred from other explicit commands that would include it) (CCN120). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's fathers sister (Lev. 18:12) (CCN129). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's mother's sister (Lev. 18:13) (CCN130). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's father's brothers wife (Lev. 18:14) (CCN125). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit sodomy with one's father's brother (Lev. 18:14) (CCN114).
- Not to commit incest with one's son's wife (Lev. 18:15) (CCN115). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's brother's wife (Lev. 18:16) (CCN126). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's wife's daughter (Lev. 18:17) (CCN121). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with the daughter of one's wife's son (Lev. 18:17) (CCN122). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with the daughter of one's wife's daughter (Lev. 18:17) (CCN123). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to commit incest with one's wife's sister (Lev. 18:18) (CCN131). See Prohibited Marriages and Illegitimate Children.
- Not to have intercourse with a woman, in her menstrual period (Lev. 18:19) (CCN132).
- Not to have intercourse with another man's wife (Lev. 18:20) (CCN124).
- Not to commit sodomy with a male (Lev. 18:22) (CCN116).
- Not to have intercourse with a beast (Lev. 18:23) (CCN117).
- That a woman shall not have intercourse with a beast (Lev. 18:23) (CCN118).
- Not to castrate the male of any species; neither a man, nor a domestic or wild beast, nor a fowl (Lev. 22:24) (CCN143).
Times and Seasons
- That the new month shall be solemnly proclaimed as holy, and the months and years shall be calculated by the Supreme Court only (Ex. 12:2) (affirmative) (the authority to declare months is inferred from the use of the word "unto you").
- Not to travel on Shabbat outside the limits of one's place of residence (Ex. 16:29) (CCN7). See Shabbat.
- To sanctify Shabbat (Ex. 20:8) (CCA19). See Shabbat.
- Not to do work on Shabbat (Ex. 20:10) (CCN6). See Shabbat.
- To rest on Shabbat (Ex. 23:12; 34:21) (CCA20). See Shabbat.
- To celebrate the festivals [Passover, Shavu'ot and Sukkot] (Ex. 23:14) (affirmative).
- To rejoice on the festivals (Deut. 16:14) (CCA21).
- To appear in the Sanctuary on the festivals (Deut. 16:16) (affirmative).
- To remove chametz on the Eve of Passover (Ex. 12:15) (CCA22). See Passover.
- To rest on the first day of Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:7) (CCA25). See Passover.
- Not to do work on the first day of Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:6-7) (CCN147). See Passover.
- To rest on the seventh day of Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:8) (CCA27). See Passover.
- Not to do work on the seventh day of Passover (Ex. 12:16; Lev. 23:8) (CCN148). See Passover.
- To eat matzah on the first night of Passover (Ex. 12:18) (CCA23). See Passover.
- That no chametz be in the Israelite's possession during Passover (Ex. 12:19) (CCN3). See Passover.
- Not to eat any food containing chametz on Passover (Ex. 12:20) (CCN5). See Passover.
- Not to eat chametz on Passover (Ex. 13:3) (CCN4). See Passover.
- That chametz shall not be seen in an Israelite's home during Passover (Ex. 13:7) (CCN2). See Passover.
- To discuss the departure from Egypt on the first night of Passover (Ex. 13:8) (CCA24). See The Passover Seder.
- Not to eat chametz after mid-day on the fourteenth of Nissan (Deut. 16:3) (CCN104). See Passover.
- To count forty-nine days from the time of the cutting of the Omer (first sheaves of the barley harvest) (Lev. 23:15) (CCA26). SeeThe Counting of the Omer.
- To rest on Shavu'ot (Lev. 23:21) (CCA28). See Shavu'ot.
- Not to do work on the Shavu'ot (Lev. 23:21) (CCN149). See Shavu'ot.
- To rest on Rosh Hashanah (Lev. 23:24) (CCA29). See Rosh Hashanah.
- Not to do work on Rosh Hashanah (Lev. 23:25) (CCN150). See Rosh Hashanah.
- To hear the sound of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah (Num. 29:1) (CCA30). See Rosh Hashanah.
- To fast on Yom Kippur (Lev. 23:27) (CCA32). See Yom Kippur.
- Not to eat or drink on Yom Kippur (Lev. 23:29) (CCN152). See Yom Kippur.
- Not to do work on Yom Kippur (Lev. 23:31) (CCN151). See Yom Kippur.
- To rest on the Yom Kippur (Lev. 23:32) (CCA31). See Yom Kippur.
- To rest on the first day of Sukkot (Lev. 23:35) (CCA34). See Sukkot.
- Not to do work on the first day of Sukkot (Lev. 23:35) (CCN153). See Sukkot.
- To rest on the eighth day of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret) (Lev. 23:36) (CCA37). See Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.
- Not to do work on the eighth day of Sukkot (Shemini Atzeret) (Lev. 23:36) (CCN154). See Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.
- To take during Sukkot a palm branch and the other three plants (Lev. 23:40) (CCA36). See Sukkot.
- To dwell in booths seven days during Sukkot (Lev. 23:42) (CCA35). See Sukkot.
Dietary Laws
- To examine the marks in cattle (so as to distinguish the clean from the unclean) (Lev. 11:2) (affirmative). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat the flesh of unclean beasts (Lev. 11:4) (CCN93). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- To examine the marks in fishes (so as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Lev. 11:9) (affirmative). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat unclean fish (Lev. 11:11) (CCN95). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- To examine the marks in fowl, so as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Deut. 14:11) (affirmative). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat unclean fowl (Lev. 11:13) (CCN94). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- To examine the marks in locusts, so as to distinguish the clean from the unclean (Lev. 11:21) (affirmative). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat a worm found in fruit (Lev. 11:41) (CCN98). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat of things that creep upon the earth (Lev. 11:41-42) (CCN97). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat any vermin of the earth (Lev. 11:44) (CCN100). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat things that swarm in the water (Lev. 11:43 and 46) (CCN99). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat of winged insects (Deut. 14:19) (CCN96). See Animals that may not be eaten.
- Not to eat the flesh of a beast that is terefah (lit torn) (Ex. 22:30) (CCN87). See Kosher slaughtering.
- Not to eat the flesh of a beast that died of itself (Deut. 14:21) (CCN86). See Kosher slaughtering.
- To slay cattle, deer and fowl according to the laws of shechitah if their flesh is to be eaten (Deut. 12:21) ("as I have commanded" in this verse refers to the technique) (CCA48). See Kosher slaughtering.
- Not to eat a limb removed from a living beast (Deut. 12:23) (CCN90). See Kosher slaughtering.
- Not to slaughter an animal and its young on the same day (Lev. 22:28) (CCN108).
- Not to take the mother-bird with the young (Deut. 22:6) (CCN189). See Treatment of Animals.
- To set the mother-bird free when taking the nest (Deut. 22:6-7) (CCA74). See Treatment of Animals.
- Not to eat the flesh of an ox that was condemned to be stoned (Ex. 21:28) (negative).
- Not to boil meat with milk (Ex. 23:19) (CCN91). See Separation of Meat and Dairy.
- Not to eat flesh with milk (Ex. 34:26) (according to the Talmud, this passage is a distinct prohibition from the one in Ex. 23:19) (CCN92). SeeSeparation of Meat and Dairy.
- Not to eat the of the thigh-vein which shrank (Gen. 32:33) (CCN1). See Forbidden Fats and Nerves.
- Not to eat chelev (tallow-fat) (Lev. 7:23) (CCN88). See Forbidden Fats and Nerves.
- Not to eat blood (Lev. 7:26) (CCN89). See Draining of Blood.
- To cover the blood of undomesticated animals (deer, etc.) and of fowl that have been killed (Lev. 17:13) (CCA49).
- Not to eat or drink like a glutton or a drunkard (not to rebel against father or mother) (Lev. 19:26; Deut. 21:20) (CCN106).
Business Practices
- Not to do wrong in buying or selling (Lev. 25:14) (CCN47).
- Not to make a loan to an Israelite on interest (Lev. 25:37) (CCN54).
- Not to borrow on interest (Deut. 23:20) (because this would cause the lender to sin) (CCN55).
- Not to take part in any usurious transaction between borrower and lender, neither as a surety, nor as a witness, nor as a writer of the bond for them (Ex. 22:24) (CCN53).
- To lend to a poor person (Ex. 22:24) (even though the passage says "if you lend" it is understood as obligatory) (CCA62).
- Not to demand from a poor man repayment of his debt, when the creditor knows that he cannot pay, nor press him (Ex. 22:24) (CCN52).
- Not to take in pledge utensils used in preparing food (Deut. 24:6) (CCN58).
- Not to exact a pledge from a debtor by force (Deut. 24:10) (CCN59).
- Not to keep the pledge from its owner at the time when he needs it (Deut. 24:12) (CCN61).
- To return a pledge to its owner (Deut. 24:13) (CCA63).
- Not to take a pledge from a widow (Deut. 24:17) (CCN60).
- Not to commit fraud in measuring (Lev. 19:35) (CCN83).
- To ensure that scales and weights are correct (Lev. 19:36) (affirmative).
- Not to possess inaccurate measures and weights (Deut. 25:13-14) (CCN84).
Employees, Servants and Slaves
- Not to delay payment of a hired man's wages (Lev. 19:13) (CCN38).
- That the hired laborer shall be permitted to eat of the produce he is reaping (Deut. 23:25-26) (CCA65).
- That the hired laborer shall not take more than he can eat (Deut. 23:25) (CCN187).
- That a hired laborer shall not eat produce that is not being harvested (Deut. 23:26) (CCN186).
- To pay wages to the hired man at the due time (Deut. 24:15) (CCA66).
- To deal judicially with the Hebrew bondman in accordance with the laws appertaining to him (Ex. 21:2-6) (affirmative).
- Not to compel the Hebrew servant to do the work of a slave (Lev. 25:39) (negative).
- Not to sell a Hebrew servant as a slave (Lev. 25:42) (negative).
- Not to treat a Hebrew servant rigorously (Lev. 25:43) (negative).
- Not to permit a gentile to treat harshly a Hebrew bondman sold to him (Lev. 25:53) (negative).
- Not to send away a Hebrew bondman servant empty handed, when he is freed from service (Deut. 15:13) (negative).
- To bestow liberal gifts upon the Hebrew bondsman (at the end of his term of service), and the same should be done to a Hebrew bondwoman (Deut. 15:14) (affirmative).
- To redeem a Hebrew maid-servant (Ex. 21:8) (affirmative).
- Not to sell a Hebrew maid-servant to another person (Ex. 21:8) (negative).
- To espouse a Hebrew maid-servant (Ex. 21:8-9) (affirmative).
- To keep the Canaanite slave forever (Lev. 25:46) (affirmative).
- Not to surrender a slave, who has fled to the land of Israel, to his owner who lives outside Palestine (Deut. 23:16) (negative).
- Not to wrong such a slave (Deut. 23:17) (negative).
- Not to muzzle a beast, while it is working in produce which it can eat and enjoy (Deut. 25:4) (CCN188).
Vows, Oaths and Swearing
- That a man should fulfill whatever he has uttered (Deut. 23:24) (CCA39).
- Not to swear needlessly (Ex. 20:7) (CCN29).
- Not to violate an oath or swear falsely (Lev. 19:12) (CCN31).
- To decide in cases of annulment of vows, according to the rules set forth in the Torah (Num. 30:2-17) (CCA40).
- Not to break a vow (Num. 30:3) (CCN184).
- To swear by His name truly (Deut. 10:20) (affirmative).
- Not to delay in fulfilling vows or bringing vowed or free-will offerings (Deut. 23:22) (CCN185).
The Sabbatical and Jubilee Years
- To let the land lie fallow in the Sabbatical year (Ex. 23:11; Lev. 25:2) (affirmative) (CCI20).
- To cease from tilling the land in the Sabbatical year (Ex. 23:11) (affirmative) (Lev. 25:2) (CCI21).
- Not to till the ground in the Sabbatical year (Lev. 25:4) (negative) (CCI22).
- Not to do any work on the trees in the Sabbatical year (Lev. 25:4) (negative) (CCI23).
- Not to reap the aftermath that grows in the Sabbatical year, in the same way as it is reaped in other years (Lev. 25:5) (negative) (CCI24).
- Not to gather the fruit of the tree in the Sabbatical year in the same way as it is gathered in other years (Lev. 25:5) (negative) (CCI25).
- To sound the Ram's horn in the Sabbatical year (Lev. 25:9) (affirmative).
- To release debts in the seventh year (Deut. 15:2) (CCA64).
- Not to demand return of a loan after the Sabbatical year has passed (Deut. 15:2) (CCN57).
- Not to refrain from making a loan to a poor man, because of the release of loans in the Sabbatical year (Deut. 15:9) (CCN56).
- To assemble the people to hear the Torah at the close of the seventh year (Deut. 31:12) (affirmative)
- To count the years of the Jubilee by years and by cycles of seven years (Lev. 25:8) (affirmative).
- To keep the Jubilee year holy by resting and letting the land lie fallow (Lev. 25:10) (affirmative).
- Not to cultivate the soil nor do any work on the trees, in the Jubilee Year (Lev. 25:11) (negative).
- Not to reap the aftermath of the field that grew of itself in the Jubilee Year, in the same way as in other years (Lev. 25:11) (negative).
- Not to gather the fruit of the tree in the Jubilee Year, in the same way as in other years (Lev. 25:11) (negative).
- To grant redemption to the land in the Jubilee year (Lev. 25:24) (affirmative).
The Court and Judicial Procedure
- To appoint judges and officers in every community of Israel (Deut. 16:18) (affirmative).
- Not to appoint as a judge, a person who is not well versed in the laws of the Torah, even if he is expert in other branches of knowledge (Deut. 1:17) (CCN64).
- To adjudicate cases of purchase and sale (Lev. 25:14) (CCA67).
- To judge cases of liability of a paid depositary (Ex. 22:9) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate cases of loss for which a gratuitous borrower is liable (Ex. 22:13-14) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate cases of inheritances (Num. 27:8-11) (CCA73).
- To judge cases of damage caused by an uncovered pit (Ex. 21:33-34) (affirmative).
- To judge cases of injuries caused by beasts (Ex. 21:35-36) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate cases of damage caused by trespass of cattle (Ex. 22:4) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate cases of damage caused by fire (Ex. 22:5) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate cases of damage caused by a gratuitous depositary (Ex. 22:6-7) (affirmative).
- To adjudicate other cases between a plaintiff and a defendant (Ex. 22:8) (affirmative).
- Not to curse a judge (Ex. 22:27) (CCN63).
- That one who possesses evidence shall testify in Court (Lev. 5:1) (affirmative).
- Not to testify falsely (Ex. 20:13) (CCN39).
- That a witness, who has testified in a capital case, shall not lay down the law in that particular case (Num. 35:30) (negative).
- That a transgressor shall not testify (Ex. 23:1) (CCN75).
- That the court shall not accept the testimony of a close relative of the defendant in matters of capital punishment (Deut. 24:16) (CCN74).
- Not to hear one of the parties to a suit in the absence of the other party (Ex. 23:1) (CCN65).
- To examine witnesses thoroughly (Deut. 13:15) (affirmative).
- Not to decide a case on the evidence of a single witness (Deut. 19:15) (CCN73).
- To give the decision according to the majority, when there is a difference of opinion among the members of the Sanhedrin as to matters of law (Ex. 23:2) (affirmative).
- Not to decide, in capital cases, according to the view of the majority, when those who are for condemnation exceed by one only, those who are for acquittal (Ex. 23:2) (negative).
- That, in capital cases, one who had argued for acquittal, shall not later on argue for condemnation (Ex. 23:2) (negative).
- To treat parties in a litigation with equal impartiality (Lev. 19:15) (affirmative).
- Not to render iniquitous decisions (Lev. 19:15) (CCN69).
- Not to favor a great man when trying a case (Lev. 19:15) (CCN70).
- Not to take a bribe (Ex. 23:8) (CCN71).
- Not to be afraid of a bad man, when trying a case (Deut. 1:17) (CCN72).
- Not to be moved in trying a case, by the poverty of one of the parties (Ex. 23:3; Lev. 19:15) (CCN66).
- Not to pervert the judgment of strangers or orphans (Deut. 24:17) (CCN68).
- Not to pervert the judgment of a sinner (a person poor in fulfillment of commandments) (Ex. 23:6) (CCN67).
- Not to render a decision on one's personal opinion, but only on the evidence of two witnesses, who saw what actually occurred (Ex. 23:7) (negative).
- Not to execute one guilty of a capital offense, before he has stood his trial (Num. 35:12) (negative).
- To accept the rulings of every Supreme Court in Israel (Deut. 17:11) (affirmative).
- Not to rebel against the orders of the Court (Deut. 17:11) (CCN158).
Injuries and Damages
- To make a parapet for your roof (Deut. 22:8) (CCA75). See Love and Brotherhood.
- Not to leave something that might cause hurt (Deut. 22:8) (CCN190). See Love and Brotherhood.
- To save the pursued even at the cost of the life of the pursuer (Deut. 25:12) (affirmative). See Life.
- Not to spare a pursuer, but he is to be slain before he reaches the pursued and slays the latter, or uncovers his nakedness (Deut. 25:12) (negative).
Property and Property Rights
- Not to sell a field in the land of Israel in perpetuity (Lev. 25:23) (negative).
- Not to change the character of the open land (about the cities of) the Levites or of their fields; not to sell it in perpetuity, but it may be redeemed at any time (Lev. 25:34) (negative). See Levi.
- That houses sold within a walled city may be redeemed within a year (Lev. 25:29) (affirmative).
- Not to remove landmarks (property boundaries) (Deut. 19:14) (CCN85).
- Not to swear falsely in denial of another's property rights (Lev. 19:11) (CCN30).
- Not to deny falsely another's property rights (Lev. 19:11) (CCN36).
- Never to settle in the land of Egypt (Deut. 17:16) (CCN192).
- Not to steal personal property (Lev. 19:11) (CCN34).
- To restore that which one took by robbery (Lev. 5:23) (CCA68).
- To return lost property (Deut. 22:1) (CCA69).
- Not to pretend not to have seen lost property, to avoid the obligation to return it (Deut. 22:3) (CCN182).
Criminal Laws
- Not to slay an innocent person (Ex. 20:13) (CCN32). See Life.
- Not to kidnap any person of Israel (Ex. 20:13) (according to the Talmud, this verse refers to stealing a person, distinguished from Lev. 19:11, regarding the taking of property) (CCN33).
- Not to rob by violence (Lev. 19:13) (CCN35).
- Not to defraud (Lev. 19:13) (CCN37).
- Not to covet what belongs to another (Ex. 20:14) (CCN40).
- Not to crave something that belongs to another (Deut. 5:18) (CCN41).
- Not to indulge in evil thoughts and sights (Num. 15:39) (CCN156).
Punishment and Restitution
- That the Court shall pass sentence of death by decapitation with the sword (Ex. 21:20; Lev. 26:25) (affirmative).
- That the Court shall pass sentence of death by strangulation (Lev. 20:10) (affirmative).
- That the Court shall pass sentence of death by burning with fire (Lev. 20:14) (affirmative).
- That the Court shall pass sentence of death by stoning (Deut. 22:24) (affirmative).
- To hang the dead body of one who has incurred that penalty (Deut. 21:22) (affirmative).
- That the dead body of an executed criminal shall not remain hanging on the tree over night (Deut. 21:23) (negative).
- To inter the executed on the day of execution (Deut. 21:23) (affirmative)
- Not to accept ransom from a murderer (Num. 35:31) (negative).
- To exile one who committed accidental homicide (Num. 35:25) (affirmative).
- To establish six cities of refuge (for those who committed accidental homicide) (Deut. 19:3) (affirmative).
- Not to accept ransom from an accidental homicide, so as to relieve him from exile (Num. 35:32) (negative).
- To decapitate the heifer in the manner prescribed (in expiation of a murder on the road, the perpetrator of which remained undiscovered) (Deut. 21:4) (affirmative).
- Not to plow nor sow the rough valley (in which a heifer's neck was broken) (Deut. 21:4) (negative).
- To adjudge a thief to pay compensation or (in certain cases) suffer death (Ex. 21:16; Ex. 21:37; Ex. 22:1) (affirmative).
- That he who inflicts a bodily injury shall pay monetary compensation (Ex. 21:18-19) (affirmative).
- To impose a penalty of fifty shekels upon the seducer (of an unbetrothed virgin) and enforce the other rules in connection with the case (Ex. 22:15-16) (affirmative).
- That the violator (of an unbetrothed virgin) shall marry her (Deut. 22:28-29) (affirmative).
- That one who has raped a damsel and has then (in accordance with the law) married her, may not divorce her (Deut. 22:29) (negative).
- Not to inflict punishment on Shabbat (Ex. 35:3) (because some punishments were inflicted by fire) (negative). See Shabbat.
- To punish the wicked by the infliction of stripes (Deut. 25:2) (affirmative).
- Not to exceed the statutory number of stripes laid on one who has incurred that punishment (Deut. 25:3) (and by implication, not to strike anyone) (CCN43).
- Not to spare the offender, in imposing the prescribed penalties on one who has caused damage (Deut. 19:13) (negative).
- To do unto false witnesses as they had purposed to do (to the accused) (Deut. 19:19) (affirmative).
- Not to punish any one who has committed an offense under duress (Deut. 22:26) (negative).
- To heed the call of every prophet in each generation, provided that he neither adds to, nor takes away from the Torah (Deut. 18:15) (affirmative).
- Not to prophesy falsely (Deut. 18:20) (CCN175).
- Not to refrain from putting a false prophet to death nor to be in fear of him (Deut. 18:22) (negative).
Idolatry, Idolaters and Idolatrous Practices
- Not to make a graven image; neither to make it oneself nor to have it made by others (Ex. 20:4) (CCN9).
- Not to make any figures for ornament, even if they are not worshipped (Ex. 20:20) (CCN144).
- Not to make idols even for others (Ex. 34:17; Lev. 19:4) (CCN10).
- Not to use the ornament of any object of idolatrous worship (Deut. 7:25) (CCN17).
- Not to make use of an idol or its accessory objects, offerings, or libations (Deut. 7:26) (CCN18). See Grape Products.
- Not to drink wine of idolaters (Deut. 32:38) (CCN15). See Grape Products.
- Not to worship an idol in the way in which it is usually worshipped (Ex. 20:5) (CCN12).
- Not to bow down to an idol, even if that is not its mode of worship (Ex. 20:5) (CCN11).
- Not to prophesy in the name of an idol (Ex. 23:13; Deut. 18:20) (CCN27).
- Not to hearken to one who prophesies in the name of an idol (Deut. 13:4) (CCN22).
- Not to lead the children of Israel astray to idolatry (Ex. 23:13) (CCN14).
- Not to entice an Israelite to idolatry (Deut. 13:12) (CCN23).
- To destroy idolatry and its appurtenances (Deut. 12:2-3) (affirmative).
- Not to love the enticer to idolatry (Deut. 13:9) (CCN24).
- Not to give up hating the enticer to idolatry (Deut. 13:9) (CCN25).
- Not to save the enticer from capital punishment, but to stand by at his execution (Deut. 13:9) (negative).
- A person whom he attempted to entice to idolatry shall not urge pleas for the acquittal of the enticer (Deut. 13:9) (CCN26).
- A person whom he attempted to entice shall not refrain from giving evidence of the enticer's guilt, if he has such evidence (Deut. 13:9) (negative).
- Not to swear by an idol to its worshipers, nor cause them to swear by it (Ex. 23:13) (CCN13).
- Not to turn one's attention to idolatry (Lev. 19:4) (CCN16).
- Not to adopt the institutions of idolaters nor their customs (Lev. 18:3; Lev. 20:23) (CCN21).
- Not to pass a child through the fire to Molech (Lev. 18:21) (negative).
- Not to suffer any one practicing witchcraft to live (Ex. 22:17) (negative).
- Not to practice onein (observing times or seasons as favorable or unfavorable, using astrology) (Lev. 19:26) (CCN166).
- Not to practice nachesh (doing things based on signs and portents; using charms and incantations) (Lev. 19:26) (CCN165).
- Not to consult ovoth (ghosts) (Lev. 19:31) (CCN170).
- Not to consult yid'onim (wizards) (Lev. 19:31) (CCN171).
- Not to practice kisuf (magic using herbs, stones and objects that people use) (Deut. 18:10) (CCN168).
- Not to practice kessem (a general term for magical practices) (Deut. 18:10) (CCN167).
- Not to practice the art of a chover chaver (casting spells over snakes and scorpions) (Deut. 18:11) (CCN169).
- Not to enquire of an ob (a ghost) (Deut. 18:11) (CCN172).
- Not to seek the maytim (dead) (Deut. 18:11) (CCN174).
- Not to enquire of a yid'oni (wizard) (Deut. 18:11) (CCN173).
- Not to remove the entire beard, like the idolaters (Lev. 19:27) (CCN177).
- Not to round the corners of the head, as the idolatrous priests do (Lev. 19:27) (CCN176).
- Not to cut oneself or make incisions in one's flesh in grief, like the idolaters (Lev. 19:28; Deut. 14:1) (CCN28).
- Not to tattoo the body like the idolaters (Lev. 19:28) (CCN163).
- Not to make a bald spot for the dead (Deut. 14:1) (CCN164).
- Not to plant a tree for worship (Deut. 16:21) (negative).
- Not to set up a pillar (for worship) (Deut. 16:22) (CCN162).
- Not to show favor to idolaters (Deut. 7:2) (CCN20).
- Not to make a covenant with the seven (Canaanite, idolatrous) nations (Ex. 23:32; Deut. 7:2) (negative).
- Not to settle idolaters in our land (Ex. 23:33) (negative) (CCI26).
- To slay the inhabitants of a city that has become idolatrous and burn that city (Deut. 13:16-17) (affirmative).
- Not to rebuild a city that has been led astray to idolatry (Deut. 13:17) (negative).
- Not to make use of the property of city that has been so led astray (Deut. 13:18) (negative).
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
- Not to cross-breed cattle of different species (Lev. 19:19) (according to the Talmud, this also applies to birds) (CCN142).
- Not to sow different kinds of seed together in one field (Lev. 19:19) (CCN107).
- Not to eat the fruit of a tree for three years from the time it was planted (Lev. 19:23) (CCN105). See Tu B'Shevat.
- That the fruit of fruit-bearing trees in the fourth year of their planting shall be sacred like the second tithe and eaten in Jerusalem (Lev. 19:24) (affirmative) (CCI16). See Tu B'Shevat.
- Not to sow grain or herbs in a vineyard (Deut. 22:9) (negative).
- Not to eat the produce of diverse seeds sown in a vineyard (Deut. 22:9) (negative).
- Not to work with beasts of different species, yoked together (Deut. 22:10) (CCN180).
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Death is not a new thing...
Sunday, May 22, 2011
I remember hearing the screams through my window...
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
"If you don't get it right... I will whack you!"~God
There is a reality of Jesus abiding that changes life's very existence.~archie
by Hudson TaylorThe Spirit of God revealed to me the truth of our oneness with Jesus as I had never known it before. As I read, I saw it all! "If we believe not, he abideth faithful." I looked to Jesus and saw (and when I saw, oh, how joy flowed)! That He had said, "I will never leave thee.""Ah, there is rest!" I thought. "I have striven in vain to rest in Him. I'll strive no more. For has not He promised to abide with me never to leave me, never to fail me?" And, . . . He never will. ...As I thought of the Vine and the branches, what light the blessed Spirit poured direct into my soul! How great seemed my mistake in wishing to get the sap, the fullness out of Him! I saw not only that Jesus will never leave me, but that I am a member of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. The vine is not the root merely, but all root, stem, branches, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruit. And Jesus is not that alone He is soil and sunshine, air and showers, and ten thousand times more than we have ever dreamed, wished for or needed. Oh, the joy of seeing this truth! I do pray that the eyes of your understanding too may be enlightened, that you may know and enjoy the riches freely given us in Christ. ...It is a wonderful thing to be really one with a risen and exalted Savior, to be a member of Christ! Think what it involves. Can Christ be rich and I poor? Can your right hand be rich and your left poor? Or your head be well fed while your body starves? ...No more can your prayers or mine be discredited if offered in the name of Jesus (i.e., not for the sake of Jesus merely, but on the ground that we are His, His members) so long as we keep within the limits of Christ's credit a tolerably wide limit! The sweetest part, ... is the rest which full identification with Christ brings. I am no longer anxious about anything, as I realize this; for He, I know, is able to carry out His will, and His will is mine. It makes no matter where He places me, or how. That is rather for Him to consider than for me; for in the easiest position He must give me His grace, and in the most difficult His grace is sufficient. ...So, if God should place me in serious perplexity, must He not give me much guidance; in positions of great difficulty, much grace; in circumstances of great pressure and trials, much strength? No fear that His resources will prove unequal to the emergency! And His resources are mine, for He is mine, and is with me and dwells in me. And since Christ has thus dwelt in my heart by faith, how happy I have been! ...I am no better than before. In a sense, I do not wish to be, nor am I striving to be. But I am dead and buried with Christ ay, and risen too! And now Christ lives in me, and "the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." ...Do not let us consider Him as far off, when God has made us one with Him, members of His very body. Nor should we look upon this experience, these truths, as for the few. They are the birthright of every child of God, and no one can dispense with them without dishonoring our Lord. The only power for deliverance from sin or for true service is Christ. And it is all so simple and practical! "But are you always conscious of this abiding in Christ?" Mr. Taylor was asked many years later. "While sleeping last night," he replied, "did I cease to abide in your home because I was unconscious of the fact? We should never be conscious of not abiding in Christ." (Taylor, Dr. and Mrs. Howard, Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret. London: China Inland Mission. 1935. pgs. 114-116).