Saturday, June 26, 2010

Torch This!

I have a lot of favorite stories in the Word. One of them is about
the time Elijah took on the 400 prophets of baal. A contest was setup
between baal and God. Altars were built to God and baal. Wood was
piled up on the baal altar. The sacrificed animals were place atop
the wood pile. The prophets proceeded to pray and yell out to baal to
consume the sacrifice with fire. They cut themselves until there was
blood all over. But baal never showed.

THEN! Elijah built his altar with 12 stones representing the tribes of
Israel. He told the prophets to pile up some wood and pour water on
it. They get pouring. I imagine Elijah kept laughing... They put
the sacrificed animal on top and Elijah prayed. The Word says,
"Immediately the fire of Godfell and burned up the offering, the wood,
the stones, the dirt, and even the water in the trench."

WAHOO! Can you imagine?! This was no campfire. This was a fire so
intense it burned up everything it touched, including the stones and
dirt! Man that was some intense fire. Don't you know Elijah had to
dancing at this spectacle. Likely, BIGGER and BETTER than he could
imagine. Don't you know the prophets of Baal got a really sick
feeling in their stomachs...

The story finishes with...

"All the people saw it happen and fell on their faces in awed worship,
exclaiming, " Godis the true God! Godis the true God!" Elijah told
them, "Grab the Baal prophets! Don't let one get away!" They grabbed
them. Elijah had them taken down to the Brook Kishon and they
massacred the lot."

There is a price to pay when going up against an angry God. I am
convinced even with the new deal of grace, this is still a price to

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, June 25, 2010

The thumbprint of Jesus....

Paula Chambers

Archie, many years ago my daughter was driving pass my brother's
house. She noticed he was in his yard doing yard work. (he lives at
the beginning of a curve) So she took her mind off driving and looking
toward him she waved. When she turned her mind back to her driving,
she ran off the road. She jerked the wheel...and from there all hell
broke loose before my brother's eyes.

He dropped his weed eater...and could only yell..."Oh God, Oh God!" as
he watched her truck flip over and over again. It slid in the center
of the road side ways gas was pouring out of the tank. He ran to her
but couldn't get her out.

A woman from the church upon hearing this in the ER rebuked him but as
for this mother...I cried and thanked him. I assured him, God
understood and filled in the blanks. Do you know people asked Who died
in the truck because it was completely totaled. As for my
daughter...she had one bruise on her looked like a
thumbprint. Praise Jesus!!!!!!!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"I prayed the believer's prayer at 6 years of age, but then what?"~priest

In today's world there is a cure for everything or at least most
things. When I was six years of age, I realized I needed Christ in my
life and I prayed asking Jesus into my heart. Over the years, I have
never forgotten the day and time I was once lost and then found. Yet
even in the consciousness of what Jesus had done for me, it was not
always what influenced my life the most. Sadly, there were times as I
grew old where there was little conscious awareness of Christ's
involvement in my life.

From a believer's perspective, I have pondered the meanings of
parables in the Word. The parable of seed falling on different types
of soil with weeds, rocks, etc. has always confused me a bit relative
to my belief that when one is saved, one is always saved. The problem
was apparent as I heard an individual pray the believer's prayer and
then live like hell. This created a major conflict for me. I still
don't have all the answers and if you think you do, you are probably
wrong. That is just the way it is, believing in a God without
limitations (although some will even argue that point).

Something I have come to believe is that when one prays the believer's
prayer, it sets the stage for an important thing to happen. Although
the stage is set, the outcome is not guaranteed as it is predicated on
the condition of the heart. The knowledge of knowing who Jesus is,
understanding what He did on the cross and rising again, then
believing by faith must be empowered by the Holy Spirit for the head
knowledge to become heart knowledge. If the knowledge and belief
never makes it to your heart, I don't think you can count on spending
eternity with Jesus Christ.

I know the thought of praying the believer's prayer and not being
saved will really stick in some people's throat who are much smarter
in theology than I. The thought of people living a life with fire
insurance and expectations of going to heaven happens to really stick
in my throat. In the letters of John, He says there are those that
profess belief but don't live the life of Christ. He calls these
people liars. He emphasizes that one must believe and live a life in
the likeness of Christ or they are not believers.

Furthermore, in James we are told that believer's are identified by
the fruit they produce. The fruit produced will be of similar variety
of the fruit produced by Christ in His lifetime. Once again, it is
not just praying a prayer, but the prayer is authenticated by the
fruit we produce which is in living a life in the image of Christ.
It is in fact evidenced by our exchanging our life for the life of

If you have read this far and still disagree, let me try an
explanation with a simple illustration. When you son hits your
daughter, you tell him to say he is sorry to his sister. Right. When
your son says he is sorry, he may be rebelliously thinking.....

"I may be saying I am sorry on the outside, but on the inside I am
ready to smack that silly grin off your face."~little johnny

It seems, just saying the believer's prayer is not enough.... If you
prayed the believer's prayer and your life does not reflect the life
of Christ, I'd seriously consider how confident you really are in your
eternal relationship with Christ.

~just sayin' and prayin'

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"David passionately loved God and he prospered in God's blessings. So might we."~priest

King David lived his life dressed for battle. It was a life to kill
or be killed. It was as if God had called him uniquely to bloody his
hands in combat such that God's chosen people would prosper. The idea
that God would bless David by the killing of others, is hard to
reconcile against the backdrop of God's incredible love.

I think the difficulty in understanding the God of the Old Testament,
is we take OT actions and apply them to a New Testament world. We
don't live in the Old Testament. Our life is given to us in the grace
of God's love found in the New Testament. The God of the OT must be
understood in light of the times He operated in. It was a time before
Jesus was sacrificed and God brought judgement and justice in real
time. "Real time" judgement is a scary thought. Fear of God was

Times have changed. I much prefer living life under God's plan of
grace and mercy. Judgement for my sin was made and placed on Jesus at
the cross. It sorrows me that my sin put Jesus there to pay the
ultimate price. But through the sorrow can be found joy, that I am
allowed to live my life without fear of "real time" judgement.
Judgement has been made. The price has been paid. I am blessed to
prosper today with a full awareness of the love God the Father has for
His children.

That is not to say I will not suffer, because the evil ones are active
in this world. But it is to say in the midst of good times and bad,
God will continue to bless His children. God will continue to be God
and I will continue to be one of His children. I am confident God is
pleased to bless His children.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Monday, June 14, 2010

Truly Choco is a Man's Best Friend

Sometimes it is easier than other times to know you are exactly in the
center of God's will. It is one of those times today.

I met a friend who has been in a wheelchair for over 50 years. His
wife passed in the recent past and he needed a little help. I had
time and volunteered to be his personal assistant. I said I would be
his legs. It is to my honor to serve in such a fashion.

My friend is in the hospital getting some care and was anxious about
his dog, Choco. His pet is being boarded elsewhere. Choco is a brown
labrador retriever and truly is my friend's best friend. His love is
obvious and strong. I stopped by Choco's boarding house and took him
out for a walk. He was constantly looking about. I am confident he
was looking for his best friend.

I took this picture and loaded it for my friend to view from his
hospital bed. He was quite pleased to see Choco and could have easily
cried for his friend's company. I was honored to be a part of such an
expression of love between a man and his best friend.

And so a new adventure begins in my life as the legs for my friend.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

First Week in Guatemala

Guest Post by Jennifer Hoines

The rain has subsided and I hear the gentle chirping of a bird outside my window.  The sudden peacefulness turns to questioning.  What is it like for those in the villages just miles from my home, living in adobe huts with dirt floors?    Three weeks ago, Guatemala was struck with three natural disasters in almost the same number of days.  Two small earthquakes preceded the eruption of the volcano Pacaya, spewing six inches of soot in a 100 mile radius closing all flights in and out of Guatemala City for almost a week.  If that we’re not enough, two days later, the first hurricane of the season dropped twenty to thirty inches of rain over the nation.  At last count 139 people are dead, many are still missing, and many more have lost their homes and crops.  A local said, “Guatemala has seen better days.”  More life loss is possible, with rainy season just starting.  Please pray for the people of Guatemala and wisdom as we serve during this time. 

Just this past week we had a team in from Michigan.  They spent two days working along side the locals, clearing large sections of mud out of their homes and school.  The impact and appreciation of the community was unlike any seen in the past.  In fact, the community worked and helped one another regardless of religious differences.  We hope this is just the beginning of things to come as more teams come in over the next weeks and months. 

While the team was in the village, I was settling into my new role here.  I opened up a bank account and started working in the clinic.  I called the nineteen students from the first training in January and invited them to our second training beginning June 21st.   Many, if not all, will be coming back.  I can’t wait to see what God does.  God is continuing to work in and through our therapy program.  

Just this week I was working with a man that severed his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed in both legs.  I had come in while the family was moving him from the wheelchair to the mat and was horrified to see them simply lifting him by the seat of his pants.  I started talking to them, and showing them, how he could learn to move himself from the chair to the mat by using his arms.  The man was horrified!  

Over the next couple of weeks, as we work together, I think both our fears will be removed as he learns how to do these transfers safely and with less help from his family.  I’ll let you know how it goes. 

Tomorrow we’ll be heading out to another village with another team.  Part of the team will be helping in repairing damaged houses and the rest of will be holding a medical clinic.  It’ll be my first experience out in the villages as part of such a team.  I can’t wait!

It’s only been a week, but I’m so grateful to be in Guatemala and living what feels like a dream.  I couldn’t do it without you!  Thank you for giving sacrificially to financially and prayerfully be part of the work God is doing in Guatemala. 



Financial gifts can be sent to: 


PO BOX 291307

Kerrville, TX

or made online at

Please include a note with my name.

Keep in touch: 

Email:  or


Blog site coming soon!

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"The guy is probably gay and I am in a hurry."~priest

Some find it awkward to tell others about their faith walk with Jesus.
I understand. I have been like that for years. Something I
discovered recently is that maybe I was trying to talk to the wrong
people. Maybe I was trying to talk to the people that I wanted to
talk with, not the ones God wanted to use me to converse with. Maybe
I was talking to those without "ears".

I went to Walmart recently. Sitting on a park bench in front was a
guy wearing a tan, cutoffs, t-shirt and a great smile. As I walked
by, he looked up and smiled at me. I thought, "probably gay and kept
walking". The funny thing is he was probably dressed exactly as I
would be, had I been sitting on a park bench. Then, you could have
thought the same thing about me. Pretty shallow of me, right? But
that is not the point...

This guy's smile was an open invitation to communicate and the bench
was wide enough for both of us. I wish I had stopped and asked him,
"Why the smile?" Chatting about God may have followed. I will never

I did my business in Walmart. Walked out and past the same guy, still
smiling and then I began thinking. God, is this the guy for me to
talk to? It became an issue of obedience for me and I turned around to
go back. He was gone.

Maybe next time, I won't be quite so dense.... another missed opportunity.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Sunday, June 6, 2010

God Spots are refreshing, encouraging and motivating.

I have a friend in the Suttles. I have been fostering their son's dog
named Spot. They have been getting situated in their new home,
following an out-of-state move. Their son has been very courageous in
missing his dog and allowing me to care for it. I can remember crying
over my dog when I was of similar age. I think the son's courage is a
huge God Spot in anyone's book.

Caring for Spot is a blessing, but the bigger blessing was hearing how
God has been working in the Suttle's life. Recently Mr. Suttle was
driving a truck in bad road conditions, both curvy and wet. The tail
end whipped around and Suttle found himself tipped over in a ditch
with a window broken out. God protected him in the crash and
motivated him to exit quick at the sound of escaping propane.
Remembering a God Spot is when God periodically authenticates His
presence, qualifies this as right bright God Spot!

The list of God Spots goes on and includes how Mr. Suttle found a job
after looking for months and Mrs Suttle having surgery with a positive
outcome. Life has been throwing challenges at the Suttles, but they
are faithful to give God the credit for seeing them through the tough

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Sometimes the Believer's Prayer is not sticky."~priest

I once thought all you had to do was get someone to pray the
"Believer's Prayer" and that was enough. The teaching is founded on
Biblical principle, but there is a problem. For some, there is no
fruit that follows the prayer. Christ says, by their fruits we will
know a believer.

I've come to believe there must be caveats to praying the prayer and
having it stick. The 1st and maybe the most important component of
the prayer is focus on Jesus. If a person is praying the Believer's
Prayer without a focus on the ONE that is doing the saving, the
stickiness of the prayer is likely impacted.

I would guess that motive comes into play, also. If one prays the
Believer's Prayer with expectation of doing magic, that is likely a

One might find it problematic to pray the Believer's Prayer resulting
from some coercive fancy speak. Fancy talking people can't draw you
to Christ. Only God can draw you to Christ. If God isn't doing the
talking, I think it likely the Believer's Prayer will not stick.

I am quick to say in all cases, I am not saying God will or will not
save. That is up to Him in the final judgement. I'm just saying from
observation, there at times appears to be a problem in praying the

Yet at other times, with God doing the talking and pulling, the
Believer's Prayer is the most beautiful of times in a person's life.
Thank you Jesus for making a difference in my life and thank you for
the stickiness of repentant heart's prayer...Amen.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"We no longer need to have a "go between" when giving a shout-out to God."~priest

I am foster care for a Jack Russell. Spot's kennel is outside on the
covered patio. It is a wire cage, he likes to sleep in as it
communicates safety to him. Last night we had a incredibly violent
thunderstorm... He ran inside his cage, but looked a bit frazzled
because it didn't provide much comfort.... I covered his cage and he
was ok with that....

The picture in my mind of Spot standing inside his cage, shivering
with fear as the wind was blowing, lightening striking and thunder
doing its thing is worthy of note. It makes me wonder what cage do I
voluntarily run to when the storms of life engage me? Why is it there
is an illusion of safety when we give up our freedom?

Surrendering our freedom takes on many forms. Nationally, our freedom
continues to be eroded and is traded for supposed safety and security.
In religion, we also surrender our freedom by placing people in
authority over us and between us and God.

When God allowed His Son to die on the cross for you and I, a free and
open channel of communication was created. We no longer need to have
a "go between" when giving a shout-out to God. Christ hears us and
interprets our thoughts. He passes them on to God the Father with a

As for the cage, it is my hope to abide in Christ and He in me. I
have no desire to live life in a cage so readily prepared by others.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"1st Day of Full Time Ministry"~priest

To my friends and family...

Today is the 1st day of my job as "Priest" in full time ministry.  The
interview process for the job was really quite short.  The Trinity was
there.  God said, "Are you available?"  I said, "Yes".  He asked if
the title of Priest was ok.  I said, "Sure".  So there you have it.
Now I just have to tell my wife.... I'm grinning.  There is not much
from me that surprises her.  She is so intuitive...

For the rest of the story: I took the rightful title of priest (with
the identity of Christ) when I was laying on the concrete floor of
Maverick county jail, looking up into the angry eyes of a Mexican
mafia type guy.  No shirt and tatoos everywhere.   From the back of
the room was a friend yelling "respecto el priesto".... as De La Garza
prepared to kick me...

On a serious note, I am beginning full time ministry as a servant of
God. I don't know exactly what that looks like or who I might be
working with, but I am available to do as God sees fit. I am excited
at the prospect of focusing my life on the life of Jesus and look
forward to the adventure with you.

Starting my ministry is really quite simple. I have already been
building relationship with you via my God Spot blog, facebook, twitter
and other social media. It is natural to just keep doing what I do
and trust God for opportunity to serve you. So as we live out live
together, let me know how I can help. I hope to be there for you.

Until we meet in person....

God bless,
archi~el priesto

PS. I leave the "e" off of archi to remind myself God is not finished.

Posted via email from Archie's Life Stream